My Last Hunt

Chapter 163: Quest For Three Stones (14)

Chapter 163: Quest For Three Stones (14)

Quest For Three Stones (14)


Qiao was yet to sleep in deep slumber when he felt someone around. First he thought that perhaps another uninvited monster was ready to appear but then the aura was very soft to be concerned a beastly one. He kept his eyes close intentionally; it was better to get robbed once instead living in ignorance, thinking this he let the one come close. He wanted to know which one of the two was bearing bad intentions against him. Lowa brought her hand closer to his chest and carefully probed the upper fleece; there was nothing, then he hand slipped inside the second fleece. 

The stone of charm was said to place at near the heart for better effects and she was also searching it around the chest. For few moments it was fine but when she shamelessly started to touch his bare chest; Qiao opened his eyes glaring seriously. His strong grip held her wrist and moved a bit making her fell on the ground, "What were you doing?" his solemn voice resounded in her ears and Lowa was scared to open her eyes despite her wrist being hurt by him. 

Wuza was all the time seeing the development but when it turned a somewhat awkward situation; he voiced from the distance, "I am sure miss Lowa was not up to something bad." Qiao blinked because the tone was actually teasing. "If she is not up to something bad then why she bothered to search my fleece; she was definitely trying to rob the stone of Opus." Qiao sounded clear head about her intentions. And it was quite clear from her actions too so he has no doubt about it. 

"Brother; she does not seems interested in the stone but men's logic." Saying this Wuza turned his back at them. His tone was still the same and it was enough to jolt Lowa from her senses. She understood the meaning behind this tone; this blood hunter was taking her someone who was trying to intimate with the hunter. "Shut your wild imaginations you blood sucker." She was literally fuming now. To think that her actions would completely destroy her image in front of them; she was slightly trembling. If she could; she might have pounced like a monster and tear apart this blood hunter, it was the peak of her anger at this moment and Qiao felt how angry she was if not him holding her wrist forcefully Lowa might really have leapt toward the blood hunter.

From her reaction; anyone could tell she was not the type of girl to seduce just to get benefits from stronger hunters. Then why she was doing weird actions; now it was clear that she was trying to rob off his stone of Opus.

"You were doing it to rob me off my Opus stone?" Qiao seriously asked. If she was really up to robbing then he would not go her easily. "Who need your Opus?" Lowa turned her head away furiously.

"Let go off me." she was struggling to set free her wrist and Qiao grabbed it more firmly. "I won't until you tell your purpose. You are hiding something, tell me what is it?" He shook her arm and it almost staggered her whole being. "You are talking to a girl; learn first how to behave." this time her tone turned feeble.

She might have cried if Qiao was slightly moved by her shaking stature but he was only forcing her to tell the truth. Qiao heard and finally loosened his grip from her wrist. "Why you wanted to rob opus?" he took deep breath and asked calmly this time. "I said I was not looking for opus." Lowa lowered her head and spoke firmly. She was regretting the time she chose to search his fleece. Now it made her standing like a criminal.

"Then what is it you were looking for?" Qiao shook his head and sat on the ground near her. 'The huntress was slowly getting nasty or it was him who was unable to comprehend the situation' he was in dilemma and thinking the reason behind it.

It was true that he was tired and wanted rest badly perhaps this was the reason that he was stern at some simple situation. "I was searching for the stone of charm." Lowa kept her head lowered and spoke little hesitating. For this stone she dared to come close a hunter to this extent and in return she was being suspected as bad girl. "What use you have for this charm stone other than forming influence on others while it can be more beneficial for me. If you want to trade it then I am willing to exchange with equal amount of stones." She explained in one go.

Qiao was speechless; since when did he possess such stone? "I don't know what is stone of charm and I don't possess it seriously." Qiao raised his hands up and sincerely spoke. Until now Wuza also came near to listen their conversation and mediate if needed. "You are mistaken." Qiao sighed. "You are clearly emanating the aura of charm; this means you possess the stone of charm." Lowa her finger at him firmly as if she was hundred percent sure of her perception. And knew that this hunter was trying to hide the fact from her.

Qiao thought about all the possible stones which he collected from various monsters and then asked. "Tell any of the specifications of the stone of charm." he cannot be clear unless she tell some characteristics of the stone. "This stone must be of level five peak monster with a green dot inside the crystal stone." Lowa explained how the stone looks like.

"Ah, I have none of such stone and you have to believe my words if not then I cannot do anything about it." Qiao shook his head. He does not possess such a stone until now. Lowa was scrutinizing him from the very moment and his words do not carry any vibe which could be called as ingenious. Lowa heard and fell in thoughts whether to believe him or not. There was no way that he should hide from her especially when she has proposed a better price. There was another reason; why would he hide it from her if he really possess the stone, he might have shown it at least for once after her constantly insisting. The hunter has nothing to fear from her so there was close to zero chance that he was worried to expose it.

"It might be the charm of brother Qiao; miss think it once." Wuza finally found a chance to speak up his fabulous idea. This idea which was lingering in his head from the very beginning. Qiao and Lowa looked toward blood hunter agape. They were were blinking as if they were not expecting such a thing. "Wuza, we are hunters of monsters so we should not wander our thoughts unnecessarily else those thoughts would definitely hinder our hunting." Qiao sounded as if preaching some values.

"I am sorry: It was my mistake to think that you possess a stone of charm." Lowa was still feeling the aura because she was unable to go against his words despite the fact that she needed the stone badly. But the words of blood hunter were resounding in her head now. She might have shook away those words but what else can there be an explanation for this? She was forced to sneak toward the young hunter.

He was extremely handsome of all the hunters she has seen until now. He was quite different in nature too which if she consider without any discrimination then he has quite agreeable nature with strong rules to follow. Who does follow rules in the world of hunting monsters and killing beast, close to none? Until now she has witnessed much to form a general idea about the hunting world.

All those who promised to venture on this path have dreams to reach the rank of Hunter King and they could trample all kinds of mouth spoken rules with ease. This was the normal concept and here this young hunter let her grab experience points after injuring a monster just because she was here. Lowa shook her thoughts away because she was not supposed to think about his charm; she was venturing to become stronger and if possible become Hunter King. There was a normal concept that a woman cannot reach the rank and it was true that none of the huntress reached this rank in last ten centuries.

The reasons can differ but it was truth.

Lowa walked away and sat on the ground, disappointment was pasted on her face. 'It seems I have to cross the pools of blood to reach Hightown' her resolute voice was evident that she no more want to find the so-called stone of charm. What benefit it could provide her if she herself was weak willed.

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