My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 137: Steady senior brother (please subscribe)

Chapter 137: Steady senior brother (please subscribe)

Chapter 137 Steady Senior Brother (please subscribe)

Lin Yuan briefly told his senior brother about the matter between himself and the Black Hell Claw.

How dare he, that little son of Heiyumo? The senior brother shook his head, even Heiyumo had to be respectful in front of him, that little son of his?

Little junior brother.

How do you want to solve this matter?

Elder brother said casually.

This matter is indeed not difficult for him.

Even extremely easy.

The simplest way is for him to contact Black Hell Desert in person.

Let him take care of his younger son.

With the status of senior brother, one sentence is enough to shock the Black Prison family.

It is estimated that Black Hell Claw will be captured and returned to the family the next day, and may even be tied to the Red Kun Prime to plead guilty.

Elder brother knows the Black Prison Desert very well and is very good at weighing the pros and cons and assessing the situation.


This approach is not without its hidden dangers.

That means Lin Yuans true identity is very likely to be exposed.

If Lin Yuan chooses this method, the senior brother will advise Lin Yuan to go to the Red Kun Prime before contacting the Black Prison Desert.

Sir, I want to stay in Canglan for a few more years.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and whispered.

Before the sixth level, Lin Yuan was not very willing to go to the main star of Chikun.

There are too many powerful people there, even under the eyes of the Red Kun Star Lord.

Lin Yuan has many secrets.

For example, the gate to all realms.

For example, the martial arts evolution system.

Before the sixth level, the soul of the evolver has not yet matched the fundamental evolutionary path, and it is easy for secrets to be peeked into.

The Gate of All Realms Lin Yuan is not worried. Even the virtual world cannot be reproduced. It is estimated that the Lord of Chikun Star cannot detect the reality of the Gate of All Realms.

It's just the path of martial arts evolution. Now Lin Yuan's soul is slowly moving toward the path of martial arts evolution, and it's at a critical moment.

If the strong men on Chikun's main star notice something, it will definitely be a big hidden danger.

With the current potential of the martial arts evolution path,

Once the identity of its founder is exposed, it will definitely be far more serious than if Lin Yuan exposed his identity as the master of the thirteen peaks of the Chikun lineage.

Dont want to leave Canglan Star?

The senior brother touched his chin.

This means that he cannot openly warn the Black Prison Family.

I know what to do.

The senior brother nodded, looked at Lin Yuan and said, "Don't worry, little junior brother, just practice well on Canglan Star. There is absolutely no chance of the black prison claws taking action against you."

And those who evolve through the divination evolutionary path will not be able to capture any information about the true identity of my junior brother.

The senior brother looked slightly solemn.

Evolvers of the divination evolutionary path are individually weak, but they have considerable influence on the general trend.

In the history of human civilization, there have been many top fortune tellers who used the universe and the stars as their chessboard and many peak ethnic groups as their chess pieces to make arbitrary moves.

Its just that top-level great fortune-tellers are too rare. The current top great fortune-tellers of human civilization are all located in the central star field of mankind, tens of millions of light years apart, and are arranging other ethnic groups.

Then thank you very much, senior brother.

Lin Yuan said seriously.

Given the height of Senior Brother, it is already rare to be able to agree to Lin Yuan's request without hesitation.

Even if other seventh-level evolvers want to ask Senior Brother to do something, they may not be able to do it.

Between brothers and sisters, whats the point of thanking you?

The senior brother said indifferently: "I'm still waiting for my junior brother to step into the sixth level and drink with me."

Canglan Star, Mid-Continent Manor.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes and felt certain in his heart.

Although, he was almost sure that the black prison claw would not mess around.

However, extreme possibilities must also be considered. After receiving the promise from his senior brother, Lin Yuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sixth level.

As long as you can step into the sixth level.

The soul is completely consistent with the evolutionary path of martial arts.

It is impossible for outsiders to discover which evolutionary path I practice.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The sixth level was also a qualitative change for Lin Yuan.

The qualitative change here is not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of identity.

As long as you step into the sixth level and your life-saving ability is greatly improved, you can reveal your identity as the master of the Thirteen Peaks and appear in front of everyone with your true appearance.

There is no need to be so secretive as now.

personal space.

Black Hellclaw is sitting on the throne, with a gloomy look on his face.

Young Master.

The old man Beizhao appeared in a black dress and bowed towards the black prison claw on the throne.

Then Lin Yuan rejected me.

The black prison claw looks down at Beizhao.

