My Last Hunt

Chapter 230: Journey (31)

Chapter 230: Journey (31)

Journey (31)

The scalding heat and the travelers

The Volcanic Territory is factual hell

They cannot stop the journey or rant over the tough circumstances. It was what it could be and they cannot change. The Hightown has no other path which it could clear for the travelers. The other parts nearing Middletown were surrounded with water. There was not a chance for the geographical settings to change very time soon. So in the end it was what they could get. This was also the reason why the hunters of the Middletown were strictly order to start their journey after reaching level five peak as for Qiao was concern he appeared exception. 

"Taking a circular path won't help much however taking a direct path could bring trouble. The sideways can let us have minimum space for walking while the direct pathway is unpredictable. I cannot tell if the scattered ashes are hot or cold. The round path would take time though it worth so I will take this round path." Qiao concluded after brain storming at the various points on the map. According to the map most of the places were either active or under the impulse of the active lava. So these should not be neglected. He could bear with the delay however losing life cannot be taken granted. 

His intentional decision can go right or turn wrong. In this scalding heat if they could save their skin then it would be big achievement. There were only few places in the seven continents that have such intense circumstances. The Hightown let them as it is without bothering with the natural geography. Only the Volcanic Territory comes in the way of the hunters. Qiao was leading them. The previous sky filled with clouds was nowhere. Here they could only see the dense and crimson sky which seemed angry in one glance. 

The scalding hot hair brushed past them as unusual. Lowa held a part of her fleece against the direct heat. Wuza was already careful as well as worried. He never thought that such a place would ever falter his determination. Few parts of his face skin started to get dry. This dryness caused his skin tightened. His veins on the jawlines shrank back. These veins mostly remained popped with spirit of the life. He was feeling the effects and wished that he could earlier walk through this island. He did not talk much instead kept following behind brother hunter. 

Initially Lowa was not affected much however after they entered the territory for the travel; the intense circumstances started showing its deadly weather. She cannot complain about anything when everyone was facing the same. Their throat went dry soon and then they were unable to talk much. Who could have thought that they would be forced to feel thirsty during the journey? At least Qiao did not anticipate it. He was speechless even if he blamed the receptionist who gave the map and did not tell the precaution about the third island; his complain would go to waste since he was here already. 

At this moment they were crossing from near a small volcano. Fortunately it was not active or spilling the lava out as they could see the other big mountains vomiting out the thick fire. If they happened to be normal humans they have turned into ashes until now. Being level five meant much and they were seeing the proof with their own eyes at least Qiao who only thought that the level up gave him mere bodily strength. Not just the heat but the spreading gases cannot be taken inside the lungs without dying. The death awaits whoever inhale the air from such a tenancy. 

The blood hunters naturally cannot bear the direct fire. The blood running in their veins was mix of variation. It reduced their potential against the direct burst of fire. A different type of fire already burn inside them so if exposed in front of external sources then the clash would not go well. He was still strong with the fact despite being a very young blood hunter he was surviving and signs were evident that he would not accept defeat until he reached the Hightown. 

The small rocky mountain let out scalding hot wind toward them. Lowa held her breath. She was hungry after reaching third island however the circumstances here were insane and now the situation turned worse. Her already dry tongue was unable to move on the lips and save them from turning into dry leaves. It was just an hour ago that they set on the path and the visible changes came so soon. She wished the journey end soon. The previous enthusiasm of reaching the Hightown died and now the only hope was staggering whether she would be able to cross this island alive. 

One or two big mountains unaware of the horrible thoughts of the travelers kept the normal fire play. These mountains dried out many living beings eventually those who slacked. The only key to travel this Volcanic Territory was not to stop nowhere and leave it as soon as possible. Who get tired and wanted to heal their burning feet end up lifeless or insane. The territory was not for the rest either. Persistent hunters never stop here; they knew what was good for their lives. The third island was not larger than the Angry Dales but it feels huge because of the intense circumstances. 

Qiao was moving fast. He knew the other two were following his footsteps so he kept the pace fast. It would save him from concerning his life as well as looking the horrible surrounding. His clothing was not perfect and he did not have spare one so walking through the hell was only choice. He put extra cloth on his face and kept moving. Half of the path ended in another hour. He did not have time to celebrate it so voiced in weak tone. "Half of the distance is covered. Keep your spirits high." 

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