My Last Hunt

Chapter 305: Silver Class 46

Chapter 305: Silver Class 46

Silver Class 46

The event in the Hightown

At the evening the exits and entrances were closed for two days. Qiao was doing his practice of attacks in the training room when he felt rustle in the outside air more than usual. He stood against the big window and saw the Rank Masters surveying the sky of the vast place. The guests were given temporary lodges and the Rank Masters were ready unleashing the Test Trials for the new recruitment. The elders responsible for checking the identities were finally at ease after the entrances were closed. It was hardest job verify the identity of formal and informal visitors. 

Unfortunately two beasts were able enter in the Hightown and present themselves as candidates for the position; one for the Rank Master position and second for the Lord of Hunting School position. There were three disloyals also added in the list and they were also potential candidates for stronger positions. They wanted to brag over after getting the strong positions and collaborate with those who were likeminded. It was not good sign because the present elders, Lords and Rank Masters were busy with miscellaneous tasks. Out of hundred over candidates it was tough finding out the disloyal. 

The most problematic thing happened to be those who let these loyals add in the list of candidates. Secretly some disloyals were working for this day and there was already one or two disloyals in the selection team of elders. They crafted the scenario and successfully compiled the list. Now only fate can save the Hightown and the loyal hunters. It was unnoticeable apparently. Everything was organized from surface; things were according to the predicted setting. Those who were getting retired were the guests in the event. The situation was depending on the shoulders of the Guard teams. 

Be it the special attention of the disloyals or the normal decision; all the tamed beasts were kept outside from the event place. Probably it was the suggestion of some sharp head disloyal. They could sense the aura of other beast so keeping them outside has reason to it. During his practice Qiao again felt the glint which was residing in him. The glint was from the Golden Feather Monster. A hunter cannot sense the aura of beast however a monster could easily distinguish this aura; the fate granted this skill to the young hunter Qiao though it was hard earned in true sense. 

It also improved his ability of sensing the presence of monsters in his surrounding no matter if they were hidden. 

Looking for the shapeless weapon and asking various elders Ogman met his old ancestor; the ancestor was also retiring and he looked very concerned. Ogman greeted his ancestor and sat in front. "Elder Muba what brought concerns on your face?" Ogman did not directly ask about the weapon seeing the worry. The ancestor was standing near the window and looking outside. "I have found something strange about the event and I am not sure whether my concerns are true or it is only based on mere worry." Elder Muba voiced and his wrinkled face showed how sincerely he was thinking about the future of the Hightown. 

"What is it ancestor Muba; do I have standing to know about it?" Ogman asked. He cannot directly ask being harmless descendant with the low level hunting experience. "Ogman my child I have no reason hide it from you anymore; after all you will know it sooner or later." Ancestor Muba patted his shoulders and sat around the table. 

"I fear that the Hightown would lose its peace sooner. The disloyal hunters working in the shadows might succeed in bringing similar and likeminded hunters in the field of Rank Masters. This would be dark day for the Hightown." Ancestor Muba related which was burdensome for his heart to carry anymore. 

Ogman got shocked. He never considered the possibility of worst situation. Hightown was running under the strong and loyal hands of the Elders; how disloyals can suddenly get in power? It would definitely destroy the peace and the normal scenario not only related to the Hightown in fact the seven continents will face the consequences. It would become horrible all in all; unsafe for the loyals at first. 

"This would square a path for the beasts involved in the Hightown matters and nobody can stop them in such case." Muba sighed. His well-crafted and fitting fleece got loosened ever since his age was declining. The shining pearls on the chest were a sign of his position and the respect he earned all these years. He was thinking heading back in the town and spend his rest of time there. There was nothing he could do about the fate of the Hightown. "Is there anything important brought you here?" he looked at the predecessor and hope shined in his old eyes. 

Ogman stuttered for a brief moment and voiced, "I was looking for a level seven shapeless weapon" he cannot say that he needed it for someone else. "As far as I remember you are preferred your present weapon when selecting. Never mind I have a level seven weapon left by a professional weapon maker; he was proud of our family; probably you are not familiar with him, it was long ago." Muba stood up. His lodge was high standard suited for a loyal elder of the Hightown. 

Ogman thanked in his heart that the ancestor did not inquire further. The ancestor opened the big locker and there a shapeless weapon was placed in the corner; he picked it and moved his hand on the surface. "It is not ordinary weapon; never sell it in the market and if you are no more interested in using it then return back any of the senior in the family; did you understand?" ancestor Muba advised politely. He cannot tell whether he will be able to see the predecessor Ogman after returning the hometown after all Ogman was also aspiring and ambitious hunter. 

"I will keep in mind ancestor Muba." Ogman greeted and returned back. Tomorrow morning he will be present in the event ground and hand it to the young hunter with the words of advice. 

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