You even refused the young masters personal invitation?

Bei Zhao looked stunned.

How much of an honor is it to be personally invited by a direct descendant of the Black Prison family? How dare Lin Yuan refuse.

Then young master, what are you going to do?

Beizhao, wearing a black dress, asked tentatively.

"what to do?"

What do you think I should do?

Black Hellclaw asked.

He is just a genius from a backward planet with medium life. If he refuses the young masters invitation, it is his loss. The young master does not need to care about it and can continue to recruit other evolvers.

Beizhao said tentatively.

What he means is that it is better to do more and do less. There is no need to waste time on this kind of person.


He is no ordinary genius.

Black Hellclaw roared.

Lin Yuan is one of the 223 evolvers designated by the Black Prison Familys think tank.

Such a genius must be in one's own hands.

You must be Lin Yuan, the young master?

Beizhao continued to ask.


Black Hellclaw nodded.

Its not difficult, but its a little more troublesome.

Beizhao thought for a while.

Speak quickly. The black prison claw was shocked.

"Since Lin Yuan is not willing to become the young master's subordinate, then force him to become the young master's subordinate." Beizhao said.


Black Prisoner frowned, "You can't violate the laws and regulations of the alliance."

The price of violating the alliance's laws and regulations is very high. Even if Black Prison wants to violate it, it will only be done at a critical moment.

For example, when competing for the position of patriarch.

It's not worth it to violate Lin Yuan's sake.

Its natural.

Beizhao nodded.

He never thought about violating laws and regulations.

The reason why Lin Yuan is unwilling to join the Young Masters service should be because he has feelings for Canglan Star and is nostalgic for his home planet.

Beiqi spoke up and said.

The home planet does indeed have an extraordinary status in the hearts of many evolvers. Powerful evolvers have traveled across the vast territory of the universe and seen planets with very different customs, but there is always only one home planet.


The black prison claw looked at Beizhao.

In this case, we can start from Canglan Star.

Beizhao said this, paused for a moment, and continued: "If I remember correctly, the Black Prison Family has had a lot of trade with Canglan Star in the past years?"

As one of the five major forces in the Red Kun Star Territory, the Black Prison Family is so large that it has conducted interstellar trade with most of the planets in the Star Territory.

This is also normal. Some of the rare ores and rare raw materials on Canglan Planet need to go through the Black Prison Family's Chamber of Commerce in order to be quickly realized.

There are also some shopping channels, which are also through the Black Prison Family.

"you mean?"

Black Hellclaw's eyes lit up.

As a young master, I am fully capable of cutting off the trade between the family and Canglan Star.

"At that time, the young master will put down his words. The reason why the family does not conduct transactions with Canglan Star is entirely because Lin Yuan is ignorant."

Beizhao smiled slightly, "If there are no accidents, Lin Yuan will definitely bear the verbal and written criticism of countless citizens of Canglan Planet, and even become a sinner of the entire planet. I am afraid that by then, he will know the powerful position of the young master and will take the initiative to surrender."

"Not bad."

A smile appeared on Black Hellclaw's face.

Cutting off trade with Canglan Star does not violate the laws and regulations of the alliance. After all, human civilization advocates free trade. I dont want to trade with you. Is it possible that the three goddesses will force them?

This method may cost some of the young masters connections. After all, cutting off the interstellar trade with Canglan Star is a lose-lose method.

Beizhao asked cautiously.

Black Hell Claw is still in the stage of being tested by the family, and there are not many resources and means at its disposal.

It doesnt matter.

Its not a big deal.

The black prison claw shook his head and said.

Cut off the trade with Canglan Planet, and you can choose other planets, but the cost will be higher.

His status as a black prisoner is noble, so he still has some power.

You go down.

The black prison claw looks down at Beizhao.


The old man in black dress Beizhao disappeared into the distance.

On the throne, the Black Hellclaw thought for a while and began to contact an elder.

After a moment.

An illusory screen appeared in front of the black **** claw.

A man in a loose coat looked at the black claw.

Xiao Zha, what do you want from me?

The man in the loose coat asked calmly.

Second uncle.

Black Hell Claw had already stood up from the throne and saluted respectfully.

Second uncle, I want to cut off all trade between the family and Canglan Star.

Black Hellclaw speaks his mind directly.

The man in the loose coat retrieved information about this planet, frowned and said: "It's just a planet with medium life, why did I offend you, Xiaozhao?"

