My Last Hunt

Chapter 205: Journey (6)

Chapter 205: Journey (6)

Journey (6)

Lowa who was sneaking from behind the rock could not understand the secret behind such battle on first hand. Anyone witnessing the scenario could guess the situation and the strange choices of the young hunter. Then she suddenly remembered what it was. She had forgotten one of the gravest pieces of advice from her mother. Every level five hunter should avoid fatal attacks from another hunter in all cases. The way young hunter was running and rushing seemed like calculated and well thought out. So there was no reason for her to misunderstand it anymore. He was taking revenge of some long lost grudge nevertheless slightly chaotic for the enemy. 

The attack of a monster at level five was bearable and the human body could stand it as long as the hunter was not letting the monster directly attack. As for the concern of an attack of another hunter of the same level; it was similar to nature against nature which can be more fatal if compared because the hunters can follow all the tactics of the opponent against him. For example if a mountain clash against the other mountain then both meant to face the consequences. Monsters slowly get the levels of consciousness and intellect while humans get tainted with greed with the advancement. 

Whichever let loose the weakness would have to pay the price. Lowa understood what was going on and what will be the end of this rush. Until now she has clear understanding of the intellect level of the young hunter and how rationally he defeats his enemies be it visible or invisible. She folded her arm because she was waiting and hiding while the continuous drizzling draped her fleece cover wet. If she happened to walk fast for the journey then the weather might not have bothered her. 

Wuza looked at her twitching his brows. "Do you need my fleece?" he asked casually. "Indeed." She nodded her head and he hand it over to her. With the time he was learning how the brother hunter reacts of different matters and situations. It enlightened his horizon and way of thinking. He could feel that showing extra hatred or worse reactions never buy any good. Instead it created troubles at first hand along with harm. Lowa picked the fleece and wore; this fleece was unique instead of absorbing the drizzling the tiny drops of water were rolling down on the ground. 

The hunter was chasing behind; he barely could withstand such humiliation in the entire life. Qiao could see that he was nearing toward the next fleapit. He was about to use the same method. The hunter this time though mad enough but he could notice that the second fleapit was coming to his way and he knew that the young hunter would try the same method so he was alert this time. He would not slip and jump the same way. Since Qiao was observing from all the critical aspects; how could it skip his observation? 

The hunter might be sharp and he must have screwed many hunters until now however probably forgot that there was always someone sharper than the expectations and he could screw despite him being experienced. It all depended on the capability of the pursuer. This time the hunter caught up by the equal opponent nonetheless he was not ready to believe it. His fate was not depending on the fact whether he would believe it or not; time can only decide the outcome and any sensible human can tell the fate by mere glances. Sometimes the impending death did not shout out for the human to prepare for escape; it would be sudden and unexpected. 

Qiao jumped from the fleapit throwing something inside. The hunter could not see this action. When Qiao was forcefully brought in this world he was wearing his university bag with the secret powder which he bought after saving. He wanted to return back some favor to the gym guy the next day with this powder. This was prickling powder bought from uncertified store. It was meant to irritate the skin when applied. Qiao was very happy after buying it and imagined how the gym guy would itch in the whole university after Qiao sprinkled it on his back. 

But then something unexpected happened and he was dragged in this world; along with hunting he kept the bag safe and all the items placed in it. He was stilling using his water bottle but not in front of other hunters to avoid their suspicious questions. Now that the events led him to use this powder he wanted to test the words of the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper insisted that this powder was extremely reliable for the certain purpose. Qiao threw small amount of powder in the fleapit to see the results. 

The hunter saw him jumping and he followed with enthusiasm. The powder scattered on the damp body of the monster and it immediately roared ripping apart the ground. The hunter was jumping over the fleapit at this moment and he gets caught by the monster suddenly. Qiao did not look back instead ran away from the danger. He can already predict the outcome so there was no need to confirm it. The monster grabbed the hunter; it was howling to no end. The powder was extremely effective and the body of the monster itching all over. The monster trampled the hunter first and then started to roll on the ground. 

The screams of the hunter were echoing and mixing in the roars of the monster. Those walking near and far heard and distanced to avoid the conflict; the bloodcurdling screams were a sign that perhaps the monster was seriously offending and hunter would definitely lose his life. They were instead questioning the dumbness of the hunter who bothered the monster during this journey. Mostly hunters avoid such conflicts because they did not want to get perish in the Vaga Hillocks; the first hike of the journey. 

Qiao ran toward the rocky hideout. He was using his skill of observation all this while and got little tired. The observation worked like a zooming camera not skipping the moment details of surrounding as well as the opponent. In the advanced world there were some people who were blessed with sharp sixth sense while in this world it was called a skill and can only be tempered with leveling up. Qiao has learned with the time and now it proved its worth. "Brother Hunter" Wuza voiced. Qiao gestured him to keep quite. His voice could attract the unwanted attention. 

The monster was still roaring however the screams of the hunter died down long ago. Qiao stood against the rock and looked toward the direction where the monster was facing trouble. It was not sightly to witness hence his eyes glanced the surrounding. There were few hunters near and far. They were listening the roaring but dared not to appear there. "We will change the path slightly to avoid the monster and carry the journey." Qiao spread the map to see where they were at this point. According to the map; they were fifty miles away from the exit of the Middletown, this means they had not covered much distance yet. 

"Brother Hunter; you should rest for a while first." Wuza spoke. "We can't stay longer. If I am not wrong then the huntresses who were offended must have been searching us." Qiao told in hoarse voice. Lowa heard and got worried. She completely forgot that she had offended the huntresses but how this young man was confident that they would search them? Were not they supposed to carry the journey and then grab a chance in the future to settle the grudge? How come immediately deciding for revenge? Unless

Lowa was standing agape now. All nightmares accumulated to frighten her when she thought about it; if the monster caused them damage then they would not forgive her and from the words of the young man it was apparent that they might have faced worse. Her mistake was coming back to her and there was no way to escape. Lowa held the upper fleece with force thinking how she should stop them from bothering the other two Qiao and Wuza. She did the wrong so she should face the consequences too. It was her habit that she never kept the grievances and return back the harm however if she had something wrong then she should not run and hide from the consequences. 

"Stop brainstorming. Do you think this world is such fair and reasonable?" Qiao spoke to interrupt her train of thoughts. He knew how the brain of this pampered girl works. She was thinking some stupid things most definitely and it was him who would stop her from acting on those thoughts. "What should I do then?" Lowa voiced guilty. "First of all; look at yourself and reflect your present condition then think how you would explain things to your uncle in the Hightown." Qiao pointed toward where they were heading now. 

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