My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 36: Fortuitous Find

Chapter 36: Fortuitous Find

Yin Yuzhen's intuition told her that as long as she helped Li Fan, there would be boundless benefits in the future.

Although she didn't know what kind of achievements this old man would have in the future, Yin Yuzhen chose to trust her instincts and do everything she could to assist Li Fan.

So, under Yin Yuzhen's direction, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion began to operate at full capacity.

While collecting meteoric iron, they also purchased a large number of completely unrelated items to divert attention.

Other forces within Liuli Island noticed the unusual activities of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and sent people to investigate secretly.

However, due to Yin Yuzhen's early preparation, they couldn't find out anything.

Instead, following Li Fan's plan, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion released a lot of false information about the Starry Sea Quicksand. The other forces were skeptical of its authenticity and chose to observe.

However, some of them, with the idea of "buy first and sell later, even if it's fake, we can sell it again," purchased a large number of things related to the rumor. Consequently, the rest couldn't sit still and joined the purchasing frenzy.

For a while, prices soared on Liuli Island, and chaos ensued.


Li Fan, the initiator of all this, remained quietly in his home, focusing on his cultivation.

Three months later, Yin Yuzhen finally managed to contact the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce.

Early in the morning, Yin Yuzhen and Li Fan left Liuli Island on a small boat owned by the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, heading north for several tens of miles to the agreed sea area.

The boat was loaded with goods for this trade, packed to the brim.

It wasn't until midday that the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce finally arrived.

A dot in the sky rapidly enlarged, and as it got closer, Li Fan realized that it was an airship!

A flag fluttered on the airship, bearing a large word: "Wanhua."

The airship seemed to be half the size of the Tai Yan Boat in its second form, about fifty meters long.

The airship soon came over their heads and gently landed on the water.

"Manager Yin, long time no see!" After stabilizing, hearty laughter came from the airship.

Yin Yuzhen was looking at Li Fan, hoping to see surprise on his face.

But to her disappointment, Li Fan didn't show any surprise upon seeing the airship of the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce, as if he had long been accustomed to such sights.

Yin Yuzhen felt a bit disappointed and more curious about Li Fan.

Upon hearing the voice, Yin Yuzhen turned her head.

"Wu Xingzou, long time no see. Wasn't our last meeting three years ago?" Yin Yuzhen smiled in response.

"Time really flies." Wu Xingzou laughed and came to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion's ship.

"Who is this?" He looked at Li Fan and asked with a smile.

"He is an elder from our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion," Yin Yuzhen replied simply.

Seeing Yin Yuzhen's unwillingness to elaborate, Wu Xingzou didn't press further.

"Shall we take a look at the goods? After this transaction, it may be difficult for us to meet again," he suggested.

Yin Yuzhen was taken aback, "Why do you say that? Has something changed?"

Wu Xingzou shook his head, "I don't know the specific reasons. Just a few days ago, we suddenly received a notice from the headquarters, instructing all trading caravans within the Cong Yun Sea to cease all operations and return as soon as possible."

"If it weren't for the scheduled trading day we had agreed upon, I'm afraid I would already be on my way back."

"So this transaction cannot be delayed and needs to proceed quickly."

Yin Yuzhen was a bit flustered for a moment. After all, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion was thriving on Liuli Island because it was backed by the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce.

Now, with the sudden withdrawal of the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce from the Cong Yun Sea, what would happen to the future business of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?

Could she still keep the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?

And why didn't her intuition react at all this time?

Yin Yuzhen was in turmoil, and she froze on the spot.

"Manager Yin?" Wu Xingzou noticed Yin Yuzhen's stunned expression and couldn't help but remind her.

Yin Yuzhen forced a smile and snapped back to reality.

Entering the cabin, they began to check the traded goods.

"Sixteen pairs of jade bi, twenty-three pieces of coral, forty-six night-bright pearls..." Li Fan led Wu Xingzou to walk in front of various goods, reciting them one by one.

Wu Xingzou occasionally picked up an item and carefully examined its quality.

Then he nodded and carefully put it down.

"Starry Sea Quicksand, three pieces." When they reached the middle, Li Fan calmly reported.

Wu Xingzou's face lit up with joy and he quickly walked over to the pieces of meteoric iron.

He gently touched them and then turned the meteorite over to inspect it repeatedly.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan knew that Wu Xingzou was no ordinary person.

These meteorites weighed at least fifty catties each, but in his hands, they seemed like toys.

After a while, Wu Xingzou reluctantly put the meteorites down.

"Manager Yin, you're really lucky this time. You actually managed to collect Starry Sea Quicksand, such a valuable item."

Li Fan and Yin Yuzhen looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

They could now confirm that what Xiao Heng said was correct.

This time, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion seized the initiative and acquired a good amount of Starry Sea Quicksand in advance.

They should be able to secure the quota for the Pure Body Spirit Pool.

After that, there were no more valuable items. Wu Xingzou was very satisfied with the goods provided by the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion this time.

And because they wouldn't see each other for a long time in the future, he specially invited Li Fan and Yin Yuzhen to be guests on the Wanhua Chamber of Commerce's airship.

After a hearty meal, Wu Xingzou led the two to the warehouse of the airship.

"These are all collected by me from various islands in the Cong Yun Sea. Some are invaluable, and some I am not sure of their use. I just bought them because they looked strange. If you are interested, you can choose a few from them." Wu Xingzou, who was drinking happily, said somewhat proudly, facing the dazzling array of treasures.

Yin Yuzhen was excited. She had the ability to sense good fortune and avoid disaster, so wouldn't she be like a mouse in a rice barrel here?

Li Fan was initially not interested, but seeing Yin Yuzhen's eager expression, he couldn't refuse. He accompanied her in strolling around inside.

"You have only the time of an incense stick!" Wu Xingzou seemed to be very interested in this kind of game and said loudly to the two.

Yin Yuzhen ignored him and was excitedly shuttling through the warehouse.

Inside were thousands of treasures, and even though she could sense good fortune and roughly distinguish their value, she was still dazzled for a moment.

Li Fan, on the other hand, was bored and picked up and looked at one item after another aimlessly.

He had been through nine reincarnations and three hundred years of ups and downs. What kind of mundane treasures had he not seen?

As long as it wasn't related to cultivation, he didn't care.

Thinking like this, as his hand touched one of the items, his body suddenly froze.

Because a notification from [Truth] instantly popped up.

"Detected chargeable item. Consume to recharge?"

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