My Last Hunt

Chapter 247: Mentoring 2

Chapter 247: Mentoring 2

Mentoring 2

Explaining the fundamentals of hunting

"For you the Hunting School would suit best; if you were able to pass the recruitment test then you can directly ask for missions. The Hunting Schools take missions from the third Rank Masters. It would be beneficial for an aspiring hunter. After the test you will get the recognition of Silver Class. During your level six journey you will be named and called by this specific term. You will be a part of team." The second round of lecture started right after five minutes pause. One would say that it was not mentoring but relating the information. 

Actually it was true that Dachin* (* This character was named differently in the previous chapters when first appeared in the story however the author decided to rename this character. The previous name is YaLu) was only relating but the organized way of information would not create much problem in digesting it. 

"For missions it can be suitable place anywhere near the fourth continent specifically for Silver Class however as soon as you reach the peak of level six you can apply for the Class Test. The Hunting School is obliged to take the Class Test as soon as the hunters ask for it. The Class Test decides whether the hunter deserve the next level badge and identity so it is critical to pass in first attempt." At level seven two chances were given and at level eight five chances were given for the Class Tests. It made it tough for a hunter to decide whether he was ready to take the Class Tests. 

The hunter cannot tell the circumstances a hunter go through when following the team or living in the open forest. With the tough competition they rarely show mercy for others. Normal missions can be treated loosely but the specific missions should be completed else the team have to face the punishment or they chose to live in the forest until the mission was met. Hunting Schools were not lenient in completing the missions. They have the pride to polish Hunter Kings for the future so they cannot show bit of loose attention. "There is a strict rule which you have to keep in mind. Once a hunter get injured seriously during any mission the Hunting School cancel the enrollment of the hunter and sends him in any of the Guild campus in the Hightown." Dachin reminded. "For Hunter King position you needed to remain the pupil of the Hunting School once joined." 

"It is not necessary that you always take missions for experience points. You can hunt just for the experience points if a team agrees to take you along in the open forest. These types of teams spend most of their time in the open forest and accumulate experience points unless Hunting School asks them to come back for a mission." Qiao nodded. It was something he anticipated. He wanted to roam around and explore as well as hunt for experience. Missions can only grant the certain type of monster with readymade information.

The point was that the team members would reduce from five to three. Three hunters in a team were responsible for the hunt and their own lives. "The Hightown does not take responsibility of those in the open forest. Only those who were caught committing crime red handed they were punished accordingly so your life is your responsibility." It was what most sought after concern in the higher level hunting. The cheapest is the life of a hunter and the most expensive is the same as well. No one can come back and blame the other hunter without a solid proof. 

"The level seven hunters are meant to given missions of long distances or they were sent in the fifth continent for experience gain. They only return when it is time for the Class Tests. This is the most crucial level for learning and gaining full control on the basic skills for instance Observation Skill, Agility Skill, Rush Skill and the Senses Skill. The Class Test of level seven is considered troublesome because no one can predict what kind of Test Trials the hunter had to pass. It can be a quest, a sudden mission of protecting some island or similar." Qiao flashed a surprise on his face for a brief moment then nodded. After all it was level seven; he cannot expect the test trails to be of lower assessment.

"After level seven test trials the hunter no more follow a team instead the missions were solo and the hunter was expected to complete them no matter at the cost of his life. Defeat is only for dead or coward. Once coward the hunter would lose face in the School of Hunting. At this level the expectations of the Hunting Schools increased and they do not expect to earn shame because of a coward hunter." The hunter took a deep breath. He was speaking all the same bringing new aspects of every level and the difficulty. Qiao was making brain notes of these piles of information. 

Qiao could imagine what severity will be waiting at the level eight and nine. "Here let me remind you that the rare types of monsters are headache for hunting. They exhausted the hunter in pursuit. They do not use their stones for attack or defense. Their whole bodies bear various types of moves and attacks. Their defense is always problematic. They could easily fend off the attacks of normal stones and many more. Once a level eight rare type of monster hunted it try to smash the stone before death. For a hunter losing this stone is equal to lose the hunt." This was another key aspect of rare types of monsters. 

The places were not specified as to where one could find the rare type. It can appear at uncertain places too. As expected the advance hunting was not piece of cake. It was full of life threats as well the stronger monsters. 

"The requirements of level Eight and Nine or entirely different eight means seeking the nine and nine means the seeking the last level. This was the reason that 8th peak led toward the Hunter King Position and 9nth peak led toward the Hunter Monarch Rank. Both were important. One led toward the other. Failing one meant failing other." Another lecture ended with this. Dachin could feel that he was speaking the same way he heard from his mentor. He was afraid that he might scare the young hunter however looking at the bright and determined eyes of the young hunter he eased up. 

Another symbol disappeared from the wall. The second theory completed. Qiao got various new aspects. He strongly felt that mental notes were not enough. He needed a pen and paper to write down some of them. He cannot divide three months for leveling because he cannot predict future. He had to fight for every position before others. Qiao need to cut the long way short. For this he had to work hard on the level seven not leaving weaknesses. He was nearly at the peak of level five and suitable for enrollment test in the Hunting School. 

"I am not sure if we will pass by each other in future so I will try my best to inform whatever I know. From level eight the missions start including beasts. The beasts differ from monsters. They do not use stones for attack or defense instead they fight like humans. The level eight beasts tend similar half human and half monsters. They use weapons of long range and use the tricks of humans." Beasts mostly bear feathers and can change their appearance for battle against a hunter. Hunting a beast was self-rewarding too. The Hightown notices such hunter and provide them resource for grooming. 

The hunters those have guts to face the beasts were definitely treasure for the Hightown. If someone asked who was the rival of the Human hold in the seven continents then the Hightown would tell these were beasts. With their capability of changing form they bear both human and monstrous qualities exceeding the limits of the humans. Few monsters and most rare type of feathery monsters were sure to transform after level eight. For specifications the beasts were considered different type of monsters that evolve in human form though their human form was scarier than the monster form. 

Taming a beast of level eight was beneficial for a hunter and it was necessary for the Hunter King position too. It was not easy task. Mostly hunters failed in their first attempts nonetheless they never accept defeat. Coming this far was not to kneel down and accept defeat instead they would perish in this struggle. 

Meanwhile Dachin organized the next theory and got ready. He was about to relate the aspects of a Hunter King and phases on go through. It was entirely different experience. At this level the hunter was no more remained under the orders of Hunting School instead he was taken over by the Rank Masters. These masters took care of the precious hunters and grant them the special responsibilities. 

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