My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 182: Net worth skyrockets (please subscribe)

Chapter 182: Net worth skyrockets (please subscribe)

Chapter 182: Soaring net worth (please subscribe)

For seventh-level evolvers who want to be promoted to eighth-level evolvers, the method of "opening the boundary" is crucial.

Opening up an inner world is one of the prerequisites for breaking through to the eighth level.

The inner world here is not a small space.

It is a real world in which life can be reproduced and passed on.

To know,

The physical bodies of human evolvers are compared with those special beings in the depths of the universe that are easily comparable to planets.

Its really too weak.

For example, Xinghai Youkun can reach level six when he reaches adulthood, and can use planets as food.

Sixth-level human evolutionaries are also delicious food in front of the adult Xinghai Yukun. If they don't escape, they will die.

This is the huge gap caused by many factors such as body, bloodline, race, etc. Under the same level conditions, those special beings are almost invincible.

Just because the rules of space are lost, it is impossible to open up the inner world at the seventh level.

I am not a great scholar of evolution. Lin Yuan replied.

For example, some method of opening up the inner world at the seventh level,

It means taking a World Fruit and then refining it using special means.

And want to open up the world, want to open up the inner world.

Over millions of years in the Chikun Star Territory, three great scholars of evolution have been born.

And these three great scholars of evolution went to the central star field of human civilization very early.

Lin Yuan thought to himself that part of the concept of the Seventh Level of Martial Arts that he and the founder "Tai'a" mentioned involved the idea of using Tai Chi and space to open up a small world.

I just want to be a great scholar of evolution, but my strength is secondary.

This will cause other martial arts evolvers to forcibly understand the rules of space at the sixth level in order to pursue "opening the world".

Looking at the reply message from the founder Taia, I was a little dazed for a moment.

At the eighth level, the gap between human evolutionaries and those special beings is rapidly narrowing, and they can even gain an advantage.

There is a world to support it. Even if this world is not big, the power of the complete world still makes the background of human evolutionists reach a terrifying level.


Chikun is the main star, Lin Yuan is sitting cross-legged,

Which great scholar of evolution?

At present, the path to the evolution of martial arts has not even been opened up to the seventh level, let alone the eighth level.

Only the truly top human geniuses can hope to try in this direction.

Of course, in Lin Yuans vision, the Seventh Level of Martial Arts has many training directions.

Those evolutionary scholars in the past did delve into opening up the inner world before the eighth level.

But the restrictions are much greater and require the help of many cosmic treasures.

For example, at the sixth level, you need to understand all the basic models of space. For example, the path you control must be perfect enough, etc.

If you can't understand the rules of space, you can fully understand the rules that you are good at.

Its not that the Taia scholars look down on the evolvers below the Evolution scholars.

Used to open up the inner world for a seventh-level evolver? Such a waste.

Tai'a University Scholar frowned. He also felt that Lin Yuan was not an evolution scholar. He had noticed this during the previous chat.

This method is destined not to be popularized, because most ordinary evolvers simply do not have this understanding.

Isn't it a evolutionary university, you develop the concept direction of the seventh order to open up the world in the body?

Its just that this idea is only suitable for Lin Yuan.

is enough to stop almost all evolvers.

The fundamental reason is the inner world opened up by the method of "opening the world".


But in any case, the theories proposed by Lin Yuan are more likely to be realized than the many other ideas and concepts put forward by human evolution scholars in the past to open up the inner world before the eighth level.

The key is to create a stable, complete, and brand new eighth-level evolutionary system.

Its just the fruit of the world. How precious is it?

This is actually a trade-off, and Lin Yuan will not deliberately note in the seventh-level chapter that he can "open the world" in advance by understanding the basic model of space.

From the message sent to him by Lin Yuan, the Tai'a University scholar saw the possibility of seventh-order evolvers 'opening up the world'.

Is it because of the ideas I mentioned?

Not a great scholar of evolution?

So far, only Lin Yuan can do it.

Not to mention anything else, at the sixth level, I fully understood the complete basic space model.

This is simply.

From the perspective of an Etai Ah scholar, one can naturally see that there are many restrictions in the theory given by Lin Yuan.

You have to be at least the seventh level to be able to try it, and you have to be at the eighth level to be fully formed.

Comprehending the rules of space is only one of them.

Other evolvers who practice martial arts have reached the peak of the sixth level.

Evolution scholar Lin Yuan knows that this is the wealth of the entire human civilization.

