My Last Hunt

Chapter 302: Silver Class 43

Chapter 302: Silver Class 43

Silver Class 43

What did you say?

The elder got a little confuse. Everyone was asking about the slots for the event while this hunter was asking for the Class Test. It was just unfitting with the situation. "For Two days none can leave the Hightown because of the event so if I granted the Class Test still you will have to wait for two days." It was not because the elder was ready render the Class Test but due to the passive actions of the hunter. He seemed very concerned for getting the Class Test on time. Qiao nodded and voiced again. 

"Then I will be applying for the slot." Before the elder could get back his work; he heard the hunter again. The elder put aside the candidate portfolio which he was going through and ready select for the slot. He deemed handover the slot this young hunter if he was able answer his questions which he was sure that the hunter will fail. "For applying for the slot you must be a bright and genius student of this School and also if you were recruited with exception then your record must be extraordinary." The elder danced his hand explaining feats which were considered hardest for achievement. 

Qiao thought for a while and spoke, "Five days ago I was recruited under the level six hunter recruitment on exception; only two hunters were selected among fifteen and I am the first." Qiao related confidently and the elder listened with refusal of his words clearly visible on his face. "What is your name and the token number." The elder hurriedly shuffled through the papers placed in a bundle on his right hand. In his eyes the young hunter was speaking unbelievable feats one after the other so he could not declare anything against it unless confirmed. 

Qiao picked the identity token hung on his chest speaking his name and the identity token number. The elder nodded and moved another bundle of papers which was placed under the desk. This record of the hunters who passed the exception Test was securely saved. Those who were recruited under exception Test; the elders keep a note of their advancement. If the hunter advances faster than others then he will be added in the list of Lookover Students. This was method of filtering out the capable hunters and put a fair recommendation in future. The elder picked the paper where the name of the hunter was shining on its head. 

He checked the date and the days and sure enough the hunter was speaking truth. There was even mentioned his level six and the primary experience points. The detailed findings cleared the doubt of the elder and he looked up sighing. His deep breath halted and he looked at the paper then the hunter. Only the age was not mentioned. Distinguishing clear age was impossible and only the hunter can disclose it. The previous elder did not ask about the age because he was sure that the hunter was not old enough and he wanted to keep his progress hidden for the time being. 

The elder cannot ask the age if the senior elder did not put it here. "This is more than incredible and unbelievable until I personally can see you and testify. I would not mention this skipping the information for some reason however will let know the senior elder about you that you are ready for the Class Test. Till then you can get this slot and get ready tomorrow. One of our elder will lead you toward the Second Tower." The tone of the elder again resumed the politeness. 

He hurriedly folded the paper and securely slipped in the bundle of papers. When a hunter was selected for the Lookover then the information was considered confidential else the opponent Hunting School will find out about the talented hunter. No one can point out disloyals among loyals. Nurturing capable hunter was the responsibility of the Hunting School and in case the information skipped their hands then the loss of the hunter would be on their shoulders. This was hidden rule that was strictly followed after the incident when the capable hunter was killed on his mission because his special skill reached the ears of the enemies. 

Qiao looked at the slot and nodded. He could tell that the elder has no reason for not believing his words anymore. Finally he was able to get the slot and meet the senior. Now he was anticipating the level seven weapon. Before going for the Class Test; it would be wonderful having level seven weapon with him. He thought and moved to leave. "Wait a minute. Take the keys of your lodge and you do not need pay the rent. I hope you like your lodge. Remember the students will leave tomorrow morning. You can reach this desk whatever you need in future." The elder voiced. 

Qiao nodded and left toward the direction. The same lodge was given him without asking for rent. He liked the lodge and the fact that he did not need payment of the rent. 

The elder skimmed the paper and heaved a sigh of relief. He was still wondering. Not able to speak anything due to the fact that it was first ever occurrence where a hunter was able reaching from primary to peak level within five days. This was simply exaggerated. He hurriedly stood up; put aside all the bundle of papers and called his assistant. "Sit here until I come back." He ordered and walked toward the second row of the corridors. 

The elder was going meet the senior and let him know about the hunter. The elder knocked on the door and entered inside. An elder was sitting opposite of the desk. He was the same elder who enrolled fresh recruitment. "I though there will be lot of work on your desk and you are here?" the elder appeared displeased. "Something urgent brought me here senior." The elder smiled. The elder brought the paper where he enlisted the present information about the young hunter; he placed it in front of the senior hunter. 

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