My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 195: Am I turning into a tree? (Please subscribe)

Chapter 195: Am I turning into a tree? (Please subscribe)

Chapter 195: Am I turning into a tree? (Please subscribe)

In a trance.

Lin Yuans consciousness began to recover.

"What is this place?"

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, seeing everything in his eyes was darkness without a trace of light.

Is it possible that the body in which consciousness comes this time is a blind man?

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Even if a baby is born as a gestating baby whose eyes and other organs have not yet developed well, he can still roughly distinguish between light and darkness.

But now.

Lin Yuan could not detect any light.

This is obviously something abnormal.

Extraterritorial evil god.

Its just a pity.

The trunks of the ancient demonic branches swayed, and seeds began to scatter in all directions, falling into a vast world.

It is a small tree over one meter tall, and its branches are beginning to wither.

Pass through the Gate of All Realms five times.

Integrate me into that world.

For example.

Lin Yuan's mind was all focused on the roots of the small tree, where there seemed to be dark flames burning.

Is this a tree?

The demon tree, the ancestor of the evil **** outside the territory? Take a peek at this world.

Lin Yuan felt a little complicated.

A blind person is a blind person. As long as he returns to the second level, he can use perception to replace vision. Thats not right.

"do not care."


And now.

This world.

It is deep and quiet, and ancient trees that are tens of thousands of years old and hundreds of thousands old can be seen everywhere, and there are also many ferocious beasts with terrifying auras entrenched there.

Lin Yuan subconsciously believes that the bodies that come through the Gate of All Realms belong to humans.

His identity during this time travel is not simple. He is the seed of the alien evil god-the ancestor demon tree, used as the back-up man to invade this world.

Lin Yuan's thoughts diverged, and the consciousness of a seventh-level evolver was revived. His ability to perceive the outside world was greatly improved, and he could detect many things even without relying on vision.

It doesnt matter to me whether the evil **** is evil or not.

Finally, we will cooperate with Him inside and outside, and completely occupy this world.


Lin Yuan felt vaguely moving in a certain direction.

Theoretically speaking, as long as it falls within the scope of life, Lin Yuan has the possibility of coming.

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that something was difficult.

Lin Yuans situation clearly told him that the object that comes every time is not necessarily a human being.

But in fact, Lin Yuan has not confirmed this matter from the Gate of All Realms.

Lin Yuans current external image.

As the seed of the ancestral demon tree, Lin Yuan can feel the huge and deep terrifying aura of the other party no matter how far apart he is.

At least that was the case with the small tree that Lin Yuan came to. The trunk was yellow and withered, looking like it was malnourished.

And the small tree that Lin Yuan came to now grew from one of the seeds.

Lin Yuan's mind was spinning, and after he completely adapted, he soon discovered something unusual about this small tree.

In a certain area on the outskirts of the Black Mist Mountains, a small tree over one meter high swayed in the wind, with its trunk turning yellow and withered. It was completely different from the ancient trees next to it.

Whispers came one after another, and Lin Yuan seemed to see a huge demonic ancient tree standing in the void.

Now were in trouble

Lin Yuan's mind was solemn. As he continued to adapt, he suddenly discovered that the body he came into this time was not a human race.

So I sent my own seed in, trying to fully integrate into it and then grow up.

If Lin Yuan's consciousness hadn't come to him, he would probably have died on his own in a short time.

The Black Mist Mountains.

The seeds of the Demonic Tree, the ancestor of the alien evil gods, seem to be a little acclimated in this world.

Be able to survive first

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged. Logically speaking, as the seed of an extraterrestrial evil god, he was almost the same as a descendant, so he would not be so miserable.

But as a foreign object and the back-up man of the evil god, it is inherently suppressed by the world itself, and many of the innate methods from the ancestral demon tree cannot be used.

In this case, no matter how high the talent potential is, it will not grow at all.

Let alone others.

It is not easy to invade a world. First of all, you need to face the resistance of the world itself.

Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart.

Each world has its own consciousness, which is referred to as world consciousness.

World consciousnesses may be strong or weak, stingy or generous, but without exception, all world consciousnesses are extremely repulsive to foreign life, especially powerful foreign life.

The demon tree, the ancestor of the alien evil god, peeks into this world. He definitely does not intend to live in peace, but wants to drain the origin of this world for his own growth.

So the world itself will definitely not agree.

