My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 173 - Dashing On A Snowy Night, The Authority Of The Husky!

Chapter 173: Dashing On A Snowy Night, The Authority Of The Husky!

“Happy my ass, damn it!”

Listening to the game panel’s notification prompt, Su Mo was almost not even thinking rationally as he turned over and got up. He put on his clothes and ran out immediately.

“This sh*tty game! Didn’t you say that this time was the turn of those who were 17 years old? My sister is 16 years old and you let her in. F*ck!”

Su Mo took out the pointer and quickly outlined his sister’s image mentally while venting his inner anger by cursing.

She had long hair, a ponytail, usually wore a dark blue school uniform, had a shallow dimple when she smiled, and loved to eat cake…

Seeing that the information slot had filled up by two-thirds as he recollected his memories, Su Mo hastily continued to input more information into the pointer.

His sister was currently 16 years old, and her birthday was the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

The twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month?


“F*ck! She’s 17 after midnight? What is the basis of this rule?”

Thinking back to her birthday and seeing the information slot being filled up, Su Mo finally understood the source of his heart palpitations during the day.

Midnight was when the blizzard was at its strongest, and anyone caught outside would have their body temperature drop to an unimaginable number.

In this kind of weather, if one did not have thick clothes and some sort of shelter, they would likely not last even five minutes.

While the pointer’s arrow was spinning around, Su Mo quickly entered the friend panel, found Su Chan’s avatar, and clicked “add”.

A few points were deducted but, the next second Su Mo could not help but roar again, “Adding a friend still requires points, and I can’t f*cking pay for her? Why would I want this kind of garbage game!”

“I want to file a complaint! I want to file a report! I’m not playing anymore! Damn you!”

The green game panel looked disgusting to Su Mo at this moment.

In order not to see and not to be bothered, Su Mo simply closed the game panel and quickly filled the storage space with supplies.

In the three-cubic-meter space, he cleared out all the miscellaneous items, leaving nothing inside.

All five loaded rifles were brought, and the two machine guns with ammunition belts were placed into the storage space.

Sixty explosives, all the bullets, ten bottles filled with psychic energy water, as well as the pancakes, were brought along.

Before Su Mo completely transferred them into the storage space, the pointer’s arrow finally stopped moving, revealing a precise direction and number.

Just by looking at it, Su Mo felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Seventy-three kilometers northwest.

According to his rough calculations, this location may not even be two kilometers away from kobold castle.

It may even be right next to the kobold castle.

Unstoppable heart palpitations appeared again with the frantic pulsing of his right eyelid. Su Mo increased his stride, biting down on his lip as he rushed directly to the garage gate.

At this moment, the winch withstood a strong force that it had never before felt, and was almost instantly turned to its maximum rotation.



The violent storm, accompanied by the snow in the sky, rushed into the garage like a rain of bullets.

After only taking two steps, Su Mo’s heart went cold.

In this kind of weather, it would take at least six hours for him to get to the kobold castle by walking!

“¥##[email protected]

Cursed once again in his native dialect while watching the storm outside, Su Mo covered his head and went back to Earth Tiger. He slammed the car door and slammed his foot on the accelerator pedal and rushed out.

Whether or not this would work, he would still have to try!

If the car was gone, he could rebuild it. If his sister was gone, she would be gone forever!

“Kobolds, god damn it! This time I must kill you all!” Suppressing his anger, Earth Tiger rushed forward into the ice and snow.

Almost half standing, as soon as Su Mo got out of the garage gate, a violent wind blew. Coupled with the icy snow, it overturned the car.

Fortunately, he was wearing a seat belt. Otherwise, if the car rolled over, he would be either maimed or dead.

Su Mo tried to climb out of the car. Watching Earth Tiger roll over to the ground, Sumo, like a madman, directly summoned all his strength and stubbornly pushed the car against the storm, trying to turn it upright.

However, before the force of such a natural disaster and storm, human strength was insignificant.

Before Su Mo could fight for long, another gust of wind arrived. On the smooth snow surface, Earth Tiger, like a big toy, was blown away and tumbled into the distance.

“God damn it, come back!”

Stubbornly tugging at the rear end of the Earth Tiger with his hands, Su Mo tried to keep Earth Tiger on the ground.

However, how could human strength conquer the sky? After being led along for forty to fifty meters, Su Mo released his hands and watched Earth Tiger continue to be blown away and laid helplessly on the ground.

In such weather conditions, a vehicle would not be able to travel.

The only glimmer of hope was if Earth Tiger could be upgraded into a snowmobile or a tracked-wheel vehicle. However, after opening the upgrade panel for a quick look, Su Mo was stunned!

It would take tens of thousands of points to upgrade it into a snowmobile. Even if it was an all-terrain tracked vehicle, it had to be equipped with a front drive system. The drive wheels, road wheel, the inducer, and the supporting wheels would form a flexible chainring. Even the cheapest one required 6700 points!

“Only 700 points away!”

“Is it God’s will?”

There wasn’t a trace of light amidst this dark snowy night, and the direction of the arrow on the pointer was still stubbornly pointing in the direction of the kobold castle.

