My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 102: Leaving one after another (please subscribe)

Chapter 102: Leaving one after another (please subscribe)

Chapter 102 Leaving one after another (please subscribe)

Under the huge Rubiks Cube, Lin Yuan observed carefully.

Compared with the two or three-meter-high stone statues in front of them, the Rubik's Cube is not stationary, but is rotating slowly.

Lin Yuan can see with the naked eye that the six faces of the Rubik's Cube are intertwined with each other, and the space is like water flowing around the six faces. Until the Rubik's Cube completes a circle, all the spatial water flows collapse and start from scratch.


There is no end.


Lin Yuan stood under the Rubik's Cube, looking a little obsessed.

Space is both infinitely large and infinitely small.

Although this huge 'Rubik's Cube' is far from being able to explain all the mysteries of space, the essence it contains is enough for Lin Yuan to understand.

The world of Seven Star Cave, a certain layer of mysterious space.

The twelve figures saw Lin Yuan finally stopping to comprehend under the huge 'Rubik's Cube', and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since Lin Yuan entered the Seventh Star Cave, he has been wandering around for three or four days.

Although each tester can stay in the Seventh Star Cave for a month, seeing Lin Yuan so idle still makes the twelve figures quite worried.

it's good now.

Lin Yuan finally stopped.

And the stone statue inheritance chosen is also very good. It is one of the sixteen evolutionary paths beyond the sixth level. Even this evolutionary path can be ranked among the top among the evolution paths beyond the sixth level.

The Rubiks Cube Statue. If it really fits this evolutionary path, it will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Among the three figures above, Guze nodded slightly, showing approval.

Those other sixth-order evolutionary paths are certainly good.

But those who choose these evolutionary paths, if they are lucky enough to reach the peak of the sixth level in the future, they want to surpass the sixth level.

You have to switch to other evolutionary paths of the same type.

Transformation is not a re-education, but it also requires the evolver to pay a lot of price.

Now Lin Yuan directly chooses a broad road, Guze sees it in his eyes and feels happy in his heart.

But can it be realized?

There was a trace of expectation on Guze's face.

Choice is one thing.

Whether it can be done is another matter.

There are now more than a hundred evolvers in the Seventh Star Cave. Who doesnt know that the evolutionary paths contained in those sixteen statues are far greater than those of other stone statues?

But most evolvers still choose stone statues that are two to three meters high.

The reason is that we simply cannot understand it.

In other words, I am not sure that I will realize it within the given month.

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand.

Although Lin Yuan wasted a few days,

But with the invisible talent revealed in the fourth star cave.

As long as the stone statue you choose suits you, even if it is the sixteen stone statues, there should be no problem in realizing it.

time flies.

Most of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yuan just kept standing and observing the huge Rubiks Cube.

Every moment, with the enlightenment that defies heaven and earth, I gain a lot, and finally quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

So thats it.

The so-called space is invisible and has no quality, but it is everywhere. Even a newborn baby can feel the existence of space, but feeling it does not mean that it can control it.

Lin Yuan felt suddenly enlightened.

Your understanding is incredible, look at the stone statue of the 'Rubik's Cube' and understand the evolutionary path of 'Hengyu']

Hengyu Evolution Path

Lin Yuans eyebrows are beating, Heng is eternity, Yu is space, and Hengyu is the eternal space.

This evolutionary path mainly explains the eternal aspect of space.

Unfortunately, I have only understood this evolutionary path, and I am still far from fully understanding it. Currently, I have only understood the first and second levels of the Hengyu evolutionary path.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Enlightenment and enlightenment are two different things.

The test of the Seventh Star Cave does not allow the tester to understand a certain evolutionary path, but only to realize it.

The stone statue contains a sixth-level evolutionary path. You only need to understand the third-level and fourth-level chapters to almost understand the evolutionary path.

As for the stone statue that contains an evolutionary path beyond the sixth level, you only need to understand the first-level chapter to understand the entire evolutionary path.

Compared with recording the evolutionary path in words, recording the evolutionary path with carriers such as stone statues can bring greater and more comprehensive insights to the evolvers.

After all, some things and feelings are difficult to describe using words alone.

Of course, if you want to record the evolutionary path on a certain carrier, you must be an evolver who has reached the end of this evolutionary path.

And it requires a lot of energy and effort.

For example, Lin Yuan can also engrave his own martial arts evolution path on a stone statue.

Other evolvers only need to look at this stone statue to realize the path of martial arts evolution.

But to do this, Lin Yuan, the founder of martial arts, needs to put down everything and work without sleep for decades.

