My Last Hunt

Chapter 291: Silver Class 32

Chapter 291: Silver Class 32

Silver Class 32

You have passed the test

Kaili took one step at a time. She did not move refusing or for excuse. Fortunately she has witnessed such occurrence and the hunter should go back on the words else the team leader or the elder would kill without mercy. She did not want to die in her youth days. Compared few scars against the death; she preferred the first choice. Scars can be taken for fair purpose but death; will she able justify her miserable death. Kaili cannot take this burden on her shoulders. It was better pass the loyalty test rather than called dead looser for the rest of life. 

The golden feather monster caught by surprise when the hunter fell right in front; it had yet to taste the breakfast. The monster looked around; the rest of the monsters were no more there since they already had taken test flight and fell at much distance. It lowered the sharp shape mouth for the hunter thinking to toss aside the hunter. Kaili also jumped in front of the monster and looked at it. The monster got amazed at the sight of another fool hunter; it wanted to ask why hunters were in hurry for swimming right at the opening of the day. 

Probably for hunting they did not need to jump in front. The monster was forced to think the possible aspects. "Keep away your beautiful mouth from this hunter." Kaili pointed her sword toward the monster and glared though her arm was shaking. The monster got another surprise, 'Did she mean threat?' the monster contracted large golden eyes. Kaili cannot deny the beauty of this monster no matter what situation she was in. Qiao barely held back his laughter. He shook his head and moved forward gesturing Lama Lu follow him. 

If the girl kept this attitude then not only the monster in fact he would also be stumped. She was in front of the monster and calling it beautiful; only Kaili could do such feat. The monster was unable to tell what the girl want since it was not given a choice in either scenario. "You have passed the loyalty test now it is time for hunt." Qiao voiced and her legs crumbled in the water. Kala hurriedly held her before she could get drown. There was no need for casting the trap. They were jumping for the attack. The creatures in the stream noticed the hunters and hurriedly moved away toward the distance. 

The monster was surrounded. It tried to fly however Kala threw the unprepared trap halting the escape of the monster. When the monster clearly felt that it cannot escape; it started flapping the feathers splashing water at the hunters. The huge feathers tossed ton of water. It brought calamity for the hunters. "Can we still move it toward the ground?" Kala asked. "I don't think it would help. This monster is less dangerous in the water if I correctly remember." Lama Lu voiced before being soaked in the water. 

Not only the stone armor; the feathers and the golden line, all can be used as attack and defense at the same time especially on the normal grounds. The water reduced the effects of the capabilities of this monster. Lama Lu came from a guild and she spent much time learning various qualities of the various monsters. "Give it all and I believe there won't be much resistance from the monster." Qiao voiced. He could see the monster pushing for leaving the stream. It was a gesture that the huntress was giving right information about the monster. 

"Then I will listen and follow." Kala got ready for the action. Kaili was placed at the edges. Her half of body was moving with the random flow of the water and other half rested on the corner. "Stop and distract the monster; I am going inside the water." Qiao voiced and jumped. They were not going to set free this monster instead hunt no matter what method they come up since it under the water it must need to swim on the surface else it would drown. The monster was moving its feet for maintaining the balance on the water. In his advanced world; birds were afraid of wetting the feather especially when they happened to be near water source. 

This biggest bird Qiao ever happened to see was no different when it comes to the shared logic. He could try out his first attempt and see the results. Lama Lu faced difficulty distracting the monster as well as maintaining her balance on the water. She greatly wished to reach the level eight peak; in her script reading class someone told that level eight peak hunters did not need to maintain their body on the water or air; it was all equal for them be it ground, water or air. 

It was quite fascinating and she wanted to experience it. Qiao reached the feet of the monster. These were moving with rhythm and balancing the huge body at the surface. For his surprise the feet resembled with the goose. It was coincidence that he was hunting a goose instead of roasting it and serving on the platter for a good dinner. Such a luck where it was meat everywhere and he no wished to eat it. He remembered many times he thought saving money for a good treat of meat but he could not do so. 

Meat was expensive in his world and it mostly can be seen in the scenes revolving around the rich family dramas. People of lower class can only drool at the mention of the stakes. Attacking under the water was difficult. It took double effort and the force of hunter. Qiao has gone through this experience and it gave him familiarity as how the attack can be better done under the water. The feet bled immediately. The soft part which was helping in pushing the water got damage and it no more can perform the task. 

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