My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 189: Dropping Bombs

Chapter 189: Dropping Bombs

Vaskra was taken aback by her kinsmen's choice in clothing, but for all, she knew that was just how they dressed here. When in Rome and all of that. She found her thoughts wandering to whether or not Kace would greet her in a dress as well. There was something strangely alluring about the prospect. 

Lorget took a few moments to recollect himself. He held a finger to his mouth to signal her to be quiet and motioned towards the rear's destroyed wall. She understood what he meant and steered her glider with the help of air magic to land inside the dilapidated building. It seemed like they both had a lot of questions, but the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

For one thing, Vaskra could not stop staring at Lorget's fashion sense. Though she had to admit that the fresh blood dripping from it was an excellent choice. Lorget, on the other hand, was mesmerised by her beauty. If this were earth, he would certainly become a top-class stalker for this woman. Eventually, the silence got a little too much for Vaskra to deal with.

"What happened here?" She asked with a quiet voice.

"Oh, yeah." Lorget fumbled his words before he could string together a proper response. "A Great Hero Army ransacked the city. There are still a few of them skulking around, looking for clues."


"Yeah, it seems like the ones who stayed behind are searching for my Lord. But he escaped the city before they could get ahold of him."

"There's a Goblin Lord here?" Vaskra asked in surprise. Although they a King he was not to her taste. With any luck, this Lord might be handsome enough for her to consider dumping her pursuit of Kace. "What's he like?"

"Terrifying! He's tall, powerful and looks like a demon!" Lorget shuddered as he recalled his memories of Kace.

"Eh? Is that so?" Vaskra liked the sound of him already.

"Oh, no! You don't want to meet him! Trust me!" Lorget panicked as he realised his blunder. The females of their species were always attracted to power. With Vaskra's beauty, what man would ever turn her down? At this moment, he resolved himself to compete with his Lord for this woman's affections if he had to.

"Oh? And why is that?" Vaskra batted her eyelashes to use her womanly charm to glean some more information from this goblin. With any luck, his Lord might even know what happened to Kace.

"Well, for instance. When he took charge, do you know what his first order was?

"To throw a party?"

"I wish! He ordered the death of one of my brothers! Just because. No explanation was given!"

Vaskra's eyes went wide when she heard this. Finally, a man after her own heart! Even without seeing him in person, she was already prepared to declare that he was her soulmate!

"Is there any chance you can lead my group and I to speak with your Lord? We're looking for someone, and he might be able to help us."

Lorget realised that her attention was rapidly developing towards Kace and that just would not do. Even though it was kind of underhanded to stab a brother in the back like this, he still had a card to play.

"Sure, just make sure to be polite to his woman. Otherwise, he might kill you on the spot." Lorget wanted to pat himself on the back for this. It was not a lie as Shadow himself had said that it was their Lord's woman. However, that vampiress did not hold a candle to the beauty that was in front of him. 'Hopefully, she won't show any interest when she meets him now! Otherwise, I wouldn't blame him for dumping that hag for this fine piece of meat.'

Vaskra clicked her tongue in annoyance. Of course. All the good ones were always taken. She was not a homewrecker, so she would not pursue the matter any further.

"Meet me just beyond the front gate!" Lorget whispered as he disappeared into his shadow.

'My, that's quite a neat little trick!' Vaskra was amused by the disappearing act for a little bit before she retook to the skies. She signalled to the others below to meet up at the gate. Obviously, Lorget had exaggerated the danger since none of them had spotted even a single hero during their search. 'Perhaps he mistook some of them for heroes at a distance?'

It took them just around ten minutes to gather in front of the gate where the goblin in the red dress was waiting for them. However, when he saw Yul he was at a loss. The giant was a walking advertisement for where their home was. Since he was too tall to go inside, they would have to find somewhere for him to wait on the outside. Preferably far away from his home.

The struck up an idle chat along the way, and at some point, Yul had parted ways with the group and insisted that he would be able to see them when they left the cave again, so they weren't to worry. Lorget heaved a sigh in relief, his biggest worry had just taken care of itself. What a considerate guest!

Lorget attempted to impress Vaskra by pointing out all of the beautiful scenery around the cave he lived in. Which was to say, absolutely nothing worth remembering. For Vaskra who came from a lush and lively world, this one was just depressingly bleak. She would only consider the move if her potential partner had enough power to back up his words.

"Ah, right. Lorget, I completely forgot to ask you. And I don't want to embarrass myself when I address your Lord so could you tell us his name and that of his missus?"

"Ah, yeah. That's pretty important. The Lady of the tribe is called Sophia. Don't worry, you'll recognise her immediately. She's definitely different to what you'll be used to. As for the Lord, his name is Kace"

A loud shriek echoed out behind him, turning his head, he could see the furious gaze of a woman scorned fixed on him. He got the feeling that hell hath no wrath like that of an angry gobliness.

"Did you just say that Kace has a wife!" Vaskra screamed.

'Ah, fuck. I've somehow put my foot in it again'

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