My Last Hunt

Chapter 315: Class Test 6

Chapter 315: Class Test 6

Class Test 6

Get it passed already

The monster groaned as if answering the hunter. The round shining eyes glisten in the dark night and Qiao was ready hunting it down. Before he was worried about the exaggerated size of the monsters in the open forest and here in this town he was concerned the small size of the monster. The monster can be faster with the small size and especially when the monster was over smart. Qiao looked making sure that none of the path led toward outside the town. Now he was clear about the attentions of the monster. 

It was eagerly looking for a way to escape at any cost. Qiao held both weapons in his hand later he it revealed that it was best decision ever. He was fast at attacking with the left hand; right hand could give support in case the large tongue sways around. The monster swayed the tongue suddenly attacking Qiao from front then the boneless tongue changed the direction moving around. It seemed the monster wanted to strap around and stifle the breath of the hunter. Qiao had such experience with the water dragon of low level. It turned out that the monsters use similar attack type method in most battles. 

Qiao jumped from his position; defense can wait or fending off the attack can also wait, he did not want the tongue get hold on his movements. These types of monsters rarely let go once the opponent get strangle in their clutches. Only horrible death awaits consequently. When the monster saw that the hunter has good level of agility; it did not reserve; before Qiao land on the ground the tongue hit him. He felt the shook and fell at some distance. It was not much distance that the monster could run away. Qiao has strong hold on the ground when the monster hit else the distance might have increased. 

Both were peak level. The houses at both sides of the streets were empty. This was good for the sake of the people. Rode reverted back the tongue filling up its big mouth and resuming big fat football. Qiao noticed that the tongue was bigger however he can grab it. About the weapon and the battle it can wait. First of all Qiao wanted the monster taste the bitterness of intruding the human population and wreaking havoc in the town. All hail to the comics and overpowered MC's. He read bundle of comics in his world and wanted to give it a try; a brutal idea. 

He placed the weapons aside glaring the monster in its eyes. Qiao assumed himself the MC and waited for the next moment. The monster was caught with surprise. It never saw some careless hunter placing aside his weapon instead of attacking. Rode was waiting for attack. Qiao was also waiting for attack. The monster gave up and thought to attack first since the hunter was asking for it. Qiao got ready pointing fingers of his hands. 

The tongue leapt toward him; Qiao grabbed on it pulling backward dragging violently. It was so sudden that the monster wanted to cry; since when did the hunters start doing rude methods battling with the monsters? Do you have some sense of appropriate killing? The monster was groaning with all these thoughts. Qiao did not wait to capture the reaction of the monster. He was tackling the over smart monster with his crude methods if the monster mind then so be it. Qiao dragged through the whole street humiliating the peak level six Rode. People came out of their houses covering their ears. 

Qiao firmly held the tongue with both his hands walking between the streets. At this moment the monster was crying with helplessness. The biggest weapon and strength of the monster turned out its weakness. It was more than humiliating. People gasped with the horror. The sight unfolding in front of then was indeed horrible. A level six peak monster was being dragged just like this. Qiao pierced his fingers in the damp tongue making the monster beg for life. It was rude type of attack but Qiao did not mind. Where the weapons can reserve there the hunters use their physical strength. 

Since it was attack so the experience points were bound to increase. The people followed behind. They wanted to see what would happen to the monster. Qiao was planning hang the dead body of the monster at the outer wall of the town so that next time any monster think twice before entering in the town. Qiao clumped the tongue under the strong bicep and rod forward. He was living example of the brutal type of hunters. The people were there to witness his brutality. His nails and fingers pierced injuring the front part of the tongue. 

The monster stopped struggling. With all might it still could not get rid the grip. At this moment perhaps the monster lost smart intellect else it could have saved its day. Qiao was sure that over smart monster would not come up the solution. It could run forward; do wonders and escape but none. None of the escape route appears when fear takes over smartness. Qiao started running and the monster left speechless. It was being dragged behind. Qiao wanted to baffle the monster before releasing his grip. In a moment of ease the monster could think anything but baffled creature might not be able to do it. 

It created the impact what Qiao assumed. The town people wanted to know the outcome of this marathon. The small eyes of the monster turned smaller with every next moment. The race suddenly halted and Qiao held his weapon piercing in the tongue consecutively. He seemed nailing down the vicious enemy. The groans of the monster reached outside of the periphery of the town. Qiao crossed the peak of his level by hunting the same level monster. No it has become his habit of challenging stronger monsters; normally hunters never jump in this madness. 

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