But if you are not a big scholar and have weak soul power, computing power and other methods, how can you deduce this concept.

Is it possible that there really is such a genius in this world?

Tai'a University Scholar was a little boring for a while. Since he entered the path of evolution, he has become a genius among countless evolvers.

The favoritism of the top leaders of human civilization, the favor of the three goddesses, etc. make Tai'a University scholars very confident.

Just after seeing Lin Yuan, the Tai'a University scholar actually had the idea that he was "old".

Chikun main star.

Lin Yuan's expression fell into brief thought.

Could it be that the founder Taia is a great scholar of evolution?

Lin Yuan made a guess in his mind.

The number of great evolutionary scholars is very rare, far less than the eighth-level evolvers.

In the circle of founders of the virtual world, of course, they are all founders of a certain evolutionary path.

But how many founders can finally open up an eighth-level evolutionary path?

This is far hundreds of times more difficult than cultivating to the eighth level.

Space rules.

Lin Yuan continues to understand the rules of space.

I have to say that the space on the alien battlefield fluctuates.

It has indeed greatly reduced the difficulty for Lin Yuan to understand the rules of space.

simply put.

If it is on the main star of Chikun, Lin Yuan understands the rules of space and sees the scenery as if he is eight hundred degrees short-sighted.

So on the foreign battlefield, Lin Yuan's vision dropped to 700 or 600 degrees.

It becomes clear to the naked eye.


Yang Shen has entered the Red Kun Star Territory?

Lin Yuan's expression moved slightly and he looked in a certain direction.

Whether it is the Yin God or the Yang God, they are all part of Lin Yuan's soul. No matter how far apart they are, they can still feel their location.

Yin Shen has also entered the alien battlefield.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

In order to avoid wasting time on understanding the rules of space.

Lin Yuan returned from Yangshen carrying the legacy of eighth-level evolver Ou Yin.

Let the Yin God go to the foreign battlefield. This way, although it still wastes some time, it is much better than having the Yang God travel back and forth.


Yin Shen and Yang Shen share the same consciousness. No matter who is on the foreign battlefield, Lin Yuan can synchronize their perspectives, and there is no difference.

End the practice.

Lin Yuan linked to the virtual world and came to the virtual world of Canglan Star.


Mother Lu Qiong saw Lin Yuan and immediately smiled and said hello.


Lin Yuan nodded.

Father Lin Shoucheng was also beside him. Lets chat from time to time.

You really dont plan to come to the main star?

Lin Yuan asked again to confirm.

Since Lin Yuan announced his identity and injected himself into the Thirteen Peaks of Chikun's main star.

So he asked his parents if they would like to move to Chikun Prime.

After all, no matter from any aspect, the main star Chikun crushes the Canglan star.

One is an ordinary planet with medium life, and the other is the most prosperous main star in a star field. There is no comparison between the two.

Moreover, when parents move to the main star of Chikun, there is no such thing as starting from scratch. The status of the Canglan star is high, but the status of the main star plummets.

Based on their status as the parents of the Thirteenth Peak Master, Lin Shoucheng, Lu Qiong and his wife, even on the Red Kun Master Star, are high and mighty, and even those who fall from the sixth level of the Star will be treated respectfully.


Forget it.

The two of us have been growing up in Canglan Star and have become accustomed to it.

Father Lin Shoucheng said with a smile: "Although Canglan Planet is backward, it is our home planet. Now that we can live in the most high-end manor in the Central Continent, your mother and I are very satisfied."

"Yes, Xiao Yuan, you go do your own thing, don't let us delay you."

Lu Qiong also said next to him.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan was silent for a while and did not force anything.

My parents are the kind of people who are willing to live in a corner.

Canglan Star has everything they are familiar with. One sun, twelve planets, etc., they are all used to it.


If you have anything, just tell Hou Ming.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said.

Hou Mingnai is the captain of Lin Yuan's **** team and a sixth-level star-faller.

When Lin Yuan went to the main star of Chikun, he specially left Hou Ming behind.

In addition, there is also the bodyguard of the president of the Dawn Society, who are also protecting his parents.

It can be said that the current security and defense power of parents is very sufficient, not even comparable to that of the Canglan Star Consul.

Xiao Yuan, dont take it too seriously. Anyway, there is a virtual world. If we want to see you, we can see you at any time.

Lu Qiong continued.


Lin Shoucheng nodded.

With the virtual world, many things have become simpler. Even if we are separated by dozens of star fields, it is not difficult to meet each other.

