My Last Hunt

Chapter 267: Silver Class 8

Chapter 267: Silver Class 8

Silver Class 8

They had to move and find it

"You let them go?" the hunter along the team leader was curious to know; he has some understanding of the nature of the hunter however seeing him go easy on two hunters just like this was indigestible for him. "I let them for the time being; hunters have always plenty of time and plenty of opportunities after level five and I am currently Silver Class this means double opportunities." The team leader winked and kept his leisure mood untainted. They were heading back straight the way they came. Half of the teams left the island while half of them decided continuing behind. 

Qiao spotted a team hunting a monster. It was near evening hence the light of the day had yet to die down. They were from the third Hunting School; it was apparent from their badges. He thought to keep a lookout how they will end the hunt. The four team members were surrounding the monster not from the ground. They used the trap to restrict the movements of the monster. The trap was not directly used on the monster instead it was hung on the escaping paths. The open paths were occupied by the team members. 

When the monster want to escape it moved toward one of the path and the team members attacked. Without giving a chance of defense the second hunter followed with another attack. The aura of the monster broke with consecutive two attacks and the hunters felt pressure for further attacks. Their movements were hindered greatly. When they tried to clear the distance or leap they were forced back. The situation worsened when the monster grab hold on a hunter. The hunter was unable to leave his ground because the aura of the monster was stronger against his strength. The other hunters were not slacking; they were concerned how to help save the team member. 

During this time no one can came forward or stop the monster; they were unable to surpass the controlled area of the monster. This led them toward crises. None of the trap can work or they could help the hunter. The monster was moving toward the hunter trying to mutilate his body. What else a huge monster was supposed to harm the hunter other than trampling under the huge body? Of course it was favorite method of the monsters to see the weaklings get mutilated under the big feet. 

The hunter was at the worst ends. He cannot imagine how his life would end here. It was his first hunt after getting the badge of Silver Class. This fresh team was very hardworking instead of going back they wanted to hunt a monster but ended up in this situation. Qiao jumped down from the big tree and gestured Kala follow him. He was running toward where the team was present. The monster was not much injured in fact he was not injured at all and this let it use all strength against the hunter. 

The team leader was worrying where their planning failed and how they could get out of this situation. The attention of the monster was fixated on the particular hunter who was under its control. Qiao pulled his identity badge and hid under the fleece. "You should also hid your identity badge." He told Kala. He was already anticipating something newfangled so he followed his words. Qiao was thinking to hide his identity until they find a full team for proper hunting. The monster reached near the hunter and the screams of other three hunters echoed they cannot imagine seeing with bare eyes. It was going to be the worst day of subsists. 

Qiao was running with the entire fastest pace possible; taking a leap he reached at the back of the monster and stabbed the weapon. Not just a single stab but the consecutive several attacks in go helped the aura break apart. The monster staggered. It was sudden fierceness of some hidden hunter that the monster was unable to stop. The hunter felt the broken control; running away he happened to see the hunter doing great job. The other three hunters saw this turn of events; they immediately rushed to help the stranger. They were stabbing their weapons from both sides and the monster was staggering here and there so that could get rid the hunter on its back. 

It seemed the hunter got nowhere to go instead kept stabbing the weapon. Qiao was focused; his only mission was to make the monster fall on ground. The monster put all the strength but in vain. It stopped struggling in the end. The hunters rushed backward avoiding the sinking body of the monster. Qiao jumped from the riddled back of the monster. He was greatly shocked to see that monster's huge body reduced to nothingness in the next few minutes leaving two stones behind. 

He was not here for the stone but to hunt so he did not bother to cast a second glance on the stone. These level six teams were instructed not to fight over the possession of limited number of stones. The Hightown would pay them with regard to their hunts as long as they provide the stones to the elders. Level seven and up monsters bear only one stone so it was natural for the level six four team members and level seven two team members worry for the stone. 

Only two hunters hunt the level seven monsters; in the advance hunting a single hunter was supposed to fight with the monster with all available means and hunting methods. The team saw the hunter without specific identity. They were about to ask his identity when Qiao gestured Kala to leave them. It was evening now and he has spotted a direction where a cave can be found else he would have to make a temporary yet secure nest at the peak of the trees. The trees were big and one could feel safe residing above them in the night. Kala witnessed how the young hunter acted vigil during hunt however he was not sure how he would react being a team leader. After all Kala was here to hunt not watch others hunting and praise them. 

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