Watching the number change from 73 to 74, Su Mo’s eyes went dark and, at the same time, there was another hope in his heart.

“My sister is not dead, she was likely captured by the kobolds! As long as I don’t die, I will reach there and be able to rescue her!”

Seeing the unchanged direction on the pointer, and the number that suddenly disappeared, Su Mo stood up and forcefully walked forward step by step against the storm.

Every second of the way, Su Mo was gritting his teeth and fighting against the terrible force of the wind and snow.

Every time he fell, Su Mo would support himself off the ground with both his hands and get up with gritted teeth.

In the face of this natural disaster, Su Mo’s status as world’s first seemed extremely insignificant.

“Persevere, Su Mo, you can do it! You must do it!”

Seeing the snowy slope of the Deep-sea Shelter appeared in his sight, Su Mo’s vision suddenly went black as he accidentally slipped to the ground.

His physical strength was draining quickly.

The cold was taking his body heat away quickly.

Even the heating function of the combat uniform was not enough to withstand the terrifying cold caused by the violent weather conditions.

“System, give me tools to create things that can travel fast in this kind of weather, even if all my points are spent, I want to get there quickly.”

Summoning the system and looking at the options provided by the system, even with 6000 survival points, Su Mo could only shake his head in despair and tremble.

Sled? With this wind and weather, how could he move forward?

Sled bikes… The cheapest one cost 8000 survival points! He was short of 2000 points!



Just as Su Mo was lying on the ground glancing at the options provided by the system, a furry dog’s face appeared in front of Su Mo.

At the same time, Oreo held two very familiar things in her mouth.

“This is… the hemp rope and a skateboard?”

The slender hemp rope had been pulled out of the snow, and the orange skateboard was stuck in Oreo’s mouth, though it was inevitable that some of her saliva had dripped onto it.

“You mean you can take me there?”

Seeing Oreo nodding, Su Mo turned over and sat up with a surprised look on his face.

After midnight, he did not know what Oreo had seen to have kept twitching on the ground. Eager to leave, Su Mo had not cared about Oreo fooling around in the shelter.

Seeing Oreo’s appearance at this time, Su Mo quickly fixed his eyes on the skateboard, and its property panel appeared:


[Description: An ordinary skateboard without any special features]

[First upgrade direction: Snowboard. With better binding angles, smoothness, and material composition. Can carry two people, and has a scientific locking mechanism designed to ensure that users will not be affected by its speed and fall from the skateboard too quickly. Survival points required (440)]

[Second upgrade direction: Hoverboard. Uses air pressure and gliding technology to control airflow and generate lift. Greatly enhances the material of the skateboard, and greatly improves the quality of the skateboard. Survival points required (8859)]

[Comment: Who wouldn’t want a green magic skateboard?]

Seeing the two upgrade directions provided by the system, he did not hesitate and selected the first option and quickly tied the end of hemp rope into a knot and put it around Oreo’s neck.

With the completion of Oreo’s awakening during her growth period, her body size was now similar to that of an adult husky on Earth.

Strong muscles, along with sufficient psychic energy water supplies. With these, they would be able to fully manage a long-distance journey in this kind of weather.

“Oreo, thank you!”

Touching Oreo’s head and watching her sassy appearance, Su Mo stood on the snowboard and tied the other end of the hemp rope around his waist.

Skateboarding could be described as the pioneer of extreme sports. Many extreme sports were derived from skateboarding.

Standing on the skateboard for the first time, even Su Mo could not help squeezing tightly on the rope between his hands, praying for God’s blessing.

Unfortunately, before Su Mo prayed to Buddha, Oreo raised her head to the sky and let out a stern howl for the first time.


Beneath the snowy night, the storm was still raging. Su Mo saw the snowflake imprint on Oreo’s head suddenly light up.

As if it was gathering the power between heaven and earth, the snowflakes were not falling on Oreo, but instead were magically sucked into Oreo.

Half a meter… one meter!

Two meters!

Oreo’s body shape was like an inflated balloon as she continued to absorb the snowflakes. In the blink of an eye, she had transformed from a length of about 80cm to a giant wolf that was three meters long!

Her strong thigh muscles, and the giant dog’s head that was nearly the size of a whole person, made it no secret as to how much terrifying power she would erupt with!


Standing at the back, even Su Mo’s palms became sweaty as he watched Oreo.

However, the next second, Oreo turned around to reveal her iconic sassy expression. Su Mo laughed and the fear of the unknown in his heart was wiped out!

The universe was uncertain and the sky was endless. Oreo’s power was enough to rush through the stormy barrier and challenge the workings of fate!

Tightening the rope around his body again, Su Mo lowered his body and held the pointer in one hand. Facing the unknown, Su Mo shouted, “Go! Our destination is the kobold castle!”

As his voice trailed off, Oreo turned her head, her eyes firm as her two sturdy thighs pushed directly against the snow, as they set off.

On the dark snowy field, a person and a dog seemed to have transformed into a black and white bolt of lightning, galloping at a speed no less than 60 kilometers per hour!

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