My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 144: Shadows of War

Chapter 144: Shadows of War

The vampires were all shocked by the pure brutality that Kace had displayed. Each of them was extremely worried about when their time would come. The vampire that Kace pointed out felt his legs begin to shake. He had already seen what Kace had done to the other two. He raised his weapon, ready to defend himself.

However, what he had expected to happen did not come to pass. Instead, Kace had chosen to target a completely different vampire. Throwing all of them off guard. Now they had no idea who would be next, and it terrified them. Kace did not waste any time when he reappeared again. The spear in his hand pierced through the vampire's eye that was not protected by his helmet. The spear tip burst forth from the rear of the man's head, causing another spray of gore to erupt over the nearby vampires.

This time, there was a vampire who was ready for it. He had been carefully watching his surroundings for the slightest hint of Kace reappearing. He swung his sword at Kace's head, determined to split it in two. Kace could sense the danger. However, the vampire was no match for him. Using his free hand, he knocked the blade to the side. Then, he viciously retrieved his spear from the dead vampire impaled upon it. He slammed the butt of the spear into the new vampire's stomach, causing him to double over, gasping for air. Kace was more than happy to release him from his temporary pain.

He drove his knee into the vampire's face, driving the metal of his helmet into his brain. Killing him on the spot. Kace sneered at the man as he crumpled to the ground. 'That was stupid! You could have lived at least a little longer if you had not provoked me.' Kace thought when in actuality he never really had such plans. He was just acting on his instinct, he wanted to see the fear in their eyes.

He was not going to let a single one of them off easily. They thought that they had him trapped. When in reality, they were the ones who were stuck with him. If any of them tried to escape, he would target them first. He would show them what a real predator looked like. He turned his eyes back to Sonja to see if she was going to make a move yet.

Sonja felt like she was in a predicament. If she acted now, there would be no way to salvage her relationship with Kace. However, if she did nothing, then the noble faction would blame her for the losses suffered at his hands. She bit her lower lip as she struggled to come to a decision. Time seemed to move ever so slowly while she wracked her brain for a solution.

She heard the screams of her men as Kace slaughtered another five of them. He was growing bold upon seeing that she had yet to make a move. He would make sure to kill as many of them as possible before she could intervene. Kace continued his streak of barbaric maiming, as he began to torture each vampire before killing them.

The cries for help had become too much for Sonja to bare anymore. With his back turned to her, she finally made her move. Her intention was simply to subdue him or to force him on the defensive so that her men could escape his wrath. She moved so quickly that Kace barely had time to register the danger that he was in, as her fist flew straight towards the back of his head.

'Fuck! I'm not going to make it!' Kace thought frantically. She was displaying more of her power than he had ever seen before. He could tell that this blow would end the fight, while not being strong enough to kill him. 'Damn it!'

A pair of glowing blue eyes appeared from Kace's shadow. In the next moment, Shadow burst forth and deflected the Queen's blow. Has eyes were full of wrath as he glared at her in passing. Sonja had been completely taken by surprise. She had never expected to see one of these creatures here, in her own castle. She had thought that they all had become extinct a long time ago.

Her eyes darted from the intruder to Kace. She was trying to figure out what sort of connection these two had with each other. Especially since Kace did not seem surprised with its sudden appearance. Shadow placed his hand on the ground as he chanted. Sonja's eyes immediately focused on him, he was already an unexpected factor in all of this. She could not allow him to finish whatever he was doing.

She ignored Kace as she rushed at the small black figure, who only grinned at her stupidity. The shadows on the ground began to converge and writhe around like a mass of tentacles. They reached out and wrapped around her ankles and wrists, as though to chain her in place. The same scene occurred around every vampire who was present, even Sophia was not spared.

"My Lord, we must go. This will not hold her for long." Shadow solemnly stated. Succeeding in shocking Sonja in the process.

'Lord? Does that thing actually serve Kace? That should be impossible, though!' Sonja began to panic. This goblin tribe had aided them greatly in the battle against the heroes in this world at first. Until she had a disagreement with their previous leader. That disagreement had led her to hold back on coming to his aid when he had been surrounded by multiple powerful heroes.

In the end, it led to his death. She had thought that she would be able to bring the tribe under her control with the passing of their leader. Instead, the entire tribe had just vanished into thin air. They were one of the reasons that the heroes were reluctant to start another war here. They had no idea that this tribe was not actually under her control. 

"Wait!" Sonja yelled in desperation

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