My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 226 Annual Examinations

<strong>Day 2: Nation's History Test</strong>

1) Define the term constitution. State any two reasons for its significance.

2) State any three freedoms have given under the Right to Freedom.

3) When did the constitution of Northern Qudour come into force?

4) Mention any three fundamental duties as given in the Northern Qudouri constitution.

5) *Picture* "It was a dome-shaped structure made of mud, and carved symbols and the images of the ancient gods on it."

a) Identify the structure given in the picture. Name the place and the state it is built.

b) Name the king who built it. In what epoch and what century it was built.

c) Name any two architectural features of the structure.


"Ah, isn't this the Dome of Trinia?" Azzy grinned inside, feeling good as he just read about it, a couple of days ago. "Okay, if my memory serves me right, it is built in the town of Trinia by King Agueves III in 10th Epoch, 1582… Hmm… No, 1578… Uhh… let's just write the 16th century. Yup, that's better…"

Azzy nailed the exam on Day 2. He was a history lover and even had the hobby of reading history books whenever he had the time. So, almost all the questions appeared to be easy for him.

The third Day was Physical Sciences and the following Day was Biological Sciences. Azzy wasn't good at it but he wasn't also particularly bad at it. Still, for the sake of CGPA, he made his own preparations.

While he work out the physics, he made the poor wolf read and memorize the biology book, later transferred the knowledge to his brain. So, the weekdays also passed without any worries.

Then, the weekend arrived with two days of break. Azzy didn't even step out of room for two whole days to prepare to face his greatest opponent that often wins against him, the Mathematics.

And then, arrived the day of the hell…

With the Reaper deciding to not assist Azzy in the exam, the latter had to depend on himself. And yet, when he saw the question paper, Azzy felt as if the soul left him in peace.

There was more calculation part than the theoretical part. With the help of knowledge transfer, he knows all the formulas, all the theories, but doesn't know how to apply which one to which.

The good news for him is that he wasn't suffering alone. There are many students struggling with the answers.

In the afternoon, students were coming outside from their respective academic buildings. Some have a sad look on their faces while some were seriously discussing the question paper.

Along with the rest of the classmates, Azzy was also coming out of the building. He was looking at the clouds in a daze. Gideon was trying to console him.

Suddenly, his hand was grabbed by someone, and found his arms locked by a slender arm.

The owner of the arm was a blue-eyed blonde girl who has this cheerfulness on her face. "Rael, how did it go?"

"Uh… It's alright." Azzy looked away in embarrassment, scratching his cheek.

"You screwed up." Seeing how Azzy not meeting her eyes, she realized that Azzy faced trouble.

"Damn you, Chronos. If only you had helped me…" Azzy cursed inside his mind, putting the blame on the Reaper who refused to assist him in all the exams.

"I already told you that you shouldn't cheat in examinations because it is the formal way that the school is testing you on what you have been doing for the whole year. As the President of Disciplinary Committee, you shouldn't cheat in things like these." The Reaper counterattacked.

But, Azzy didn't back down and tried to fight, "what cheating. Didn't you tell so many times that you are a part of me just like my hand or leg?"

"Nope, I only said our Arcana form is part of you, not my soul. It is mine and Vajra's is his. No, I mean, he is my slave. So, Vajra's soul is also mine." The Reaper wasn't the one to never admit defeat.

What could Azzy do, if the Reaper bluntly tells him like that… He just decided to run away by not commenting on it.

In the end, he let out a sigh, looking down. "I think I roughly attempted 70 marks. Trigonometric equations are really difficult."

"C'mon, it's grade-8 exams, anyway. It's not that important. As long you pass, it will be enough you know." Claire patted her shoulder in encouragement. "And you are already in Elite realm (rank-5), anyway. Regardless of the results, you will still be in Elite Division."

"This is why I told you that I will tutor you, Azzy." Gideon who was walking beside Azzy chipped in, angering Claire a bit. "Instead of focusing on studies, both of you were probably in indulged in romance…" "Ugh"

Suddenly, a punch was landed on the side of his abdomen. "Shut up." Claire blushed while looking away in embarrassment.

Groan in pain, Gideon grabbed Azzy's shoulder, "Bro, sister-in-law really became violent these days…"

"Did you say something?" As she glared at him, Gideon looked away, "nothing."


Azzy's mood wasn't good for the rest of the day. He didn't even eat properly. After all, he worked hard for the past few months but realized that it isn't easy to cover four years of absence from academics.

Unfortunately, the troubles haven't ended yet. The next day's examination was a theoretical combat examination where there's no textbook to memorize to prepare beforehand.

The questions were in the form of hypothetical situations a party is stuck in and were asked to answer the most efficient way to solve them.

For example, one of the ten marks questions says: "In the region of Seinhede, Alger is going on a hunt along with two of his friends named Sarah and Amy. Each one has a soul power of 86232, 72111, and 94782 respectively.

Alger's Arcana is a set of a shield and a sword; Sarah's Arcana is an Electric Carp; Amy's Arcana is an Earth Mole. All of their Arcana spirits are of Gold grade with no mutated ones. Their aim is to hunt down the boss of the region. Help Ager and his teammates in taking down their target."

While it seemed like a simple question, it was actually more complex. For one, they only mentioned the region name and nothing else about the beast. So, unless, one has an idea about the region and the habitat inside, it is very difficult to attempt this question.

As Azzy only joined the academy this year and there was no trip to the region of Seinhede, he was troubled. Without any information on anything, he formed a battle strategy, assuming that they are facing a peak-rank-4 beast of platinum grade like the previous Galarian King.

"Hmm, considering there's an Electric Carp and an Earth mole, the battlefield might be something like a pond."

One after another, he attempted the questions confidently only to hear from Gideon that Seinhede is actually a level-2 region is a mountainous region devoid of forests and lakes. The boss is a giant spider living in a cave.

When he heard that, he almost screamed in his head, cursing the question setter for deceiving him. Uphiar, who was traveling on a magical carpet, let out a sneeze. Rubbing his nose, he mumbled, "Someone must be talking about me."



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