My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area (LN)

Book 2: Extra 1 (2)

Book 2: Extra 1 (2)

That situation was no laughing matter I might have been attacked by a monster at any moment. I was conscious and I could see, but it was darkAnd my body wouldnt moveI was terrified

It seemed the wise sages name was Sir Thor.

As his carefreeno, gentle face suggested, he was a very kind person.

Although hed saved my life, he wasnt trying to demand gratitude from me.

But Im a knight. I have to pay my debts.

But how could someone like me repay a wise sage who lived amongst all these incredible artifacts?

I had almost nothing on me. My sole asset was my sword, but I had lost even that.

I thought as hard as I couldbut in this situation, all that I could give him wasmyself?

W-wait a minute. What am I thinking?

S-sir Thor isnt a goblin. He doesnt want that.

This is no good. Ever since I had collapsed in the dungeon, I had only had weird thoughts.

Id heard from other adventurers that, when youre alert to the possibility of death, sexual thoughts come into your head.

Ill go prepare a bath.

What? A b-bath? In the middle of a dungeon? Suddenly, I couldnt believe it. Surely both water and fuel are very precious?

But perhaps when he said hed prepare a bath now, he meant to do it for me.

What? A bath? In a dungeon? But Id feel bad for doing something like that.

Its fine, its fine.

According to Sir Thor, the wonderful floor that blanketed this room was called tatami. He put me in the tatami room, since I still couldnt move very well, and went to prepare a bath.

Why is Sir Thor encouraging me to take a bath that will use his precious water?

P-perhaps he wants to make me beautiful?

S-surely thats not it.

I dont get that impression from him. I think its a genuine act of kindness.

ActuallyI got dirty in the dungeonThats embarrassing!

I checked over the dirty condition of my body, which was still moving creakily.

Aaaaaaaah! I realised what a state the lower half of my body and the tatami underneath it were in.

Oh no! Id  

Sir Thor returned.

Wait what!? Why are you kneeling down!?

I, I-I-I-I-Im so sorry. When you talked about the bath I finally realised butwhat a disgraceful thing I have

On top of that, Id had such unthinkable suspicions of Sir Thor. There was no way hed be interested in a filthy girl like me.

Oh, Im such an idiot! Although Im no longer a knight, I never intended to abandon the spirit of knighthood, but Im a disgrace to all knights.

Nobut you couldnt have been able to go to the toilet because you were paralysed, right? And it couldnt have been helped because I scared you, right?

Uhhhhhh It wasnt just that.

Its so embarrassing I cant say it.

What was that? Because I scared you? I went pale.

So it wasnt after I came here that I lost control of my bladder, it was in the dungeon? Or on Sir Thors back?

I went white, and then my face flushed. Automatically, I reached out to touch Sir Thors waist.

I-Its wet.

Probably no, almost certainly it was wet with the same liquid that had soaked my lower body.

AhIts because I carried you, Ria.

H-how could I have made.a wise sage do something. like that?

T-there, there, its not that uncommon.

Thats not true at all!

I was so apologetic and confused that I burst into tears.

I didnt even really understand what kind of tears they were.

I-Im sorry. I shouldnt have raised my voice all of a sudden

No, its alright.

Even if you forgive meI cant get married anymore at this rate.

From my own words, I understood the meaning of my tears, and I was aghast.

In this hopeless situation, I was still thinking about selfish womanly happiness that I ought to have discarded.

I was so ashamed that by rights I ought to have committed suicide.

If you cant then I would gladly take you


Sir Thor looked away, blushing.

W-what hed said just nowWas that what he meant?

N-no. I cast aside my womanhood to become a knight. No! But.well, Im an ex-knight

W-w-w-w-what are you saying!? Wise sage

No! But it was only Sir Thor whod seen me in this shameful state.

No, I-I mean. Its a joke.maybe..hey.

A joke? My mind went blank. It was strange, but I couldnt think at all.

Is ita joke?

I knew I was angry, but why did I have to be angry with this wise sage who had saved my life and shown me every kindness?

I didnt understand the reason, but in any case I poured all my energy into putting on a smiling face.

I guess there are jokes that can be said and those that shouldnt be.

Thats right. Boys cannot go back on their word, you know?

Still puzzled and not really understanding, I pressed Sir Thor to agree that boys couldnt go back on their word.

T-thats right. Boys cannot go back on their word.

The moment I heard that, for some reason, I suddenly got embarrassed and became unable to look Sir Thor in the face.

I will go take a bath now. Where is it?

I tried to escape to the bath for the time being.

Ah, wait a while. Theres a lot I need to teach you.

Saying this, Sir Thor worrying about me, because my body still wasnt moving well pulled me by the hand and helped me to stand up.

