My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 167

167 When Satan Gives A Chance

(Tom’s PoV)

Well, it was hot and everything that we could barely breathe properly. The big ice block I called ‘missing her’ got melted as soon as I touched her. It turned into a river in my heart, giving me a satisfaction from finally meeting her but also greed to possess her completely.

However, as soon as I said that I missed her, her arms around my neck tightened as I felt her intentionally strangling my neck. Well, it didn’t hurt, and it didn’t affect me that much, but I knew she deliberately did that. She only wanted to show me how she was feeling.

She said that she missed me, too, but because I didn’t call her or inform her anything, she almost ran away with Sanjaya. Even though I knew she didn’t mean it, I couldn’t hide the fact that it did sting a bit when she mentioned Sanjaya’s name.

Well, it wasn’t her fault. If she really went out with Sanjaya because I didn’t call her, it was my fault for taking too much time. I couldn’t blame her if she really chose Sanjaya over me.

But, since I was here in front of her, and that she still didn’t have the change of heart even after she lost contact with me and my Uncle for months, I would make sure to spoil her a lot. I couldn’t go out with her and show everyone that she had me besides her. I couldn’t protect her directly from any physical harms. However, I could do all of those now.

How about Sanjaya? Well, just think of him as a helper. Even if I was sure I could make her happy by myself, our mission was not something simple. Instead of protecting her all by myself, I needed to have a wild card in my hand that could do the same when I wasn’t here.

Not that I wanted to go somewhere alone, it was just... it’s better to be prepared.

Well, if she didn’t complain about it, I wouldn’t think that something was happening. She checked my call log and she showed me hers. It was weird, I admitted. So, she called Siji.


Siji’s first remark when he appeared made me grinning from ear to ear. I thought to myself that I would treat him better next time.

“Well, that’s fast.” He said while looking at me meaningfully. It was clear what he meant by saying that.

“Not now, Siji. I need to make sure she is okay before I do it.” It was true. No matter how horny I was, I needed to make sure she was okay and ready before I made my move. After all, I had so much energy inside, ready to be released when the right time came. Also, I had so many plans to do to her; making love to fucking, I would do it all to her. But, of course, her pleasure would always be my number one. Again, only after she was ready.

“When that time comes, you might get some days off.” I added, enjoying the blush appeared on her face as I said that. I was just being honest, though. When she gave me a green light later, I didn’t think I could hold back myself anymore and most likely she would end up being unable to use her legs.

Jane hurriedly diverted our attention to ask the question she had been wanting to ask to Siji. As it was also related to me, I listened to Siji’s response carefully. Turns out, he was the culprit!

I take it back what I said about treating him better! Damn him!

Even so, Jane didn’t protest anything. Probably she found what his explanation somehow made sense, that she couldn’t complain or scold him.

I admitted that his reason was irrefutable, that he acted on behalf of the army. Even I couldn’t utter a word to scold him for his reason, therefore I could only keep my displeasure inside.

After explaining about it, Siji was dismissed. It was only Jane and me in the house again. She showed me to my bedroom in the first floor, which reminded me... I was in her house, and I got to see her own bedroom. Visiting my girlfriend’s bedroom was my old dream as that way I felt even closer to her.

I knew that it sounded pervert, but I just needed to see it.

So, I made her showed me her bedroom. Her bedroom was located in the furthest room on the second floor since she got to enjoy two views from it. Stepping inside her bedroom, I was feeling elated since the atmophere in her room was totally different with the dull appearance of my bedroom. Even though her room was not girly; she didn’t paint her room pink or peach or any pastel colors like most girls did, but it had her mark. The room was picturing herself so well.

I imagined my girl spending her time in her bedroom every day, sat on the couch near the window, or read a book with a cup of tea in front of her. It was also possible that she would be laying down on her bed while playing with her phone. Only the images of it could make me feel like I was surrounded by her.

Not to mention the scent lingering in that room... it really belonged to her. I wouldn’t lie and said that it didn’t arouse me. I was hard, and in instant the images in my mind turned into something naughty, such as her beneath my body, moaning and calling out my name.

I tried to talk to her, to distract my mind about those naughty images in my mind. It was easier now that I had Jane in front of me.

I was fully aware that I was talking to her, but the desire in me started to overflow and made me a bit hazy. Faking a serious expression on my face, I asked whether she still remembered what I told her that day. As expected, she forgot.

Then, let me refresh it in her mind. “When I said we would fuck like rabbit in heat.”

Her fair skin turned crimson red in a flash. She must have remembered it. After all, the occasion was not usual.

“Well, I did say that I would check if you’re okay. Seeing how red your face just because of a sentence, I am sure you’re perfectly fine.” I grinned. “But...” I tightened my hands around hers. “I will wait until you’re ready.”

“Don’t you think it was a bit late to ask whether I am ready or not? Didn’t we do it already?” She asked despite her face was blushing furiously.

I chuckled. She was right. Normally, the word ‘ready’ was used only for the first time, not for the second time. But, it was my first time doing it with her after returning to my body. I couldn’t just recklessly strip her and my own body and do the deed, right?

“Then, do you want to do it now? Because, to be honest, I’m hard already.” I whispered the last sentence as sexy as I could.

“B-but...” She stuttered adorably with her blushing face. It was so easy to get some worthy reaction from her. Just a little tease and she would be red to her ears. So cute!

“See? I’m not going to force you.” I smiled gently at her. Even if I was so horny, I wouldn’t force her. I made sure of that with my heart and mind.

“Sanji will be here sooner or later.” She said softly. My eyes widened, not because she talked about Sanjaya, but the fact that she found an excuse like that, which meant if that man did not return today, I would have the opportunity to do it with her!

No, control yourself! It’s still your first day stepping in this house and you will start it by fucking the owner of the house? How despicable you are!

My inner self reminded me. That’s right, I needed to control myself. Don’t let lust control my mind! I needed to be strict with my own self. I had endured it for months, enduring for a longer time wouldn’t harm myself! Cold water shower and a solo time would solve the problem without scaring my girlfriend.

However, as if Satan himself was giving way to my lustful mind, Jane received a message from Sanjaya, saying that he could only come on the next day since he still had something urgent to take care of. Of course, he also warned her to stay away from me.

But, it was not only me who felt horny, but also my adorable poor girlfriend. It was clear from the way her eyelids started to flutter down in a seductive manner, her breath started to grow eratic, and her body started twitching here and there. My girlfriend had turned naughtier from the last time I met her! She might have a hard time enduring it without me. Poor her!

“I... I have never done it again, after that time.” She said shyly. She must have got the message from the way I looked at her, as if I was ready to devour her. I didn’t expect her to confess, but her confession only made me even more needy. I needed to have her!

I couldn’t hold it anymore. Pushing her body until she laid down on her bed, we got entangled in a hot feverish kiss once again. This time, my hands wouldn’t stay quiet as they moved to caress the side of her body, under her oversized t-shirt. I swallowed all of her sexy moans and eager to make her letting out those sexy and cute voices more often.

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