My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 162: Saving The Harbinger

Chapter 162: Saving The Harbinger

Vaskra awoke, drenched in a heavy sweat as she lay under the fur coverings in her tent. 'Another vision.' She held her head in her hand's sash silently sobbed. These visions had started almost a year ago, in each one, she would witness the death of Kace if he did not receive aid. At first, she had no idea how to act on them, but more details were revealed as time passed.

Eventually, she started to see the different towns and cities that had to fall under their command. Then she witnessed a small port village and across the sea was an island. This island was shielded by a ring of storms, and the master of the island was a colossal existence. In the visions, the heroes were desperately trying to kill the terrifying creature. She was unsure if she was expected to save him or not. 

Then the visions would show them entering a cave. This cave would eventually lead them to a room where a large gate stood in the centre. For whatever reason, she got the distinct impression they were supposed to activate it somehow before passing beyond it to find Kace. When she had revealed these visions to King Shagrat, he immediately applied pressure to their surroundings. In the hopes of diverting the heroes attention from their true goal.

Kace had done so much for them, and Shagrat did not believe in coincidences. So he took these visions as a message from their god. As such, he would definitely act on them. There was no way that they would abandon him in his time of need. Their aggressive actions had certainly brought a lot of heat from the heroes down on them. However, it was something that was bound to happen anyway.

As they blazed across the land, capturing more territories for their own, a large number of monsters rallied to their cause. It was truly eye-opening to discover that they were not so alone in the world. Vaskra blinked back the tears that were forming and thought about how close their goal was now. They had continuously pushed the heroes back, and now the port was in sight. It was finally time to unleash Gyn's legacy on them.

Summoning her strength, she reached out for the bell that was kept beside her bed. As she rang the small trinket, a burly orc pushed aside the flap that served as a door. There was no need for words between them as they had gone through this many times over the years. The orc called Molak was gentle in lifting the fragile shaman from her bed. He carried her over to the wheelchair and set her down in it. 

"Thank you, Molak. Can you fetch my blanket?" Vaskra asked in a soft voice. This orc was one of the few who got to hear her acting like herself. Generally, she had to put on a strong facade for the rest. Otherwise, why would they follow a commander that they believed to be weaker than themselves?

Molak grunted as he retrieved the smaller fur covering that lay piled on the floor. He was gentle as he tucked it in around the remains of her legs. The only reason he was so caring towards the goblin was that she had saved his tribe and his own life personally. In his tribe, they had a code that they lived by. One of their beliefs in this code stated that they had to return any gifts in full.

To Molak, this shaman had given him the gift of life. To fight more battles and earn greater glory. As such, to his tribe and himself. Vaskra now owned their lives. They would do anything that she asked of them, even if it meant marching to their doom. The large orc took his place behind the wheelchair and grabbed ahold of the delicate wooden handles meant for pushing it.

"Let's go take at it. They said it should be ready by today." Vaskra said to the orc who grinned in response. He knew exactly what she meant when she said 'it'. In truth, he was quite excited by it as well.

He pushed her outside of the tent, and she was immediately greeted by any monsters that they passed by. Each one bowed with a hand placed over their heart, wherever it may be, in a sign of respect. As they passed through the camp, she took note of the high spirits of her troops. Each of them seemed eager to spill more human blood and reclaim there world.

Many of them were whispering excitedly about potentially getting to meet the Harbinger of Freedom. Although Kace was known by many names to these monsters, this was the title that they all felt that he deserved. His arrival had meant a great change for them all, especially the chance to be free from their oppressors.

Many of them hoped to personally join Kace's group in the future. There was no telling how many would be allowed to personally serve under him. For each of them, it would be a great honour. Although, to the best of their knowledge, Kace only had a single companion right now. Even though there was only the two of them, they had already decided on a name for Kace and the pillars that would join him. 

"We're going to meet the Fangs of Freedom!" 

"I know! It won't be long now!"

Vaskra heard several such statements in passing. Who would not be excited to meet their saviours? She could only smile slightly as she listened in. She knew that Kace's path before him would be a long and arduous one. One full of glory but also death and sorrow. It was a fate that she wished he did not have to carry.

They rounded a corner into a large clearing. A behemoth of a structure was being worked on underneath a huge leathery covering. Keeping prying eyes from discovering exactly what was being worked on. From the side, the goblin in charge of the project spotted Vaskra and waved her over. A huge smile was plastered on his face as she approached.

"Is it good news then?" She asked, trying to hold back a smile of her own.

"Indeed, we're just making the final touches right now." The goblin's eyes were lit with a hint of madness

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