In addition to the resistance of the world, many powerful people in the world will also carry out crazy resistance.

Name: Ancestor Demonic Tree Seed (Lin Yuan)

Identity: Leader of the Gate of All Realms

Binding Talent: Heaven-defying Comprehension

Supernatural Power: Rebirth by dripping blood

Current status: Coming of consciousness

Remaining residence time: six hundred years

The most important thing now is how to obtain a large amount of energy.

Lin Yuan was thinking in his mind.

Although he looks like a small tree now, he is actually a descendant of the evil god. He can promote his own growth by swallowing a large amount of souls, blood, and blood of living creatures.

Given the current state of the little tree, let alone devouring the blood and souls of other creatures, he would be lucky enough not to be trampled to pieces by a passing ferocious beast.

Slowly accumulate energy through sunlight. It is too slow and cannot absorb much sunlight at all.

Lin Yuan spread his senses around a little and found that there were ancient trees everywhere, and all the sunlight, moisture and nutrients were occupied by these ancient trees.

The aura of heaven and earth?

Lin Yuan also noticed that the air around him was filled with gentle energy similar to aura.

But again, relying on instinct to absorb this energy is extremely slow. Maybe it took hundreds of years to grow a few meters taller?

That ancestral demon tree wants to cooperate inside and outside and invade this world at the minimum cost. It is simply unrealistic.

Lin Yuan sighed.

Through the current situation, he can also deduce the situation of other demon tree seeds.

Either he is half-dead like he is now, or he has died long ago due to various accidents.

According to this little trees first memory, the ancestor demon tree sprinkled countless of its seeds into this world.

It is estimated that there are not many people still alive today.

Normal demon tree seeds cannot grow at all under the suppression of the worlds will, but I am not a normal demon tree seed.

Lin Yuan had ups and downs in his thoughts.

Under the suppression of heaven and earth, the demon tree seeds cannot display any innate abilities.

That's why it's so depressed now.

But for Lin Yuan, if he can't use his natural ability, then he won't use it.

I just need to create a door to adapt to the means and abilities of this world, isn't that enough? Although Lin Yuan has not seen any secrets of martial arts in this world, the so-called secrets of martial arts are just to help Lin Yuan avoid some detours.

With his heaven-defying understanding, Lin Yuan can directly understand the world and understand the secrets of the skills he wants from the most essential operation of the world.

This kind of skill secrets are understood from heaven and earth, completely adapted to the local world, and will not be suppressed in the slightest.

Start to realize the truth.

Lin Yuan composed himself without any hesitation.

At this time, he didn't feel much sense of security. A small tree over one meter high was unable to move. If it was targeted by a herbivorous monster, he had no ability to resist.

Even a ferocious beast passing by by chance could cause a devastating blow to Lin Yuan.

Your understanding is contrary to heaven, watching the movement of heaven and earth, trying to understand the method of cultivation

Your understanding is contrary to heaven, watching the movement of heaven and earth, trying to understand the method of cultivation

Your understanding is contrary to heaven, watching the movement of heaven and earth, trying to understand the method of cultivation

After half a month, I continued to understand.

Lin Yuan finally realized a method of cultivation that is suitable for his current situation.

Lin Yuan slowly activated it, and the spiritual energy from all around began to gather, flowing from the bark of the tree into the branches, and was finally completely absorbed.


Lin Yuan only felt that the entire tree was warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

Its just that this kind of cultivation method can be used as a transitional method in the early stage, but it should be used sparingly in the later stage.

Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart.

He is only over one meter tall now, and he can draw spiritual energy within a radius of tens of meters at most.

If it grows to several meters or tens of meters, it can cause spiritual energy fluctuations for miles around if it is absorbed at any time.

By then, it will attract the attention of those powerful monster murderers, and even the truly powerful people in this world will be aware of it.

Due to the characteristics of the demon tree seeds, they are inherently repulsed by life in this world. Once exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.


If Lin Yuan wants to survive, he can only survive. Without the strength to conquer everything, he must not expose himself.

"According to the current speed of cultivation, in a few months, I will be able to control the tree trunks and hunt those monsters."

Lin Yuan thought about it in his mind.

As a descendant of the demon tree, he looks like a tree, but it is fundamentally different from those immovable trees.

At the beginning of his growth, he was suppressed by heaven and earth, and there was no room for development.

