My Last Hunt

Chapter 200: Journey

Chapter 200: Journey


It would take time and they could expect anything unanticipated as warned by the receptionist. If the happened to cross some densely packed area where monster were occasionally wandering or hibernating then chaos would fell from sky. They were not the only one traveling toward the Hightown. Many guilds had given permission to their capable hunters especially in this season; it was a pity that the undertakings go against their calculations. The Middletown path took the longer time than expected because of the accumulating snow and the continuous snowfall. Their feet were digging in the freshly piled snow every now and then. 

The sixth exit was named after an elder who first designed it for the population and the hunters of the Middletown 'Fenfen exit' it was to distinguish the boundary between the Middletown and the Vaga Hillocks. Roughly it was not part of any island of the Middletown nonetheless it created a winding path toward the Angry Dales. Angry Dales was the only path to cross the Volcanic Territory and at the other side of the Volcanic Territory comes the boundary of the Hightown. Those three marks up were the hindrance for the population or the hunters from the Middletown or the Azzura Continent to walk past and then reach the Hightown. 

All other continents have their own chaotic lands to cross and then reach the Hightown. Orey Continent differ in this aspect; hence the association was too indolent subsequently they created most appropriate path for their hunters to reach the Hightown; this means those hunters less likely face the chaotic lands compared to the others. They chose longer path then again the safest one. Being at the second place in population; Azzura Continent hosted and nurtured larger number of hunters for the Hightown. The more they have representatives in the main stream the better their reputation. 

Qiao spread the map when he was trying to understand the route from sixth exit toward the Hightown. "Now we are here" he pointed at the mark of the map and then moved his finger toward the Vaga Hillocks winding paths. There were several paths actually but only three were carved with the blue lines; the other paths were marked with black and red lines respectively. The blue seemed the choice for the hunters while the red and black meant danger or the levels of danger. "I cannot tell how long it need to reach at the end of the Vaga Hillocks or what type of circumstances would hinder us however this is the point from where the journey is going to begin." Qiao gestured where they were present at this moment and spoke. 

"Is it possible that there are other hunters walking the same paths around us?" Lowa asked in a moment of stunned. "I am sure there must be many taking the same paths hence we need to remain cautious and careful." Qiao answered without looking at her. Not just the words of the receptionist were echoing in his head but the actual place was presenting a plot of vagabonds closing distance and doing all types of crimes during this journey. 

The journey was not utterly guarded and the hunters were free to act according to their natures and instincts. With the years of hunting and constant competition; most of the hunters put away the humanity thing at the back of their minds; the only priority was to level up and become Hunter King. They could follow the rules under the lookout or the territory of their continents but not in the veteran areas. Most of them chase others for the sake of venting out their previous grudges or snatching some wealth. 

Vaga Hillocks was considered best place for settling grudges for the reason that no one can claim to see any crime and become an eyewitness hence follow the case in the Hightown. Who would want an unwanted eyesore to disturb the level up missions in the Hightown? Of course no one would be willing to drag himself in such mess. All those who have courage to cross the Vaga Hillocks were brutal and ruthless against whoever tried to come for trouble. This said the weaklings cannot survive alone journey. 

Qiao might have crossed this path alone if he had not been generous in giving chance to both enthusiastic hunters for different reason. "Brother Hunter if this bag of blood meal emptied out how we'll find monster?" Wuza asked his utmost serious question. "Can you see the places in distance?" Qiao pointed his hand toward the winding Hillocks after knowing his concern. "There is uneven bare ground at most part in front of us as far as I could see." Wuza answered. "Despite it being the winter; the ground is pretty normal and the wind which actually should be cold is normal or little warm; do you know the reason?" Qiao observed and asked. 

"I don't know brother hunter." Wuza could not understand what relation both things meant. "This is a sign that they stronger monsters are hibernating under the ground or inside the hills and caves. It implies that the monsters are in abundant here." Qiao shook his shoulders concluding the conversation. "That's great then" Wuza excitedly voiced. He filled the buckskin bag during their journey from the Guild toward the sixth exit in addition he also filled his stomach after storing the blood. He seemed thoughtful about his health. 

Trio moved forward following the rough direction. The uneven ground made it little hard to fast forward the travel. Moreover they needed to be cautious not to end up right in front of a monster or step over some hidden one. The sky was filled with clouds on the other hand the ground was emitting warmth; one of the rarest phenomena which Qiao ever witnessed. It captured the attention of the blood hunter and the huntress; both were looking at it curiously comparing the clouds of winter and the warm ground. The monsters emit excessive heat during hibernation and it was a way of level up too. 

They avail the chances of winter season to level up fast. "If there is a hole on the ground then you should not place your feet on it." Qiao reminded them. He learned it from Shiguan the previous team leader. This was the most common trait which a hunter should know when he decides to travel anywhere in the winter season. It would save him from confronting half of the troubles. Else whoever wished to call trouble; he was most welcomed to try it out. "I understood." Lowa critically looked at the ground and stopped herself from staring the winter clouds in the sky. 

After some distance; they could sense the presence of some other hunters walking with almost the same pace. They sure were minding their own business to clear the journey. It was intentional sometimes to cross path with another hunter; the Vaga Hillocks was vast area with uneven hills so it was unlikely for a hunter to spot other hunter easily unless the one wanted to create ruckus. 

"There are hunters around; should I cover my face?" Wuza asked Qiao in a low tone. He did not want to bring trouble for brother hunter during journey. "It would be better." Qiao answered brief. Though there was not apparent threat but if the hunters happened to notice or some create trouble then the actions of this covered face hunter would bring warning for them out of the blue. They cannot tell or sense whether he was a blood hunter or not; they would only take him as stronger hunter except they happened to see his face and get curious. Wuza covered his face carefully and they kept walking silently. At the other side of the hill at their left hand was a band of four huntresses who joined hands to cross this journey. 

At the right side; the uneven ground and the bare trees were present. Drizzling started after some time; the small raindrops fell on the ground and created smoke in result. It was such a great sight to look at. Not all the places caused the same effects however it seemed much collaborated with each other. There was a saying in the advanced world; if a girl was exceptional beauty and excessively lush from appearance then she should be labeled as the danger reaper. 'Beauty brings troubles for the fools' the saying has lot broad implementation not just limited to a female beauty but the present beauty of the Vaga Hillocks too. 

It can be blessing for those who were cautious enough though. "This smoke means that inside the same place some monster is exhaling warm breaths." Qiao smartly imparted them the veracity of the sight. "Now I got it; I was thinking it to be the raindrops were burning the ground." Wuza chuckled. "It is best ever decision that I chose to leave my den from the Orey continent." He was very happy and so do the huntress but she was showing her enthusiasm for the fear of offending the young hunter. 

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