My Last Hunt

Chapter 251: Hunting School 2

Chapter 251: Hunting School 2

Hunting School 2

Writing down the specifications of the hunters

It was a direct recruitment of the hunters as an individual hunter and the elders needed complete provisions. The elder picked a register and gestured the first hunter to come. All the information regarding his individual persona was collected for example his present experience points along with level glow; the type of weapon, his full name and the town he belongs. There was the most critical question too; how many scars he has on his body until now whether he got a fatal injury if yes then at what level? These were all questions asked by the elder. 

Once he registered this information the elder gestured another hunter to come. The Hunting School cannot give chance to someone who had already lost his chance by getting fatal injury at around level five or four. It would be equal to waste time in selecting such hunters. This type of hunters cannot reach Hunter King level in their entire life span making their progress limited. For Hunting School the progress of hunter matter; they want bright students who could compete in the rows of Hunters Kings. 

The three Hunting School were competitors of each other in this aspect and every one of them want most of its students polish as a Hunter King and increase the worth of his School. The elegance lies in the gracefulness and gracefulness comes with the struggle for number one. One by one the elder was registering the data and then ordering them to wait in the booth. It was turn of the young hunter. Qiao came and sat in front of the elder. "Your name?" The elder did not look up and asked. "Qiao Tai." "The level of your weapon?" Another question came straight. "Level six rare type." Qiao answered. "Did you get any injury at level or four?" The elder seemed invested in his job. 

"No." Qiao answered brief. "Show me your token?" The elder lazily extended his hand and minded his own concern. Qiao took out the token and handed. The elder examined it and wrote down whatever obligatory information required. Examining the token was essential in case the hunter was hiding the injury. A fatal injury also heals with the time; the damage cause to the level breakdown also renews however the token hanging on the neck record down the event smartly. As soon as the fatal injury leaves the hunter at the death verge; the token uses its strength to heal causing damage to the token in return. 

This damage cannot be noticed in one glance by a low level hunter. Even if the hunter speaks white lie about the injury the token can shout out the truth. The elder wrote down the information and handed back the token. "Your town of residence?" He asked next question. Qiao did not answer immediately. Until now those who asked about his town he fabricated some way but here he was short of fabrication. Telling lie might bring trouble. The elder looked up after waiting for the answer and his eyes fell at the sword placed on the corner of the desk. 

"You belong to the richest town in the east Middletown; why hesitating to relate?" The elder scrutinized the silent hunter however did not mind. He wrote down his residence. "You need to wait out until the procedure completes. Your recruitment as a Silver Class depends on the fact whether you will be able to pass the Test." The elder voiced out the last instruction gestured another hunter to come forward. There were many who lied about the fatal injury and after checking their tokens the elder glared them and sent out of the Block. 

Currently seven Silver Class teams were working under this Tandem School of Hunting. Three of them will submit for Class Tests at the end of winter hunting season. Things keep rolling on and the hunters advanced; the middle way circumstances were up to the luck of hunter. No one was working spare; they have their importance in the general. The retired or stuck out hunters were also part of the big development scene. They return back in their towns and follow the orders of the Rank Masters keeping the peace and safety of the normal humans. 

Those who advance forward have some share in the main stream. They strengthen the strong hold of the Rank Master by following instructions and fulfilling duties. Every world, every continent has variety of human nature so things not remain the same always or all the humans do not work the proper way. They want it all. They want to snatch from others. They work for their own good. Suppose if there were several waterfalls for the betterment then one of them can be a hot waterfall where the water keeps boiling and harm. 

There can be an intensely cold one so nothing can be same and similarly beneficial for everyone. The responsibility of the elders was to clear the hunter then send them for test. They cannot force the hunters to go with good or abandon the bad it was up to the choice of the hunter. After the selection was done; only fifteen hunters were selected for this test. No one can say who will pass it entirely; it was possible none could complete the criteria at the end. The elders have no say in favoring the hunters. 

The recruitment of the Silver Class was not easy task; they filter out the best one for the teams. Tandem Hunting School has tough competition with two competitors. Previous year three Hunter Kings of Raw Hunting School were selected in the main stream. The Alfa Hunting School could only polish two Hunter Kings. Tandem School also sent two Hunter Kings but one of them failed terribly. It jolted the reputation of the School as well. Level eight was the key stone in deciding about the future of the hunter. Failing at this level meant that a future Hunter King failed. 

This year nothing can be predicted because Alfa and the Raw Hunting School were yet to announce anything. Probably they won't be able to polish another Hunter King sooner. This year large number of recruitment was expected and the freshly retired hunters were in demand. Their assessment will be directly done and it will be event of big importance. Approximately on all big and small positions every few elders were getting retired. The scale of recruitment was big and the Second Tower and First Tower both were worried. They needed some sincere and oldies to decide the Recruitment in levels starting from the very core workers of the Hightown. 

Only sincere and loyals could distinguish a devoted and honest elder from the crowd of retired hunters. The changes might also bring round of worries if the beasts caught wind of it. The monsters of all levels lower down their heads in front of beasts and they never ignore the orders. At the time of recruitment the beasts can prepare some surprise for the Hightown. 

Inside the Second Tower

"The only suggestion which I come up recently is we should not send the recently succeeded and experienced Hunter Kings away from the Hightown during the week of recruitment. It will provide enough security to the Hightown at that time." The Rank Master who was given task to calculate the levels of the recruitment voiced his suggestion. His grand fleece was shining with all types of symbols granting the identity of Second Tower Rank Master. 

"You are ignoring the missions?" The other Rank Master spoke displeased. "The urgent missions can be cleared before the event and the further missions can be delayed for the sake of Hightown." He moved his brow up and then focused on the paper placed in front of him. 

He was also retiring and his suggestion worth giving a try. "Sure then I will add this suggestion for the report." The Rank Master laughed unable to keep it. The silent gestures of this oldie sometimes bring round of chills. He can be named silent killer fairly. "Better you control your laugh else I will snip off your white teeth." The Rank Master spoke very plain. "Good brother don't take my teeth; they are for show else my wife would not let me in the lodge. Can you bear see me homeless in this age?" The Rank Master voiced pleading. 

It was normal bickering which the Rank Masters sometimes come up with after getting bored with the dull routine. Most of them remembered their golden days of hunting and adventuring in the various parts of the seven continents. 

Retiring did not mean that they lost their strength or they can no more fight properly. It means they were no more in the active stream of hunting. They bear strength of the same level at which they retired. They were powerful enough to kill a level five hunter with a single slap but they have reached to their limit. 

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