After chatting with his parents for a while, Lin Yuan exited the virtual world.

"came back."

Lin Yuan walked out of the hall.

At this time, a pitch-black spaceship was landing slowly.


Wisps of the power of the sun.

Appeared quietly, and finally integrated into Lin Yuan's body.

It is Lin Yuans Sun Spirit.

This time, the Sun Spirit was sent to the alien battlefield.

The biggest gain is not the improvement of understanding of spatial models.

Instead, he obtained the entire inheritance of an eighth-level evolver.

Return to the main hall.

Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly.

A silver-white bracelet appeared.

This silver-white bracelet has a simple shape, which is different from the current space equipment aesthetics of human civilization.

It is the storage bracelet of the eighth-level evolver Ou Yin.

Although I am the master of the thirteen peaks of the Chikun lineage and have a high status, I dont have much wealth.

Now, this has been completed.

Lin Yuan felt happy. Even as a disciple of Lord Chikun, he could not be given a large amount of treasures and wealth out of thin air. At most, he could only have some life-saving things.

Before, Black Prison Desert planned to use a certain valuable treasure as a temptation to attract Lin Yuan to come out and see it. They were sure that the master of the Thirteen Peaks should lack treasure knowledge.

This is normal.

To obtain a large amount of wealth, most evolvers accumulate it over many years.

As for the income sharing of the martial arts evolution path founded by Lin Yuan, how long has it been now? This kind of income tends to be a steady stream rather than an overnight success.

This space bracelet is a rare treasure.

Lin Yuan carefully observed the silver-white bracelet and expressed admiration.

Even space storage treasures are divided into different levels. Some space storage treasures have a small internal space and cannot even contain life.

Some spaces store treasures, the internal space is vast, and the space is extremely stable and not prone to fluctuations.

This silver-white bracelet obviously belongs to the latter.

Eighth-level armor.

Lin Yuan quickly refined the silver-white bracelet and took out a cyan armor.

This piece of armor was nearly one meter in size, with mysterious lines engraved on its surface. After Lin Yuan took it out, it floated in the air, faintly exuding some kind of heavy aura.

Eighth-level defensive weapons, this is a life-saving weapon.

Lin Yuan had a smile on his face. Wearing this eighth-level armor, he could reach all physical attacks below the eighth level. As for the eighth-level attacks, it could also weaken most of them.

From this point, it can be seen that the eighth-level evolver Ou Yin's most important thing should be defense and life-saving.

After all, no eighth-level attack treasure was found in the inheritance he left behind, and it may have been lost.

You can keep this armor for your own use, or you can sell it

Eighth-level armor does not mean that only an eighth-level evolver can wear it.

It can be worn by both seventh-level and sixth-level armors, but only eighth-level evolvers can maximize the defensive capabilities of the eighth-level armor.

Some seventh-level and sixth-level weapons.

Lin Yuan once again took out seven or eight weapons from the silver-white bracelet.

These weapons should have been accidentally obtained by Ou Yin, the eighth-level evolver.

There are also a thousand cubic meters of cosmic crystal

Lin Yuan turned over his hand and took out a piece of cosmic crystal. It was a fist-sized piece of crystal jade, with extremely pure cosmic energy flowing inside.

A square of cosmic crystal is equivalent to 100 million cosmic coins, which is equivalent to one trillion human civilization coins.

Lin Yuan looked amazed.

Civilization currency is only the currency used for internal transactions within human civilization.

Most of the seventh- and eighth-level evolvers use cosmic coins for transactions, and the transaction objects are not limited to humans.


Cosmic currency is the hard currency used for transactions among all races in the universe.

As for the reason, it is because the Cosmic Coin contains extremely high cosmic energy.

Cosmic energy of this quality can satisfy the fighting consumption of seventh-level, eighth-level and even stronger people, and can it be recovered by slowly absorbing cosmic energy?

It's too slow, and the enemy can't just wait for you to recover.

Absorbing the energy in the Cosmic Coin is much more convenient. It is precisely because the Cosmic Coin has an irreplaceable role for high-level experts that it can become a transaction currency recognized by many ethnic groups.

Because the Cosmic Coin itself has extremely high value.

Much purer than the energy in the red spirit liquid.

Lin Yuan compared it in his mind before focusing on the last treasure in the silver bracelet.

This treasure is the most valuable of all treasures, even if the eighth-level armor, seventh-level and sixth-level weapons, and one thousand square meters of cosmic crystals are added together.

It is far inferior to this treasure.

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