How else can I put it? It was embarrassing.

I got the feeling that it wasnt just the embarrassment of letting him see me in a state that was unbecoming of a knight.

Before Sir Thors carefreeno, gentle face, I was against my better judgement forgetting that I was living as a knight.

The bath was a disaster.

Well, no, the bath itself was amazing, but I had no idea how to use the wise sages artifactsIt was even more embarrassing than having wet myself.

This was so hopeless, I might as well be dead. No, I wished that I was dead.

But whatever I did, Sir Thor smiled and forgave me.

Although I knew I mustnt, I ended up depending on his kindness time and again.

Since I was afraid of sleeping by myself in a dark room because Id collapsed when I was alone in the dungeon, I went to sleep with Sir Thor.

Hey, Ria. This mattress artifact is really comfortable so would you like to sleep on it together? Actually, yeah, lets do it. Let me show off the artifact Im really proud of.

Sir Thor laughed as he said it, but Im sure that he was taking my situation into account.

I slept alongside Sir Thor. We stayed together in the bed until morning.

That is to say Sir Thor did me the favour of sleeping beside me, since I was afraid of sleeping in a dark room.

We didnt do anything unseemly whatsoever.

B-but even sleeping with meI wonder if that really was all right.

Ive heard that when a woman is sleeping beside them, men start to want to do those sorts of things.

I must not hold any appeal for Sir Thor at all.

Or maybe Sir Thor doesnt do that kind of thing because hes an honest man.

Im a little sad. I hope its the latter.

Suddenly, I realised that the way I was thinking about it, I really did hope it was true.

Wait a minute, Ria! Dont you feel any shame, as a former knight?

But Sir Thor had already seen me in plenty of embarrassing states.

Sir Thor was kind and put me completely at ease, as did this room.

It was hard to hold on to the version of myself that had been living as a knight up until now.

If I went on like this, I really would end up taking advantage of Sir Thors kindness.

It made me sad, but I had to get better and go back home.

Time flies when youre having fun. Or rather, the artifact called cola had cured me of the effects of the paralysis poison, and I had recovered my stamina in this comfortable space.

But there were still certain circumstances which kept me from returning to the surface immediately.

Could it be that theres a reason why you cant go back up from the dungeon immediately, Ria?

Sir Thor had even managed to work that out.

Yesactually, I did have a companion butum, sobut we got split up, and I lost my sword as well. It is rather impossible for me to go back up alone.

Perhaps he didnt want me to go backNo matter how you look at it, surely I was overthinking it to make it convenient for myself.

After all, if I thought about it normally, having me stay would probably be a nuisance for him.

I would think that some adventurers are bound to pass by here when they come to explore this dungeon, so I will join them when they do come.

But will anyone pass by here anytime soon? And theres also a chance that the adventurers might reject you when you ask to join them.

Depending on the situation, there is a possibility that it might take quite a long time. If I wait in the dungeon every day, theres bound to be someone coming through here in a week.

A week, huh?

Would I be causing too much trouble by staying in your house until then, wise sage?

If it was going to cause him any trouble at all, I was resolved to face up to the dungeon with the aim of getting back to the surface, even though I was alone and weaponless.

But, with no confusion whatsoever, Sir Thor said,

Youre not causing any trouble at all! Why, Im a wise sage after all!

There were times when I suddenly thought Even though Sir Thor had made his home in the depths of a dungeon, and possessed such artifacts, sometimes he seemed like a very normal guy.

Which was great, but

If you want toyou can stay here forever.

The wise sage was probably saying that so I wouldnt feel like I was troubling him by staying here.

Even so, I was so overwhelmed with happiness that tears welled up in my eyes.

Im really happybut I have to return up there no matter what so

I-I guess youre right

But he wouldnt be this kind to a girl he really hated, right?

Thats what I wanted to think, since Id done nothing but embarrass myself. Or rather, thats how I wanted things to be.

If that was the case, I wanted to get up the courage to ask him something Id been thinking about for a while now.

But, could I come to this meet you again, Sir Thor?

Sir Thors whole face lit up in a smile.

Of course you can! Come back anytime.

That was worth plucking up great courage for, more so than any enemy Id fought as a knight.

No perhaps the emotions that Id always felt in the depths of my heart, emotions I felt as a woman, had grown stronger.

Thats how I came to be living with the wonderful wise sage until I might encounter another party of adventurers.

Ive decided to believe that Sir Thor meant it when he said Come back any time!

I think that next time I want to come back to this room not as a knight or an adventurer but just as a woman.

And if I canin front of Sir ThorI want to be a little cuter.

Ill go to meet him time and time again until he sees me as a woman!

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