My Last Hunt

Chapter 283: Silver Class 24

Chapter 283: Silver Class 24

Silver Class 24

Swamp and the smart monsters

This suggestion was to the point. They have no other choice than to move again. Qiao clearly could sense the presence of the monsters as for why they were acting secretive was strange. Probably they set their target this team and wanted to harm or attack suddenly. "Alright I will wake up the huntresses." Kala whispered. He knew that the team leader would not do this job. Lama Lu woke up immediately as soon as the alarmed whisper bothered her. "We are moving our stay. This is unsecure place." Kala explained. Lama Lu woke Kaili up. It was a challenge to wake her up; she was about to shout when the huntress covered her mouth. "Stop this behavior already." She warned her whispering. 

Qiao led them away from the swamp however the monsters were aware as they could clearly see their movements. This was the first ever team sensed the threat beforehand and trying to create secure distance. The monsters howled and gave a notion to the second team waiting near the swamp. The group of monsters surrounded Qiao and his team members soon. They stood in the way and roared before the team of hunters could escape away from the swamp. 

Qiao was in front; his perception proved true. The monsters were in front and closing in the distance the team started to retreat. It was deep and dark night. The hunters barely see through however they cannot take part in active battle in the middle of the night. It was similar of perversity. They were retreating; the outcome unknown to them. It was middle of the night and the dampness of the night increased the slipperiness of the ground. Retreating was not easy in this situation especially they were alert about the monsters coming toward them. 

The monsters walked forward; only few steps back and they slipped from the slop. They directly fell in the swamp leaving no choice but to shout for help; 'first it was the edge of the crater now what? Another crater inside a crater?' They had the same thoughts. However they were not rolling instead fell right in the swamp though not in the middle of the swamp. The monster's got the plan complete and they stood on the edge and looked inside. Qiao looked up; those bright eyes of the monsters were lit in the night. It was clear what they had been up to. 

The monsters were here to see whether the hunters reached the swamp perfectly. After taking a look they went back. They had never witnessed any team surviving from the swamp so they had had concrete reason to believe that they succeeded. They returned back roaring to celebrate today's hunt of hunters. Another team fell in the swamp means that they had taken the revenge for another hunt. Not every day they meet or accidently find team; during wandering they try their best to find and then repeat the drama for surrounding the team. 

None of them was ready to believe how they were trapped by the monsters. Force was pulling their bodies inside and they were barely wading. "It is a normal swamp and we are level six hunters; don't overwhelm this situation in your heads. We humans temper our strength while this soul or the water cannot temper itself keep in mind. It is not difficult to escape as long as your senses remain alert. Don't move recklessly." Qiao voiced guiding them. They were not in a situation from where they cannot come out however the baffled senses might defeat them mentally and once a human defeated mentally he can never win against a weakling much less easy war. 

They heard his grim voice. Kaili stopped her baffled actions and relaxed taking deep breath. She was indeed level six while the swamp was normal one. For a normal human it can be fatal or challenging but for hunter it was not as deadly. They followed his instructions. Qiao lit the illumination stone and voiced, "grab each other's hand and we'll climb from the swamp. Qiao dug his weapon in swamp the muddy pool and it cleared his path. It was strange when Kala witnessed it. 

Qiao was also slightly amazed at the newfound revelation. The swamp gave way to the level six weapon if the observation was not wrong. Mostly hunters after falling in the swamp lost their rationality remembering how the swamp was rumored normally. They rarely use rational actions for their defense. Qiao helped them come at the least part of the swamp and asked them ascent. "I don't know whether the monsters are still waiting near the edge so we need to wait until morning; this would be best choice in my eyes." There was another reason why he suggested this. He knew that they ground was slippery in case they fell back unfortunately this time in the middle of the swamp then he cannot tell how much struggle can save the day. 

"Indeed this is wise decision; the monsters who could plan against us might be waiting for us at the surface." Lama Lu agreed. They spent the night at the least part of the swamp and Qiao kept holding his weapon fending the swamp muddy pool. The shapeless weapon was wonderful in many aspects. It was rare design in the weapons history granted by the Guild elder. It was unique in every way. The shiny edges of the weapon hold a secret rarely discovered by other than the maker. 

Though it was level six weapon however it was created using unique stones of the same level; the result of hard work and diligence of the maker. Qiao has special liking for shapeless weapons and he always preferred to have one rather than sword. It was his luck that he met this weapon probably his hard work paid off well. Twice or thrice Qiao felt that the shiny edge bear something of utmost value else the normal weapons rarely show perfect qualities of a weapon. 

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