This is only the quasi-fourth-level martial arts evolution path at present. Those sixth-level and beyond-sixth-level evolutionary paths require more time and energy.

Stop for a moment.

Lin Yuan forced himself to stop understanding the evolutionary path of Hengyu.

Now that this evolutionary path has been obtained, the remaining insights can be done in the future. The most urgent task now is to understand other evolutionary paths contained in the stone statues.

Lin Yuan vaguely felt that the key to the reason why the world of Seven Star Cave was not opened every time was these stone statues.

It is not easy to maintain the mysterious operation of these stone statues and correspond to reality, even in the virtual world.

It requires the owner of Chikun Star to pay a lot of price.

If we dont take advantage of this opportunity to pack up and take away all the evolutionary pathways contained in the stone statues, it is unlikely that we will have such an opportunity in the future.

At least Lin Yuan wont get free prostitution.

Go to the next stone statue.

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and began to plan a route for himself.

Wait until Lin Yuan leaves from under the huge Rubiks Cube.

The silver-haired woman Yin Ling next to her, who had been closing her eyes to meditate, opened her eyes.

Not suitable for this stone statue?

Yin Ling glanced at the back of Lin Yuan who was leaving.

Yin Ling is still quite concerned about Lin Yuan.

To be precise, Yin Ling pays attention to every evolver who surpasses her.

In the fourth star cave, Yin Ling studied hard for several days. As a result, Lin Yuan just arrived and passed in more than 20 minutes.

This incident had some impact on Yin Ling.

Although there is a star cave behind, Lin Yuan was reduced to "mediocre".

But Yin Ling still did not underestimate Lin Yuan.

Of course, Yin Ling didnt know how Lin Yuan broke through the Sixth Star Cave.

Since Lin Yuan delayed a lot in the fifth star cave, by the time he arrived at the sixth star cave, Yin Ling had already arrived at the seventh star cave.

Twenty-two days to go.

Yinling looked at the giant Rubik's Cube again.

After eight days of hard work, Silver Spirit finally managed to grab a little bit of the skin of the Rubik's Cube statue. .

It is estimated that in another twenty days, I can barely understand the first-order chapter contained in it.

This is because her Silver Spirit has extremely high space talent and is in tune with the vast space.

Otherwise, other evolvers would not be able to understand the first-order chapter in one or ten years, not to mention one month.

As long as the first level chapter is fully understood and the complete evolutionary path is obtained, the Silver Spirit will pass the Seventh Star Cave test.

There are two standards for the one hundred and thirty-six stone statues in the Seventh Star Cave.

The first is a two- to three-meter-tall stone statue that contains the sixth-level evolutionary path. You need to understand the evolution chapter of the same level as yourself. For example, a third-level evolver needs to understand the third-level chapter in order to obtain the complete evolutionary path.

Fourth-level evolvers need to understand the fourth-level chapter.

The above is a standard.

The second standard is for the six stone statues that are over ten meters tall.

Whether you are a third-order evolver or a fourth-order evolver, you only need to understand the "first-order chapter" of the evolutionary path contained in this stone statue to pass.

Mysterious space.

The twelve figures looked a little dazed when they saw Lin Yuan leaving again.

This time the Qixing Cave tested more than one million testers, what attracted their attention most was not the three red patterns, but Lin Yuan, the golden pattern.

The stunning performance of the fourth star cave, the powerful will of the sixth star cave, and the confusing behavior of the seventh star cave.

Cant waste any more time like this.

Among the three figures above, Gu Ze frowned.

He has decided to come forward to remind Lin Yuan and ask him to choose a stone statue to meditate on as soon as possible.

Even those stone statues that are two to three meters in size and contain six levels of evolutionary pathways.

If this continues, Lin Yuan may not be able to pass the Seventh Star Cave.

Although, even if Lin Yuan fails to pass, Guze still has the power to let him join the Chikun lineage.

But in that case, many rights, benefits, and benefits will be lost.

Gu Ze, are you going to ask the teacher?

A figure next to him asked.

The twelve of them were just spectators in the Seven Star Cave test and had no authority to intervene in any process of the test, let alone remind them.

Guze wanted to come forward to remind Lin Yuan, and the only way was to ask the Lord Chikun.

The Lord of Chikun Star is the one who opened the world of Seven Star Cave. If you get his permission, you can naturally intervene.

Thats the only way it can be.

Guze replied, and at the same time separated a ray of consciousness to contact the Lord of Chikun Star.

The other two figures saw this, but they didnt say anything.

