My Last Hunt

Chapter 202: Journey (3)

Chapter 202: Journey (3)

Journey (3)

The monster appeared and ruined the supposed event. Qiao and Wuza were also following behind. They could see the girl was standing like a culprit. Lowa was waiting for them to appear in hope that they would not abandon her in the middle of chaos and according to previous experiences the young man has different nature so he would come to save her. Well a strong depending hope was flickering in her heart. "Do we need to hunt this monster before killing this foolish girl?" a huntress asked to confirm whether they should get ready for the hunting collaboration. 

"The monster is not the lone trouble." The leading huntress looked at the direction and spotted two hunters coming their way. These huntresses were surrounding and standing at one side while Qiao and Wuza were on the other side of the monster. "What we are going to do and what is the intention of these hunters?" the huntress asked puzzled. "I think we should ask whether they are after the monster?" the leading huntress did not want to battle with other hunters at the beginning of the journey; she was ready to talk over this issue. If they were after the monster then there was no need to mess with them. 

"Get her here and we'll leave." Qiao spoke lazily when he saw Lowa at the mercy of those huntresses from afar. He could see their expressions and happened to notice the pointed sword before the monster reached near them. It was order from brother hunter so Wuza could not deny. He rushed and in a blink of an eye grabbed Lowa and came back with the same pace. The huntresses felt that a gust of wind walked past them however taking the foolish girl along. It was strange and alarming at the same time.

"Don't lost your focus again during journey." Qiao spoke unbothered and warned her. The leading huntress was level five and could easily hear the hunter's words. She was stunned that the girl was actually belonged to their team and how on planet the hunter could take her like this. According to her information level five hunters though step on a whole new level of strength still they cannot match with the pace of level seven hunters. They could leap and carry the pace faster but not matching with the third grade skill. "Does that means?" the huntress probed. 

Before she could decide what to do; the monster used its front leg to bring them into senses by a severe hit. The monster spotted the girl with these huntresses and it assumed that perhaps these huntresses intentionally caused ruckus to disturb its slumber. The huntress immediately understood and stepped back to save herself. "The monster is going to attack us." She warned other huntresses. The leading huntress wanted to stop the trio but the pity that the dumb monster was taking them as the culprit while the real culprits were running away. "I will follow up them after getting rid this monster." The leading huntress diverted her attention toward monster. 

She could not digest that the other team brought trouble for them at the very beginning of their journey. The trio offended her pride too. They were dragged to face the monster despite the fact that they were not the harbinger. But for now; there was no choice and hunt else the monster would trample them with the rage. All the huntresses were angry at this point and resolved to search the trio and then tell them their place especially the foolish girl needed a strong lesson of life. 

"Are they following us?" Qiao asked from Wuza. "I don't think they can right now." Wuza answered seeing them got busy with the hunt. Qiao did not stop and kept his pace forward. Lowa was silent. She was the reason for this mess. Wuza heard and told what the huntress determined and it increased her worry. It means they will be constantly chased. Lowa firmly decided to never look back after reaching the Hightown; it might bring round of troubles for the hunter. 'Better to become stronger and mind her own business and if she has enough level up; return back the favors of this hunter in the future' Lowa resolved in her head. 

Qiao noticed her silence and shook his head. They were in the Vaga Hillocks and made the first row of enemies; who knows how many were going to be added in the list until the end of journey. There was a saying in the advanced, 'A righteous person was determined after the numbers of his haters' considering that right words and decisions most likely face the hatred of others. But it was not all the way truth. Most definitely if a person was leading; he would have to face the consequences or enemies. 

As the saying goes; 'heroes are always sought after by the enemies' so it was acceptable if his list of enemies was increasing instead it was sign that his level up was unbothered with their numbers. "Brother if this went on; I am afraid that the enemies might surround us." Wuza asked concerned. "Your concern is valid; however don't get distracted with this concern when the time hit us; you will see the brutal side of this brother hunter." Qiao chuckled. He still remembered how ruthlessly he eradicated the whole team because they were after his life seriously. 

And he did not take the consequences on his heart; the guild kicked him out despite knowing that he was not the one to initiate the battle. He was able to enroll in the Starglow guild right next day. The smoke was rising from the ground and they were zigzagging between the neutral pieces of the ground to keep the pace steady. "As for Lowa; you need to level up before reaching Middletown; do you remember?" Qiao voiced and brought her out from her thoughts. "Indeed." Lowa answered as if speaking from the lowest part of the water well. 

Qiao was about to lightly smile at her answer nevertheless his eyes fell at the two hunters and he stopped immediately. They were the two snatchers whom Qiao hated the most. Well actually they were not snatchers but opportunists. This made him resolve to kill them else he might regret in future. "Wuza take Lowa away for some time; I have something important to deal with." Qiao firmly spoke. His shapeless weapon was in his hand and it was level six. There was a sword on his back; this means he could use both weapons at the same time. 

The hunters also spotted him when he leapt toward them in a hurry. They looked at the young hunter and rubbed their eyes to make believe that it was the same young zero back then. "Iego is this the same zero or my eyes playing fool?" one of them asked the other with disbelieve. "Stop playing ignorant; he is already charging toward us." The other hunter answered stern. He picked his sword in his hand and got ready though he was still in dilemma to think that a zero suddenly became hero. As far as they know; they never witnesses someone leveling up this fast; not the fated one too. 

"What method this young man picked to level up?" the first hunter was still puzzled. They were struggling from many years and finally managed to reach level five. "He sure did remember us." The second hunter snickered. "I did." This time Qiao answered since he heard his words. "Young man; it will be your worst journey ever and I will make sure that you don't survive this time." The second hunter glared. They appearance did not change much in the previous two and half month. Perhaps they did not bother to spend on fleeces. 

With the several years' experience and constantly offending others; both had developed liking to act impudent on their will. "Wish you had ignored our existence but alas young hunters remain fool their entire life." The hunter snickered. Wuza took the girl with him and hid behind a rock. He was looking toward the progress. Lowa was also sneaking. Qiao was standing now in front of two level five hunters and they seemed well experienced too. "I am not a man of words." Qiao gritted his teeth. "We are also eager to kill you." The second hunter snickered and jumped with the sword. 

He was very confident that no matter if the young hunter reached the level five still he cannot battle with two level five hunters. Qiao does have idea that if he decided to battle with them then he should not kill them with the direct attack. It would cause an unprecedented harm to his level. So he needed to trap them and then let the circumstances kill them. This way he would be saved from tainting his hands with blood and also would get rid the presence of such scums. 

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