My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 23: Class Full of Ship Couples

Chapter 23

Faced with everyone's stunned expressions, Shi Li took the initiative and suggested, "How about we take a group photo holding the banner together? I've seen it done like this on TV."

The secretary thought to himself: My dear young lady, this is an elite school, not some "Touching China" awards ceremony.

Shi Li couldn't hear the secretary's sarcastic thoughts, otherwise she would have marveled at how in sync they were.

The principal's secretary casually glanced at the wooden box, noticing a glint of gold reflecting from inside.

Then, under the secretary's wide-eyed stare, Shi Li slowly pulled out a gleaming gold medal.

The principal... well, he was a man of the world. It was just a medal, after all.

Shi Li approached Fu Huixing, intending to put the medal on him.

As she got closer, Fu Huixing could clearly see eight large characters engraved on the medal: "Stepping Forward, Pride of Qianpu School."

Fu Huixing: No, I refuse.

The school bully had never encountered anything that scared him in his life, but faced with Shi Li holding out the medal, he felt the urge to flee for the first time.

However, Shi Li wouldn't take no for an answer and hung the medal around Fu Huixing's neck.

In the end, the school bully stood there with a wooden expression, taking the most humiliating photo of his life.

As the third period was about to start, the principal said, "You two should hurry back to class now."

Shi Li didn't really want to leave. "Principal Sun, since Fu Huixing bravely helped someone in need, shouldn't the school consider giving him some kind of reward..."

Fu Huixing cut her off, saying, "No reward needed," as he led Shi Li out of the principal's office.

After they left, the principal stroked his chin and said, "Shi Li has a point. Fu Huixing's act of bravery should be held up as an exemplary deed for the school. We'll consider giving him some recognition."

Shi Li's eldest uncle nodded in agreement, "Principal Sun, you've thought it through well."

Once inside the school, it was as if someone had hit Fu Huixing's mute button; he rarely spoke.

The two walked in silence until they were nearly at the classroom door. Finally, he managed to say, "This is how you repay kindness with cruelty."

Shi Li turned to look at him in disbelief, but before she could speak, Fu Huixing pushed open the classroom door, forcing her to swallow her words.

[But I just saw the corner of his mouth turn up]

[What's with this guy?]

As Shi Li and Fu Huixing entered the classroom, the previously lively discussion immediately fell silent.

At that moment, Shi Li's inner thoughts were transmitted accurately to everyone's ears.

Fu Huixing now regretted not letting her finish speaking at the door. Now the whole class had heard her thoughts.

He knew his classmates well; they were bound to read too much into it.

Fu Huixing wasn't wrong. Just hearing Shi Li's two comments in their heads, his classmates had already conjured up a 100,000-word sweet campus romance in their minds.

A classmate sitting in the front row noticed the box Fu Huixing was trying to conceal with his clothes.

So he asked, "Bro, what's that you're holding?"

Could it be that everyone had guessed correctly? Had Shi Li's family thrown ten million at Fu Huixing to break them up?

"I was almost robbed yesterday, but luckily I ran into Huixing. Faced with two knife-wielding thieves, he remained calm and brave, taking them down in one fell swoop."

"To express my gratitude, I gave him a banner!"

So it was a hero saving a damsel in distress.

Ooh, giving gifts~

Wait, what did you say you gave him?

I can't have heard that right, can I? Everyone looked at their companions to confirm they hadn't misheard.

A banner?

Who gives a banner to someone of the opposite sex as a thank-you gift?

Shi Li wanted to show the banner to everyone she met, to express her gratitude to Fu Huixing and let more people know what a great person he was.

As the banner saw the light of day once again, Fu Huixing's eyes were filled with resignation.

The nearly thirty students in the classroom all wore the same expression as the old man looking at his phone in the subway meme.

Especially when the banner was unfurled, a thousand words condensed into one thought: If you can get a girlfriend, we'll all livestream ourselves washing our hair while doing handstands.

To express gratitude, you could buy perfume or a watch as a gift. Who gives a banner to someone of the opposite sex?

Before the classmates could clearly see the embarrassing two lines on the banner, Fu Huixing quickly put it back in the box.

Thankfully, Shi Li hadn't brought out the gold medal. That would have been too mortifying.

During class, Shi Li only managed to think about Feng Yunhe for half a day before everyone's ears returned to silence.

After school, as Shi Li walked out the gates towards her family car, Fu Huixing called out to her.

"That Brother Song you asked about yesterday... I had someone look into him. He's a small-time thug from a vocational school in East City. He might have caught wind of something because he didn't go to school today. He's probably hiding out."

"Don't worry about him running away; he'll have to go back to school eventually. As soon as he shows up, we'll know who put him up to it."

"Thank you so much. I don't know how to express my gratitude."

[Fu Huixing is such a great person]

Hearing the unabashed praise, the corner of his lips turned up slightly.

[I should make him two more banners and gold medals]

Fu Huixing: That won't be necessary

Shi Li's eldest uncle and aunt would take her to the Feng family that evening to demand an explanation.

Eldest Uncle Shi was always very busy, but he had been running around for the past two days because of Shi Li's situation.

This made Shi Li feel quite apologetic. She didn't think it was absolutely necessary to confront the female lead directly. It was all done by the male supporting characters who admired the female lead, and didn't have a direct connection to her.

As for who exactly was behind it, with so many men admiring the female lead, she might not even know herself.

Eldest Aunt Shi was very determined to go.

If Shi Li insisted on not going, it would seem ungrateful.

Bringing the whole family to confront them was also something she, as the vicious female supporting character, would do.

It wouldn't go against her character and could even help promote the relationship between the male and female leads.

Eldest Uncle had an emergency at his company and couldn't accompany Shi Li, so only Eldest Aunt went with her.

Although they were missing the heavyweight presence of her eldest uncle, Shi Li didn't feel the slightest bit nervous.

Her eldest aunt's combat ability was formidable. As long as the other side didn't resort to violence, their side would definitely not lose.

Led by her eldest aunt, Shi Li marched confidently into the Feng family villa.

The eye-catching large diamond ring on Eldest Aunt Shi's hand deterred the Feng family's servants from trying to stop them.

Feng's Mother was at a sanatorium taking care of her health, and Feng's Father was still at the company. Only the servants and Liang Rongrong were at home.

The housekeeper of the Feng Family wore a polite smile on his face. "Madam is not at home right now. May I ask if Mrs. Shi has any business with our family?"

Eldest Aunt Shi crossed her arms and raised her eyelids to look at the housekeeper opposite her.

"I'm here to reason with Liang Rongrong. And don't say that I, an adult, am bullying a child. Call your Mr. Feng and tell him to come back as soon as possible."

The Feng housekeeper hesitated a bit. The master was a workaholic who hated being disturbed while working.

Thinking about how Miss Rongrong seemed to hold a special place in the master's heart, he decided to take a chance and picked up the phone to call Feng's Father.

After receiving the call, Feng's Father didn't scold the housekeeper. He only said one sentence, "I'll be back right away. Don't let that shrew bully Rongrong."

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