The three of them are existences beyond the sixth level, and are the favorite disciples of the Red Kun Star Lord. It is not a big deal to pursue their own private affairs.

Chikun Star Lord is not the three ultimate intelligent goddesses. They are absolutely selfless. Even if they are powerful evolvers, they still have their own feelings.

A moment later.

Guze frowned.

"What's wrong?"

What did the teacher say?

Two figures next to him asked curiously.

The teacher is in retreat, I didnt see him. Guze shook his head and said.


Then theres nothing we can do.

"Teacher is in seclusion. Unless something big happens, such as an alien invasion or the three goddesses exercising a civilized order, other things will not come out."

The two figures sighed.

As the earliest disciples following the Star Lord Chikun, they know their teacher very well, especially knowing that the Star Lord will basically not respond to anything during the retreat.

No matter how urgent it is, we have to wait until we are out of quarantine.

Gu Ze remained silent.

The two figures were right.

Unless something really big happens, Star Master Chikun will never leave seclusion.

As for the tester he values is wandering around, let alone a tester with golden patterns.

Even if there are more than a million testers wandering around the Seven Star Cave this time, it is still a trivial matter for the Lord Chikun.

The so-called three red stripes are just for the Red Kun Star Master to take another look at, just like the ants on the ground, one of which has a different color than the others.

Thats all.

Even if the three Chiwen were given ten thousand or one hundred thousand years, it was basically impossible to reach the level of the Chikun Star Master.

In every arena competition in the Chikun Star Territory, the Lord of Chikun Star will give a test, which is completely to deal with the errands of the Human Alliance.

The specific manifestation is that Star Master Chikun has never paid attention to the test. They, the disciples, watch and choose.

Time passes slowly.

Twelve or three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Unknowingly, Lin Yuan had been in the Seventh Star Cave for almost twenty days.

As for the results, it is also gratifying. Lin Yuan has already walked through 121 of the 136 stone statues in the Star Cave. .

In other words, Lin Yuan has now realized one hundred and twenty-one evolutionary pathways. These evolutionary pathways start at the sixth level, and there are more than ten that transcend the sixth level.

Lin Yuan turned his head.

Looking at the many stone statues he passed by.

The eyes mainly stay on the huge stone statues that are more than ten meters tall.

There is a huge slowly rotating Rubiks Cube.

There is a scorching sun.

There is a black hole that is completely black and frightening.

Have one huge eye with no pupil.

There is a huge drop of water, rippling and undulating.

There is also an incredible mirror, the mirror surface seems to be connected to another world.

Stone statues that contain an evolutionary path beyond the sixth level are all kinds of strange. Compared with them, the Rubik's Cube is the most normal one.

None of these stone statues make me feel familiar. They are obviously not suitable for me. Its just that I have a perverse understanding and it doesnt matter whether they are suitable or not.

Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart.

In the world of dragons and tigers, during the trip to the Sword Tomb, Lin Yuan was not actually selected for the Zhenwu sword.

It was just that he was forcibly attracted by Lin Yuanwu's "Tai Shang Induction Sword Control Chapter" and had no choice but to surrender.

As time passed, Lin Yuan's strength became more and more unfathomable, and Zhenwu Saber became better behaved.


Someone left again?

Lin Yuan stopped, and an evolver not far away stood up excitedly and stretched out his hand to press the stone statue in front of him.


The stone statue began to glow.

Apparently this evolver passed the test and was randomly teleported away.

Still a third-level silver pattern evolver?

Lin Yuan noticed that the lines on the side of the evolver's face were silver.

In the Seventh Star Cave, the third-level testers even have some advantages. After all, the third-level evolvers only need to understand the third-level chapter to pass the test.

Those who are in the fourth level of evolution need to understand the fourth level chapter.

The difficulty is naturally different.

Of course, fourth-level evolvers are at a higher level. From a high position, understanding the fourth-level chapter is actually not much more difficult than that of third-level evolvers.

Overall, it is fairly fair.

At least it is better than setting a unified standard, such as asking all evolvers to realize the fourth level.

If this is really the standard, it is estimated that no third-order evolver can pass it.

Having not even completed the third level, is it like understanding the fourth level? Or is it the fourth level of the six-level evolutionary path?

Many evolvers have left.

Lin Yuan looked around and thought to himself.

The many evolvers here refer to the evolvers who entered the Seventh Star Cave before Lin Yuan.

These evolvers have been in the Seventh Star Cave for more than 20 days, close to the one-month limit. If they only comprehend the two or three-meter-high stone statues, most of them have passed the test.

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