My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 327 The Story Of A Bard

"Either he's a powerful demigod in disguise or it's just his specialty." The Reaper casually informed Azzy and further advised him to not pay much attention as he had nothing to do with the homeroom teacher.

Why doesn't it matter?

If Uphiar is some hidden demigod, then, his secret of time traveling and the death scythe would have already been known to him. Isn't it quite risky?

Still, the sorcerer never pointed it to him even in secret.

That only means that either Uphiar doesn't care or doesn't have an idea. That's why, whether Uphiar is a six-circle expert with unique talents or some hidden demigod, he wasn't going to interfere in Azzy's life anyway.

Azzy listened to the deity and put his thoughts away. He then followed Louis into the portal.

More than two hundred kilometers away from the city, in the direction of north, Azzy stepped out of the doorway and found the homeroom teacher who was waiting for them.

The staff excitedly flew towards its owner.

Catching it, Sorcerer Uphiar looked at Azzy, "student Azrael, I heard that you are ambushed by enemies. Instructor Crescent didn't tell me who they are and I don't want to pry into your personal issues so all I can say is that you should be careful, and until you are strong enough to protect yourself from Exalt realm experts, it's better for you to not to venture into wild zones, alone."

Uphiar's statement threw away all the thoughts of Azzy that indicated that he's a demigod. Or else, the latter would have already known that he's a rank-6.

"Yes, I know." Azzy nodded. Following that, he put attention on his surroundings.

They were appeared to be in some kind of cavern filled with golden brown crystals. These elemental crystals are glowing brightly, illuminating the place.

"Are they dual attribute crystals?" queried Azzy. Golden brown crystals mean that they contain the attribute energy of light and earth. Since he doesn't have such attributes, consuming the energy from them will not benefit him much.

Louis nodded with a smile, "Yes, we were sparring above, and while I was in escaping the attacks from the teacher, I stumbled upon this underground cave.

But, these aren't important. There's something else you have to see."

Louis walked forward, deep into the cave. Azzy and Uphiar followed behind.

While they were on the way, Azzy found that the natural energy in the surroundings is only getting richer with every step. He activated Aura Sense. At the very least, apart from them, there's no aura of life in 5 km surroundings

"Hmm, I guess there might be something else that is the reason for this phenomenon."

After taking several turns in the cavern, they reached a huge amount of space. The golden brown crystals were sprouting from all the ceiling and the walls as usual.

The natural energy is quite dense here. It's almost fifty times higher than above the ground. If there's a civilian without any soul energy had been standing here, that person would have been suffocated to death.

However, none of them are paying attention to it. Their attention was completely on something else.

In the center of the cave, there are a series of large stone slabs rooted into the ground. All of them have something written on them with familiar characters but unfamiliar words.

Being a rank-6, Azzy's vision is good enough to read everything from 30 meters away but he couldn't understand even a single word.

"It's in ancient Orlon." Uphiar said to him before adding, "The language is lost, long ago, and only a few had the knowledge. But, what can we make out of this is that these writings can either indicate a letter or some hidden history. It can be nothing too but the fact that someone took so much effort in carving these letters on the stone clearly indicates that this cannot be ignored.

Azzy asked the Reaper as he was sure that this deity of time and death would know it.

And just as he hoped, the Reaper acknowledged that he will read it for him but stressed that it was just a waste of time.

Azzy walked forward towards the stone slabs and stood a couple of feet before the first one and started to read out loud while the Reaper translated for him, "After the collapse of the Empire of Arcana, the world was embroiled into chaos. Several new forces emerged and everyone is interested to own a piece of land.

In such a situation, a small island kingdom of elves, safely located far away from the continent of Xynnar decided to join in this mess.

I'm a bard from the kingdom of Emiya. With the world so disconnected, our mission is to travel from place to place, know what's going on there, make stories out of it and recite it through poems elsewhere.

But, in reality, we are actually spies, sent by our Queen. Along with doing as Bards and connecting with common folk and nobles likewise, each of us will keep an eye on the kingdom's affairs and report it back to our kingdom.

If there's qualitative information of one kingdom, our higher authorities would secretly sell it to their enemies and vice versa.

Of course, this job had risks apart from getting caught as a spy. I'm a half-elf who was wandering in the human and elven cities. People are us are often subjected to discrimination, neither been accepted in both communities.

Only at the places where the humans and elves are coexisting together with neither of them is in the vast majority, I was welcomed by the public.

But then again, the poor commoner folks are also very kinder compared to the richer ones.

926 years, that's how long I lived, leading double lives as a bard and a spy. One of the greatest achievements that I can brag to my descendants is that I saved three wars indirectly. And my greatest achievement is that I have never been caught.

During my years of travel, I met the love of my life and started a family but due to my profession, I wasn't able to give them something that they can call home.

To this day, I deeply regret that.

Unlike me, my wife and my daughter weren't blessed with long life. By the time both of them left me, I was only 142 years old.

Why were they only humans? Why is it that none of them got the bloodline of elves? Maybe, it's because I'm a Half-Elf. I was disappointed with the heavens.

I was also angry at my elf mother for choosing to marry a thief of a human and only ended up getting cheated in return. I never knew my father and never wanted to know him anyway. But, it doesn't matter. Judging my soul energy, he won't be some powerful Arcana Master. So, he would have already been dead by now.

I only have one grandson. He's a blacksmith by profession and I doted on him quite a bit as his parents died when he was only five. Maybe, because he's my only kin, I have never left him alone. I always dragged him with my travels even after he got married.

I know that it's not right but I couldn't help it.

<strong>Year 663, 1st Epoch;</strong>

This year has brought a change in my life. It was the year I was about to turn 200 years old.

But the first thing in the early morning, I noticed that half of my grandson's black hair was white.

When I confronted him, he revealed the truth that he and his wife were regularly visiting a Divine Physician who was applying a de-aging spell on them to look younger.

It was for my sake.

I realized that it's already been more than 60 years since he had been born. Time flies so fast.

But, now, I'm deeply worried that my family tree will end before my eyes.

I made my decision. I left them one morning leaving behind a letter and all my assets.

I resumed my life as a bard once again. I traveled from Freyles in the North to Gora in the south. I traveled across the ocean and visited the far western kingdoms. Surprisingly, I'm quite popular there.

Maybe, it's because I'm a half-elf or maybe, it's because they were completely disconnected from the mainland due to extremely large distance. For whatever reason, my stories and quite welcomed even by the kings.

There's only one place that I have yet to visit, Ars Goetia, the land of demons.

And I sailed towards the south."

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