My Last Hunt

Chapter 232: Fulfilling promise

Chapter 232: Fulfilling promise

Fulfilling Promise 

The entrance of Hightown

There was something which the trio did not notice especially when the traveled through the Volcanic Territory. It was because they were much focused on their path as well as the harsh surround. During this travel if they were lured by some expensive weapon and or hundreds of spoils they would not have bat an eye simply because they were not willing to get roasted. So it was entirely impossible for them to notice something odd. The Volcanic Territory has another usage for Hightown. The reason behind why they did not blasted this island and created an artificial path for Middletown. 

First of all this island was the breathing pulse for the grand ocean that spread around two continents. The second reason that the Hightown sends the prisoners or the criminal hunters in the Volcanic Territory for punishment. The criminal were thrown in the intense parts of the island. Those who were already on their punishment never bothered the travelers instead keep distance. The circumstances forced many criminals to regret and ask for forgiveness on the promise that they would never commit the crime. Only the last Rank Master has the final word whether he was willing to accept their vindication. Everyone knew that if anyone remained in the Volcanic Territory would loss the physical strength slowly as well as the attained abilities. 

In simple term they would be overcooked in the intense heat where no ability or skill can save. For this the hunters were snatched of their belonging before sending in the Volcanic Territory. So they cannot use the spoils for their good ending them up helpless. The Hightown was huge with the continuous stream of hunters from all over the seven continents. Disputes, disagreements and battles were bound to happen. These cannot be avoided entirely. 

To tackle this problem the Rank Masters formulated some restrictions. In fact they can never create restrictions on every single step of a hunter restraining their advancement so there were few conflicts which cannot be overlooked by the Hightown. If the Hightown was regarded center then the Volcanic Territory was located at the outside of the Tori Entrance Nine; one from the guarded entrances so that the criminals should know that they were under lookout. The Hightown built a chain wall and there was a team of three hunters at the entrance. They were level seven hunters. This team was appointed by the Hightown and every after three months a new team takes hold of this responsibility. 

One of the level seven hunter saw three travelers coming toward the entrance. "Poor travelers." He placed his feet on the small rock and chuckled. In these three months the team usually witnessed many travelers reaching the entrance in shattered condition. Their faces were half covered and it was order by Hightown. The team guarded this entrance on the order of the Hightown and if any criminal tried to run from the punishment the team could stop them with weapons. To avoid any conflict in the future the team keeps their identity unknown. It also helped stop any future grudge. 

His tight fitting gown fluttered with the gust of wind. The wind was not much scalding compared to the inside weather of the Volcanic Territory. The badged and the identity of the School of Hunting were also kept hidden for the sake of safety. They were wearing simple fleeces without any weapon with them. It increased the mysteriousness of their appearance. The trio finally closed the distance. They were not in good condition compared when they started the journey of third island. Qiao felt his dry throat. He was unable to speak for the time being. His appearance was visibly matching with those who were lucky to travel fast means not actually that bad which this team has seen before. 

He could have been in better condition however he gave his fleece to the huntress for covering her body. "We are from Middletown." Qiao gulped the dryness in his throat and voiced. The hunter on the guard nodded and extended his hand, "Show me your permission letter." This was a normal procedure. The hunter would take a glance at the permission letter and then let them inside the Hightown. 

Qiao brought out the permission letter and handed it to the hunter. The hunter looked at the girl and asked for the permission letter as well while taking a glance at the special permission letter of the young hunter. Lowa kept her composure and looked at the hunter. "When I was traveling the first island; I was attacked by some of the ruffians and I lost the map and the permission letter during battle." Lowa forced out this excuse which she planned from the very beginning. She had premonition about this scenario beforehand. 

The hunter took a look at her condition and could tell that she was speaking truth. Qiao sighed in his heart. The huntress was smart to fork out this excuse. "I can accept it." The level seven hunter answered mildly. Then they looked toward the silent hunter who was hiding most part of his face. Qiao got worried. He did not think that one permission letter could only work for one person and every single hunter should own it. "Show me your face first." The hunter asked sternly. He demanded this to make sure that a criminal was not seeking help of these hunters. 

"In the Angry Dales during the relocation; I fell face down, barely saving got injured my face. Is the senior alright looking at the disfigured face?" Wuza spoke broken. He has no other excuse to keep his face hidden. The veins around his jawline were evidence of him being a different type of hunter. He cannot show his face much less to produce a permission letter. "Are you traveling with the other two from the Angry Dales? Can they claim to be witness?" the hunter sternly looked at Qiao and the huntress. If they speak for him then they could let him in. "Indeed he is with us from the beginning journey of Angry Dales." Qiao spoke first. 

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