My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 60: “Aunt Sun Beats Up the Pervert Who Stole Her Underwear”

Chapter 60

Shi Li's loud voice shot straight into the sky, making the students realize just how powerful her voice was.

Upon receiving a pop-up reminder, the students reached into their bags to grab baseball bats.

But Shi Li's scream interrupted those who had yet to draw their baseball bats.

A moment of uncertainty filled the room.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Oh yes, I'm supposed to get my baseball bat to beat the pervert.

But Shi Li has already summoned the strongest warrior, Auntie Sun, so it seemed they wouldn't have to lift a finger.

They glanced at each other, hoping to find a solution in their classmates' eyes.

Before they could figure out what to do, Auntie Sun's rough voice emanated from inside her house.

"Which bloody fool dares to steal my knickers!"

When looking at each other, they all discovered one thing: the baseball bats were useless.

Auntie Sun was as powerful as an army, there was no need for them to get involved.

General MacArthur from America once said: If God let him fight against Auntie Sun, he would rather attack God.

Auntie Sun's house was very close to the Duan's balcony.

Auntie Sun was woken up by the scream. Just as she wanted to curse the one who disturbed her dream, she heard what the racket was about and became fully awake.

Well, someone dared to steal her underwear!

According to her years of combat experience, you should yell before the fight to gain psychological advantage.

Without bothering to put on more clothes, she directly opened the balcony door.

The winter winds were indeed bitter.

Her hatred for the underwear thief grew, whoever it was, should just confess their affection for her directly. She wondered which old man it was.

Was it Old Li, Old Zhao, or Old Wang? She noticed many old men eyeing her when she stepped outside.

Although the baseball bats were redundant, it didn't mean they were.

A few male students rushed to the balcony, grabbed the thief who was startled by Shi Li's shout and tried to escape to another balcony.

As the male students looked up, they saw Auntie Sun on the neighbouring balcony. "Auntie, we have caught the pervert who stole your underwear. He ran from your balcony, we've got him pinned down."

"Thank you!"

"No problem, we’re neighbours. We should help each other."

The building was old, the designers hadn't considered security measures.

Auntie Sun strided over from her balcony.

Seeing Auntie Sun approaching, everyone cleared out.

When they had the pervert pinned, some colourful pieces of fabric fell out of his pocket.

The male students averted their gaze in embarrassment while Auntie Sun's anger flared when she saw what fell out.

The earlier accusation wasn't unfounded. This pervert stole her underwear, and not just underpants, but bras too.

Uncle may endure, but Auntie Sun wouldn't.

Auntie Sun wasn't like young girls who scratch and pull hair when fighting, she didn't do that.

She used the force that she had honed chopping ribs for over thirty years, hammering away relentlessly at the pervert's weak spots.

Speaking of weak spots, Auntie Sun quickly and efficiently went straight for a certain part of the pervert.

Watching Auntie Sun's action, the men present felt a phantom pain.

The bystanders could hardly bear it, let alone the man pinned under Auntie Sun and being relentlessly attacked.

He howled in pain, a sound every bit as loud as when Shi Li had just called out for Auntie Sun.

Half the people in the building were woken by Shi Li's cries, and the other half by his howls of agony.

It was the middle of the winter night and these mournful howls were specifically unnerving.

You'd think a wolf had arrived if you didn't know better.

The balcony door was wide open with a cool breeze flowing in, everyone in the living room put on their down jackets, observing the scene.

Shi Li saw the pervert being pummeled by Auntie Sun and shook his head; he couldn't help feeling sorry for him, Auntie Sun was really formidable.

You might think the guy pinned under Auntie Sun would have thought about fighting back: he was, after all, a man, and Auntie Sun was only a middle-aged woman.

If it had come down to brute force, he could easily have overpowered Auntie Sun.

But Auntie Sun was a seasoned fighter. When the guys handed him over to her, she immediately went for his weak spots, ensuring he was nearly incapacitated and in so much pain he couldn’t fight back. Only then did she really start hitting him.

And then, Auntie Sun started to show no mercy.

Fighting is like that; It's about being ruthless, after all, better you dead than me.

"You shameless person daring to steal my underwear!"

Auntie Sun rained down blows left and right.

The man's face stung from Auntie Sun's large palms smacking him, but it was nothing compared to the pain in his lower body.

The man's face hurt, but he thought, you're already at this age, I may be desperate but I wouldn't steal your underwear.

He was passing by Auntie Sun's balcony and saw the large red underwear hanging from the clothesline, but he ultimately didn't steal them.

"Let's see exactly who would dare to do something so shameless."

In fact, as soon as Auntie Sun started to beat the pervert, she realized that he was not an old or middle-aged man, but a pretty young guy.

Different age groups have different voice types.

With that, Auntie Sun grabbed the man's hair, forcing his face up to meet the gaze of the people on the balcony.

From the injuries on his face, it didn't seem Auntie Sun had hit him too hard. There were only two distinct handprints on his face.

Pervert: Only "two handprints"? Do you even speak human language?

Compared to the black and blue faces after a TV brawl, having only two palm prints really wasn't too bad.

Pervert: But you don't know that she specifically aimed at the places covered by my clothes.

The face with only two slap marks seemed fairly delicate.

Shi Li looked at the man pinned down on the balcony and found him somewhat familiar.

When she finally made out the young man's face, Auntie Sun couldn't quite keep her composure.

No matter the age or gender, nobody doesn't love beauty.

Auntie Sun had assumed the pervert would have a sneaky, rat-like look, but unexpectedly, this young man was rather handsome.

However, despite finding the young man a bit handsome, auntie Sun did not forgive his panty-stealing actions.

Residents of the neighboring apartments woke up and got dressed, trying to figure out what was going on from their balconies.

A woman poked her head out and queried, "Auntie, what's going on?"

Auntie Sun, as if having found an ally, indignantly replied, "Some pervert's been stealing underwear! You'd better check whether any bras or panties are missing from your clothesline!"

The neighbors peeping out promptly went to inspect. Those that found no items missing breathed a sigh of relief, whereas those who did were infuriated.

Most notably, the households that had discovered their daughter's clothes missing were so enraged that they were ready to roll up their sleeves and join Auntie Sun in fighting the pervert.

Auntie Sun was quite audacious, pulling out a bunch of "fabric" from the perv's down jacket pocket.

"Look at this! This bastard has stolen so much, who knows how many homes he's hit!"

Under the poor lighting of the night, the neighbors couldn't clearly see what Auntie Sun was holding, but they could guess what it was.

Their anger intensified, and the only remedy to soothe it was to thrash the pervert alongside Auntie Sun.

To ensure the safety of the teachers and students, there was a police station within the university campus.

Being college students, this was a group that was relatively easy to manage, seldom requiring the police to intervene.

Even frequent incidents of food delivery theft were resolved through the campus security; there was hardly ever a need for the police to step in.

But at this moment, everyone was able to see the advantage of having a nearby police station.

Just a few minutes of walking could get you to the station.

The on-duty officer at the police station was just about to nod off, when suddenly a group of people stormed in.

Yes, a whole group of them.

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