My Last Hunt

Chapter 222: Journey (23)

Chapter 222: Journey (23)

Journey (23)

What is lazier than snail and faster than light?

The pleasantly fresh surrounding was adding charm. Trio walked very carefully. The place was unknown and they were travelers better not to wake up the dangers and get caught in; just pass by. Qiao surveyed the map but after several glances he was unable to tell that the same landmarks still exist for guiding them the right path toward the third island. Their first and foremost priority was to travel toward the third island and then reach the Hightown's entrance. What they need for such simple way forward? Of course right path but the confusing landmarks made the map useless at least for now. 

"So this is the island the senior pointed." Qiao sighed. For him the concept of changing landmarks was newfangled because it was impossible unless the earthquake seriously damage the mountainous areas and the rocks starts slipping smashing against the others by rolling from the top; causing the normal life get screwed like plummeting the population and the human facilities however it can only be witnessed once in hundred years not spanning over the wider area usually. The Angry Dales differ in this aspect. Its ground plates change locations at any moment so every living in this island especially takes care of this phenomenon at their best. 

"Perhaps the Nest could guide?" thinking this Qiao observed where they could locate the Nest. It was marked on the map but they have to search it. "I am not sure however we should keep moving; there will be one out of two things waiting. The first we might eventually reach the boundary line of this island or we might end up in front of Nest." Qiao took deep breath which was fresh and pleasing for his lungs. The air was flapping their clothes and hair. 

"This means another adventure is waiting us." Wuza added. Qiao tilted his head and smiled, "Do you know what is lazier than snail and faster than light?" his head was constantly storming as to what method could least take his time for crossing the island. His deadline was four days despite all the unseen and unexpected dangers waiting in the way. The force was simple; if he cannot follow the time then he should consider himself failed already. The time and every step were precious. The necessary was to keep the journey going and not get fazed by the brain telling about the unexpected. 

It was part of human instincts to get scared by the unseen dangers beforehand. Wuza heard the question and scratched his hair. He was not acquainted with the snail much less to tell the difference between both light and snail then comes the third missing monster. The truth was that he never witnessed the light running because simply the light spread and not run. It was simple yet the brother hunter not only messed the question instead he seemed very familiar with it. Qiao was aware of the ongoing brain struggle of the blood hunter. "It is not that I am your blood mentor and will throw you out of the clan if you did not put the right answer." 

Qiao chuckled briefly. It was brief yet bright. "Oh brother hunter can also smile." Wuza lively spoke. It was long time that he had forgotten whether the hunter knew how to smile or not. "It is the perception. At times it is the laziest of all things and in times faster than the light. So it is going to guide where we will be going forward." Qiao has not much time to explain everything and it was not that these two would spread rumors about his weird questions and then strange answers. 

It was not that the whole world was filled with selfish, brutal or insincere people; after spending some time he could tell the natures of the both the huntress and the blood hunter. In fact they were among those who never forget the favor and always wished to payback if they could. Lowa was silently listening; there were not visible expressions that could be deciphered. The problem was that though not often however once or twice her mother huntress also spoke the same just like this young hunter. It seemed this young hunter has already reached the thought level similar of a level seven hunter. 

Qiao was following his perception and it was not that the perception always led toward mess. For now the choice was limited, sigh. The air drifted its fullest. It was slapping the meadows right on face yet the meadows seemed not much concerned. The normal fields might collapse facing such stormy wind bringing food shortage for the poor souls. The difference can be seen. Qiao could imagine the wheat and rice crops might fell on ground damaging most part of harvests. 

Here he was not feeling hungry much less to worry about harvests. They walked through the meadows which were thick and lavish green. Perhaps the water underneath was much beneficial for the meadows to grow up smooth. "Be careful; we don't know the temper of the monsters living in this island." Qiao as usual reminded them. Lowa carefully examined the ground which was perfectly smooth and normal; it was strange how the ground suddenly can relocate the ground plates? Only after witnessing with her own eyes could let her see whether it was truth or just warning?

She returned the sword and now following the hunters. Wuza was sensing critically to not miss any movement in the surrounding. They were surrounded with the huge meadows and the landmark were nowhere to be seen. Some occasional rocks scattered was a sign that there would be taller mountains somewhere. As for now they were cautious. The Nest was marked on the north and for sure it won't be there anymore keeping in mind that the ground must have dislocated many times. The truth about the Angry Dales was odd. When all the seven continents were facing winter season; it was spring for the Angry Dales. 

It was simple. The normal seasons were much hard for the Angry Dales for the reason that the Angry Dales was the nearest island with boundary line existing shoulder length near the Volcanic Island. When it was winter for whole world; the extremely hot air skipping from the Volcanoes was not much hurting the Angry Dales causing the island look lavishly green. The drifting air was actually coming from the Volcanic Territory however it was not as scalding as it happened to be in other months. Since the air was not scalding so it was greenery here as for the rest of the year Angry Dales looked angry indeed with dead bushes and frantic monsters. 

The reason behind the peaceful surrounding was obvious now. "Oh it is not stream." Qiao stopped because water was accumulated in front. He used his sword and the ground plate was not there in place. Perhaps during dislocation and relocation this part of ground collapsed. It would repair when the phenomenon occurred again. It was natural for some of the ground plates to get ignored in the big picture. "Turn around; I don't think jumping from it would be wise." Qiao stepped back to walk along. 

"Ah I was not looking on the ground until now." Wuza exclaimed with horror. He was following footsteps believing the eyes of the two walking ahead of him. "Then start it now; a sliver of change can be a sign of danger." Qiao grimly warned. "Alright" Wuza replied promptly. The Nest was built on the mountain. It was the sole mountain which was not broken in parts and always the whole ground plates move along saving the overall structure of the mountain. So the hunters were here for the time being. 

Choosing this mountain was beneficial. First of all the monsters cannot come often since the senior team was here and the monsters were aware secondly the structure of the mountain saves them from the harsh air drift. The mountain was not small; it could easily accommodate few hundred monsters. The Nest was created as a bridge between three islands for the norm of the traveling hunters. It could render help if anyone come seeking. 

The team was also responsible to tell the changes happening in this island. Angry Dales was only source of journey between two islands and for the hunters of the Middletown to reach the Hightown. 

These all necessities led the Hightown bring the Nest into existence in the Angry Dales. In case the island failed in relocating the ground plates and collapse; the Hightown should be aware of this incident and the reasons. How much damage it could create for the other islands and how the Hightown could create another pathway for the travelers. The Middletown would constantly send the hunters toward Hightown but without a path they will remain stranded. 

There were endless amount of concerns for the Hightown while the elders and Rank Masters were sighing helplessly. 

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