My Last Hunt

Chapter 277: Silver Class 18

Chapter 277: Silver Class 18

Silver Class 18

The Crater is not a fitting place

The crater was part of island; despite the fact that it was day; the place was already shading in dark. The deep ground was thickly dulled with the greenery; the vines of big leaves were hedging over their heads and it was hard to move around much less to investigate the surrounding. "We need to remain in queue." Qiao voiced with his left hand he removed the vines away from his head for observing in front. From the looks the hunters could somehow move around but the monster might trample the leaves' loaded lianas. 

Creepers were all around as far he could see. Kala nodded and looked toward Lama Lu who was waking up the other huntress. He cannot tell whether the fragile huntress might become a hindrance in the next hunting. However for the sake of forming of team everything was acceptable as long as the huntress did not create trouble. Qiao leapt once or twice to look up from above but it was all same. "We don't know this place so keep your sharp eyes focused and ready for unexpected." Qiao guided them as per need of the time. He was leading ahead. Qiao thought to climb back to the previous part of the island if they find this crater useless for hunt. 

They heard sharp sound coming from their left side. This crate hosted number of monsters of level six; being lowest part of the island the normal or freshly recruited hunters keep distance away from all three craters of this island for the reason that the monsters were powerful. Most of the monster hiding here were the level up seekers. Their concerns remain true to their level up. The Hightown sends special teams with the missions in the craters. 

The race of the monsters was similar to the normal hunters' height. The monsters bear stronger armor stones. There were more than four teams in this crater at this moment. One of the teams was hunting a monster and the other team consisted Scalawag hunters. They were keeping eyes at the team from the very beginning. "This crater is not good for freshly recruited teams." Lama Lu voiced. She was the daughter of the guild elder and has complete knowledge about the various parts of the island. "What do you mean?" Kala turned back and asked. They stopped because the sharp voice was nearing slowly. 

"The monsters here do not like intruders. They are rumored bearing the better armor stones compared with the normal monsters of the island. If I am not wrong then it will be late going back if a monster spotted already." She hesitated however related her concern. Telling something important was different but she had an experience where the hunters scolded her for giving warning about the identity of the monster. They in fact mocked saying that she has tiny heart just like other females. Qiao heard her and nodded. It was good that someone among the team has some knowledge about this crater. 

"Worry not this time everyone will go all out after all we are not going to live inexperienced all over lives. There are many monsters which a hunter faces for the very first time every now and then but it helps him learn something new and move on. The hunters are meant to face monsters of all races and I am sure all of you are aspiring for becoming stronger hunters." Qiao uttered not entirely oblivious of the situation. He can tell what the huntress was thinking and what kind of answer can increase the morale of the team. 

He just need to put the right words and this current team can appear most experienced when facing any monster. It was his thoughts. The huntress indeed felt reassured. Kala puffed his chest after hearing the speech. He was more than confident now. The leaves were rustling and giving a sign of intruder be it monster or another hunter. Qiao gestured them to step aside and move behind the thick lianas. First they need to see what it was. There was a team of three hunters and they looked secretive as if following or moving hiding their presence. Three Scalawags were unable to find the opportunity until now. 

The ongoing hunt prolonged and they were moving backward seeing the monster and the hunting team competing each other. Kala rubbed his eyes and scrutinized the figure. The Scalawags were looking opposite side and they cannot see this team. They were focused how to keep hidden from the eyes of the real team. "Am I mistaken? I think I know who wear such clothing?" the clothing of the various hunters was the blunt type of symbolical hint for the identity of the hunter so it was necessary for every hunter to express their identity through their clothing. 

It was create ease for the wandering and guard teams of various parts of the seven continents help according to the identity. The Scalawags were among those who cannot earn the trust of the Hightown. They roam around freely and sometimes hidden especially in the presence of official teams. Their only purpose was to snatch the stones from the normal teams and escape. Scalawags were actually better hunters however they prefer to snatch rare stones and then bargain where it pays much. They were here in this island for few days and then disappear before the Hightown take action against them. 

As soon as the Hightown was informed they escape. Scalawags rare get caught by the Hightown especially when they bother the teams. They had back force in time of trouble but they dared not to confront anyone directly from the Hightown. The Hightown cannot make direct claim at them because few things should remain out of approach intentionally for the sake of it. These Scalawags hopefully will show up when the Hightown needed their presence. So the things keep winding for the normal brains in this aspect those thinks that the Hightown sided with the thieves. 

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