Now that Lin Yuan has a chance to breathe, and can get through the most difficult period by absorbing spiritual power, it will naturally be much easier in the future.

Controlling branches and hunting prey are the most basic abilities.

By killing prey, Lin Yuan will grow faster by absorbing the blood and soul of the prey, and will not attract the attention of other beings due to fluctuations in spiritual power.

A few months later.

A half-meter-large rabbit approached here cautiously.

This rabbit has soft fur and purple eyes. It looks extremely cute and harmless.


The monsters that can live in the Black Mist Mountains are basically harmless.

This rabbit is like this. When it rises up, it is extremely fast, even some birds and monsters can't compare.

The purple-eyed rabbit approached slowly, staring at one place.

There is an emerald green leaf there, and the spiritual power visible to the naked eye is flowing on the surface of the leaf.

For the purple-eyed rabbit, this is an irresistible temptation.

The purple-eyed rabbit is not very intelligent, but its instinct tells it that as long as it swallows that leaf, it will undergo some kind of transformation.

However, living in the Black Mist Mountains all year round, the purple-eyed rabbit is naturally extremely vigilant. Even if the leaf was not far away, it did not approach immediately.

Instead, observe your surroundings carefully.


After repeated confirmation, there were no monsters around that could threaten it. There was only an unknown tree three to four meters high with dark branches growing next to it.

The purple-eyed rabbit finally let down his guard, and with a whoosh, he pounced towards the leaf.


next moment.

The emerald green leaf disappeared.

Instead, there were more than ten dark branches, like spiritual snakes, entangling the purple-eyed rabbit that rushed towards it.

Similar to the presence of other monsters, you will find that it is as if the purple-eyed rabbit jumped in on its own.

The purple-eyed rabbit struggled fiercely, and under the threat of death, all its potential was unleashed, but it was a pity.

Facing the dark branches that were entangled more and more tightly, the purple-eyed rabbit's struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally its consciousness completely fell into darkness.

Lin Yuan finished absorbing the flesh and blood soul of the purple-eyed rabbit, and the comfortable branches began to sway.

Compared with absorbing external spiritual power, directly hunting and devouring flesh and blood souls will grow much faster.

Just one purple-eyed rabbit is equivalent to Lin Yuan's hard training for more than half a month.

You must know that most of the hard training here is the most half month of hard training that Lin Yuanyi realized.

Without the cultivation method, a purple-eyed rabbit would be equivalent to Lin Yuan's years of hard work.

Now I finally have some ability to protect myself

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief after absorbing the flesh and blood soul of the purple-eyed rabbit.

The emerald green leaf he used to seduce the purple-eyed rabbit has been continuously absorbing spiritual power through cultivation methods in the past few months, and then condensed it.

Equivalent to Lin Yuans entire achievements during this period.

For the purple-eyed rabbits that rely on leaves for food, this is a natural treasure. In the past few days, Lin Yuan has hunted more than ten purple-eyed rabbits by relying on this method.

"I now"

Lin Yuan looks at himself.

Certainly not through sight, but through ones own perception.

At this time, Lin Yuan was almost three meters tall. Compared with the height of less than two meters when he first came to consciousness, he had undoubtedly grown a lot.

As for strength, he is fully capable of hunting down some powerful monsters, but to be on the safe side, Lin Yuan mainly uses purple-eyed rabbits.

If you continue to grow, the innate means belonging to the demon tree will gradually be broken and can be used.

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The demon tree seeds that just entered this world were too weak, so they were easily suppressed to death.

Just now, after passing through the most difficult period, Lin Yuan has a hunch that his situation will become easier and easier.

for the rest of the time.

After Lin Yuan gained enlightenment, he continued to use emerald green leaves as bait to hunt those purple-eyed rabbits that were not very intelligent.

Even some other monsters, if given a chance, Lin Yuan would accept them without mercy.

More than half a year has passed, and after countless hunts, Lin Yuan's size has reached seven or eight meters, and he has hundreds of controllable branches.

The purple-eyed rabbits for several miles around have been almost wiped out by Lin Yuan.

After some time, you can consider changing places

Lin Yuan made a decision in his heart.

Other trees cannot move unless they become spirits, but Lin Yuan is different. He can easily move his position as long as he is willing.


Just when Lin Yuan was considering moving in that direction.

There was a sudden movement in my heart.

Looking in a certain direction.

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