My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 170: Words Better Unspoken

Chapter 170: Words Better Unspoken

Cameron was momentarily startled as Kace emerged from a shadow outside of the range of perception for his spell. This almost cost him his life as an Ice Spear flew past his face, grazing his cheek in the process. 'Fucking hell! I thought he didn't have any long-range spells!' The sudden attack left him bewildered. With the speed of these assault class spells, there was minimal opportunity for him to react to the fluctuations they caused when passing through his air detection spell.

Cameron instantly understood what his opponent was attempting to achieve. He wanted to force him to put his Air Barrier back up so that he could physically attack to drain his mana reserves quicker. Cameron had to admit that this was quite the cunning plan that placed him in a bind. Personally, he was far better suited to mid to long-range battles.

The close range was something that he severely lacked in. However, Kace had successfully created an environment that would force him into a disadvantageous situation. Cameron could only helplessly consider how to escape their exchange now. If this carried on for too long, he was certain that he would lose his life here. 'I can't let that happen! Not yet, at least!'

Kace had to stop himself from laughing at the poor situation that his opponent found himself in. He was obviously torn between putting his barrier back up and attempting to flee. However, the only thing that was certainly preventing Cameron from turning tail and running like a beaten dog was sure that he was wary of Kace taking advantage of it. For all, he knew Kace would use the shadows to directly pop up in front of him and strike him dead.

Kace was almost certain that he could hear Cameron grinding his teeth in frustration. This pleased him to no end. However, he had to be certain to watch everyone of his opponents movements. He had learned the hard way before that the more someone felt cornered, the more unpredictable they would become.

As his latest Ice Spear flew towards a blind spot of Cameron's vision, it finally happened. The spell shattered against the recreated Air Barrier. Kace's eyes shone with delight. He had finally forced his opponent into making the move that he wanted. Before Cameron could even turn to face him, Kace had already reappeared beside the barrier and struck it with his stave. 

Cameron once again felt the rapid drain on his mana supplies as he discharged Chain Lightning in multiple directions. Kace clicked his tongue at this move before sinking back into the shadows. Such a thing could easily prevent him from getting close physically while the barrier protected his target from a distance.

'There's a silver lining to this,' Sylvan suddenly said having been paying attention to the entire process. 'The more that he uses both of these methods together, the faster he will run out of mana. The best thing is that you don't even have to do anything anymore. Just wait until he's running on empty!'

Kace nodded in acknowledgement of this point that Sylvan made as he swam through the murky shadow waters. He noticed that his AP was draining at an even faster rate with each skill's consecutive use. At the rate it was going at there was no telling who might run out of their resources first. He could only hope that Cameron's Chain Lightning and Air Barrier used far more mana than the AP that his Shadow Swimming cost.

We witnessed Cameron making a dash for the walls that led to the army below one of the shadow ripples. Kace grimaced as he noticed that he did not drop either one of his spells the entire time. 'Fuck! There he goes!' Kace could only lament his prey, succeeding in escaping from him. He was not suicidal enough to jump into the heart of the enemy army to take a solitary life. 

'He'll definitely cause a lot of problems later on!' Kace thought he watched the mage use another air magic spell to slow his fall to the ground. Landing safely before retreating into the enemy ranks. 'Take it as a half victory, you successfully drove off a powerful foe. This is definitely better than achieving nothing.' Sylvan remarked, sounding incredibly wise.

Kace could only accept Sylvan's words with a hint of bitterness. He knew all too well the devastation that an escaped target could cause further down the line. With a heavy sigh in his mind, he cancelled his Shadow Swimming skill. Promptly popping up again on the wall. 'Wait. What happened to Sophia?'

He had been so focused on his opponent that he had failed to notice her absence a short distance away from him, further along, the wall. A blood-soaked beauty performed a deadly dance with multiple partners. Kace felt his heart skip a beat as he had never seen anything like it. To his eyes, the sight was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen before.

'Calm the fuck down!' He screamed at his own heart. Concerned that it beat so loudly that Sophia would be able to hear it. 'No! I am not doing this! Not with her, at least! Please for the love of God, don't let this be permanent!'

Mentally speaking, Kace had absolutely no intention of getting romantically involved with anyone. There was too much uncertainty in his life as it was. Never mind throwing fuel on the fire by giving himself something else to obsessively worry about! However, his heart did not seem to have received the memo. Kace could silently swear to himself to lock this stray feeling in a chest and toss it into the darkest abyss of his mind. Hopefully to be forgotten about.

Sophia let out a crazed scream as enemy managed to pierce her sword arm with a spear. The sudden, painful sounding noise spurred Kace to take action before it was too late. Like a bolt of lightning, he went at full speed towards her location. Throwing out Ice Spears recklessly towards the heroes that had Sophia surrounded.

"Don't you DARE touch her!" He roared like a man possessed

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