The man in the loose coat is a high-ranking member of the Black Prison Family and is responsible for all the family's trade in the Dawn Galaxy. As long as he is willing, it is just a matter of words to cut off the trade with Canglan Star.

I wanted to recruit a talented evolver on Canglan Planet to participate in the Star Level Arena for me, but he refused.

Black Hell Claw said.

"this one?"

The man in the loose coat frowned.

If the person you want is simply not recruited, the power of the Black Prison Family will be used to suppress the other party.

The Man in the Baggy Coat will be disappointed with the Black Claw.

Second uncle, this person is very important to me.

Black Prisoner gritted his teeth and told the story about the family's "think tank".

It turned out to be the genius evolver selected by the think tank. The man in the loose coat looked serious.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the Black Prison Familys think tank has made countless achievements.

Especially the chief of the think tank, who originally suggested that the whole family move to the Black Hell Desert and move to the Red Kun Star Territory.

This is how the now-famous Black Prison Family came into being.

I will cut off trade with Canglan Star.

Xiao Zha, you have to work hard and show it to the people in the clan.

After the man in the loose coat finished speaking, he ended the call with the Black Prisoner.

"Mr. Lin, if you refuse the solicitation of the Black Hell Claw, the other party will definitely make follow-up actions, and there is a high probability that they will try to manipulate the interstellar trade of Canglan Star."

In the main building of the manor, Hou Ming, the captain of the guard team, analyzed.

I think so too.

Lin Yuan nodded.

My parents and sister are all at the manor, and the whole family is under the protection of Canglan Stars planetary defense system, plus the monitoring of the Goddess of Wisdom.

The Black Hell Claw couldn't find any place where it could threaten Lin Yuan.

With the power of the Black Prison Family, all they can do is cut off trade with Canglan Star, and then put the pressure on Lin Yuan.

The Black Hell Claw thinks that I dont accept the recruitment because I value Canglan Star so much that I cant bear to be here.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

"Even if we cancel the trade with Canglan Planet and blame all the reasons on you, Mr. Lin, at most it will only cause some opinions among other citizens on Canglan Planet."

"As long as Mr. Lin doesn't care about this, it will have no impact."

The captain of the guard glanced at Lin Yuan secretly.

In fact, what he said is simple, but when endless public opinion comes to him, what the people at the center of the public opinion feel and know is another matter.

I wouldnt care.

Lin Yuan shook his head and said.

Even if he travels for the fourth time and becomes Xia Houyuan, the big devil that everyone in the five realms reviled, Lin Yuan doesn't care, let alone now?

What we need to pay attention to now is that after the Black Hell Claw cuts off trade with Canglan Star and finds that it cannot affect you, Mr. Lin, will there be any other drastic actions?

A trace of worry appeared on the face of the guard captain Hou Ming.

People are not intelligent, they have feelings, desires, and naturally impulses.

Hou Ming was worried that the black clawed dog would jump over the wall and was desperate, even if the possibility of this was extremely low.

It doesnt matter.

Lin Yuan looked calm.

He has met his senior brother a long time ago and informed him about the black prison claws.

Elder brother also promised that nothing unexpected would happen.

I dont know what methods, senior brother, you plan to use to guard against the black prison claws?

Lin Yuan suddenly felt curious.

The Canglan Star spacecraft landing area.

A bald man came out.

Woo woo woo, is this the Canglan star? The place where my junior brother grew up?

The bald man took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and looked like he was enjoying himself.

"Junior brother wants to practice quietly on Canglan Star for a few years. He doesn't want to be disturbed by the black **** claws. The safest way is of course for me to come and take charge of Canglan Star myself."

"As long as I'm here on Canglan Star, everyone has to get out when the Black Prison Desert comes"

The bald man left the spacecraft landing area and found a place to stay.

With his strength, a single thought is enough to envelope the entire Canglan Planet, and even the planet's defense system has not discovered his existence.

"My clone was recently condensed and unknown to the outside world. I am located on the main star of Chikun. Those 'divination' evolved people do not know the existence of this clone, so naturally they cannot divine any useful information. "

The bald man looked toward the Central Continent in the distance.

He only slightly sensed the aura of the Central Continent and did not explore it in depth, so Lin Yuan would not discover it.

Its only a few decades, as long as I can leave a good impression on my junior brother, its totally worth it.

The bald man now hopes that the black prison claw will be more impulsive.

At least you can show your value and not go to waste.

Two updates completed.

Asking for a monthly ticket~~

Pen refill~~~

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