My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 177: Wrath Unleashed

Chapter 177: Wrath Unleashed

Kace eyed the approaching reorganised formation of the hero army. His eyes were scanning the crowd for any sign of the hero that he had an altercation with before. However, his eyes only met unfamiliar faces. That meant that he probably would not make another appearance until they had been thoroughly exhausted. 

Kace cursed his bad luck as he realised that he had left it too late to properly escape from the city if he absolutely had to. This meant that he would have to rely on using Shadow Swimming intermittently to conserve his strength. It was highly draining to use like that though so he had to make sure and keep enough AP in his reserves to escape successfully if shit went tits up.

Sophia's worried face made him realise how dire the chances of survival for the vampire race truly were. 'Fuck it. There's no point in holding back anymore!' Kace was now eager to reap as many souls as he could before making a timely exit. Hopefully, his display would prove to Sophia that he had truly been sincere in attempting to save her people.

The vampires began to knock their arrows in their bows and prepare their best spells. However, they were all startled when they witnessed a crazed figure leap from the walls' safety and rush to meet the opposing army.

Kace sneered at the heroes who were laughing right in front of him. 'I'll give you something to laugh about you, bastard!' With this thought, he dropped down into the shadow world, stunning everyone who had been watching hissed dash. A few seconds later and he popped up in the middle of their formation. Contrary to their expectations, he failed to strike out at any of the nearby heroes. 

Instead, they felt a sudden loss of power as a massive amount of power began to accumulate with Kace as its centre! Empower! As soon as he activated this ability, Sylvan dragged the nearest hero towards them with his vines. Kace opened his mouth wide and ripped the heroes throat out with his bare teeth. It was like putting paper through a shredder as there was no resistance offered at all.

Blood spurted over his face and gave him a fresh coat of war paint. Kace and Sylvan wasted no time in putting the heroes in their place. A single swing of the stave would send dozens flying, usually with their rib cages caved in or some other kind of severe injury. He was acting like a shark that could smell blood in the water!

The heroes had not expected such a violent response, shocking them into a state of passive panic. With every second that passed a new limb without an owner would fly through the air as Kace parried the attacks of the people who had the presence of mind to try and put an end to his rampage. That, or attempt a futile resistance.

He was like a natural disaster that had been unleashed as a targeted attack on them. This was an existence that none of those present was capable of putting a stop to. The casualties mounted higher and higher. Some thought they could be clever and go around him. However, he would not let this happen.

Anyone who tried would suddenly come face to face with him as he popped out of their shadow and put an end to them there and then. The situation soon devolved further as his entire tribe of goblins decided to join in. Well, all of them except Shadow who was not letting Sophia out of his sights.

The heroes thought that their lives had become forfeit to some sick game. One woman was beheaded, and the goblins proceeded to use her head as a ball to kick around. The heroes were too closely packed together, and the goblins had an advantage in mobility thanks to their shadow abilities. Even if they had the room to swing their weapons properly, they soon found that it was more difficult than they fought to strike an adversary that was less than half their own height.

Some superstitious heroes tried to flee the massacre as they recognised a now-familiar sight amongst them. It was the second coming of the Girl In The Red Dress! Kace raised an eyebrow in amused expression as Lorget ran through the crowd trailing a child's teddy bear in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other.

He could not blame the heroes for overreacting to the scene. There was plenty of superstitious stuff floating around back on earth. Now that they found themselves in a living, breathing fantasy world, then it should certainly be possible for such evil spirits to actually exist. Lorget chased them, screaming gleefully as they began to trip over each other.

'I'll have to get him a new dress if we make it out of this in one piece.' Kace chortled to himself as he casually crushed the skull of a hero with a vice-like grip. It popped in a way that reminded Kace of the shows he had seen where someone would split a watermelon with a baseball bat. 'Come to think of it, that also caused a mess of red fluids.'

Sylvan was busy cackling away to himself. Glad to finally be carrying out some proper vengeance against the heroes. Although he did not recognise any of them, such a minor detail held no significance for him. All he cared about was squeezing the life from as many of them as he possibly could.

Sophia and the other vampires who were standing on top of the wall felt an urge to vomit. It was understandable when a life was lost after giving their all in an honourable fight. This, however, was entirely against their own beliefs. This was no longer a battle where two sides put their lives on the line and prayed to come out victorious. 

This was now a one-sided massacre, where human life was being treated as casually as an ants would be

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