My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 201: Improve demon parasitism (Happy New Year’s Eve)

Chapter 201: Improve demon parasitism (Happy New Year’s Eve)

Chapter 201 Improving Demonic Parasitism (Happy New Years Eve)

Thank you, ancestor.

Hand received a large group of origin again, Lin Yuan immediately expressed his gratitude.

Lin Yuans gratitude truly comes from the bottom of his heart. In the past five times he traveled, he basically relied on himself. Even in his fifth time traveling, he became a third-generation immortal with an all-powerful background.

Most of the resources Lin Yuan needs for his cultivation also rely on his Yinshen and Yangshen to make a living outside.

But now.

As long as Lin Yuan opened his mouth to complain, the ancestral demon tree would spare no effort to send the source over.

Of course, Lin Yuan also knew it.

The Ancestral Demonic Tree did this entirely by using itself.

As long as he comes to the Azure World smoothly, he will probably be the first to die.

The original demon trees investment in him over the years has to be taken back.

Just like now, Lin Yuan already has the seventh level of strength, but he is still in the sixth stage of the demon tree's growth stage.

that's all.

It is equivalent to an inexhaustible treasure house of cultivation.

Two demonic trees with different thoughts were disconnected.

Specifically, they are the first stage, the second stage and the third stage.

The Ancestral Demonic Tree itself is in the eighth stage and is a powerful evil **** who dominates the outside world.

Lin Yuan thought to himself that the Azure World has a high awareness of the ancestor demon tree. Decades ago, in order to pry open a gap in the barrier of the Azure World, it could spread the demon seeds.

I will try my best to grow.

The fifth stage.

Its natural.

The glory of the ancestor will soon envelope this world. At that time, all living creatures will surrender under the feet of the ancestor.

And since that time, Azure Worlds defense against the Ancestral Demonic Tree has gone to a higher level.

The spiritual fluctuations emitted by the ancestor demon tree contain encouragement, as if a gentle elder is teaching earnestly.

Lin Yuan thought about the information revealed by the ancestor demon tree just now.

By then, the Ancestral Demonic Tree will be able to enter the Azure World through another way.

With the isolation of the world barrier and my own restrained aura, the ancestral demon tree cannot detect the specific stage of my growth.

In addition, Lin Yuan has used the sealing technique to solve the control of the ancestor demon tree over the descendant demon tree.

Lin Yuan thought in his mind that the growth of the demon tree and cultivation are two different things. It is related to strength, but it is not entirely related to strength.

As a result, there are no basic hidden dangers.

This is also the final plan of the ancestor demon tree. With the current situation, it is unrealistic to invade the Azure World by force.

The ancestor demon tree said seriously.

There is no other way. If the ancestor demon tree gives up the Azure World now and turns around and runs away, Lin Yuan can only watch helplessly.

So we can only hang on the ancestral demon tree as much as possible to make him think that hope is right in front of us, plus the 'cost' caused by many early investments.

Practice well.

The growth of the demon tree is different from that of normal cultivators.

Lin Yuan is also painting cakes for the ancestor demon tree.

"As long as you can occupy this world, I may not be able to give you freedom and let you become the new evil god."

Its life essence is enough to establish a space channel with the ancestor demon tree.

Are you kidding me? Youve eaten so much of my essence and you still want to live?

But some things cannot be said so directly. Even when facing the sub-body demon tree, one thought can determine its life or death.

You also have to pay attention to some scene words.

Grow to the fifth stage as soon as possible.

Only in this way can the ancestor demon tree be firmly bound outside the world.

The Ancestral Demonic Tree paid a great price.

In fact, the Ancestral Demonic Tree had no intention of keeping Lin Yuan alive.

At present, the existence of the Ancestral Demonic Tree has far more advantages than disadvantages for Lin Yuan.

It is divided into stages.

Ancestor, dont worry.

Its just that the Ancestral Demonic Tree wanted to swallow Lin Yuan, why didnt Lin Yuan not want to swallow the Ancestral Demonic Tree?

The deepest part of the Black Mist Mountains.

As long as the daughter demon tree grows to the fifth stage.

The daughter demon tree is the continuation of the ancestor demon tree, and there is an implicit connection between the two.

So the ancestor demon tree's perception of Lin Yuan is actually very limited. Coupled with the many breath-containing techniques that Lin Yuan himself has learned, it can be said to be foolproof.

On the battlefield outside the world, the Azure Alliance has been winning steadily recently

Lin Yuan turned his eyes and looked in a certain direction. It was the battlefield where countless powerful men from the Azure Alliance were fighting against the evil god's puppet.

Lin Yuan is not surprised that the Tianqing Alliance has gained the battlefield advantage.

In the past ten years or so, the ancestor demon tree has sent an unknown amount of its own power to "support" Lin Yuan.

As a result, the strength decreased and the number of evil **** puppets spawned decreased.

Strictly speaking, although Lin Yuan is the descendant of the ancestor demon tree, he still contributed to the Azure World and lowered the strength of the ancestor demon tree.

On the battlefield outside the world, the Azure Alliance gained the advantage, and Lin Yuande took the lead.

Outside the azure world.

The Ancestral Demon Tree is majestic and huge, standing in the void, with countless vines swaying, and the terrifying demon field spreading in all directions.

And opposite the Ancestral Demonic Tree.

Thirteen figures are standing side by side.

He is the leader and twelve deputy leaders of the Azure Alliance.

The leader of the Azure Alliance is the strongest person in the Azure World. He holds the Sword of the World and is able to exert almost eight levels of combat power.

As for the twelve deputy leaders, they are all seventh-level existences and should not be underestimated.

Evil God, suffer death.

The leader of the Azure Alliance held the stone long sword and slashed towards the ancestral demon tree.


A large amount of space power was torn apart, forming space turbulence, carrying the general trend of the void.

The Ancestral Demonic Tree was still huge, with countless black vines swaying, barely blocking the sword.

"If it weren't for this world, how would you, a bunch of ants, be qualified to stand in front of me?"

The Ancestral Demonic Tree emits huge spiritual fluctuations.

What he fears the most is the long stone sword in the hand of the leader of the Azure Alliance.

That is the World Sword that has been nurtured by the Azure World for countless thousands of years. Logically speaking, these weapons should sleep in the depths of the world and rotate with the world.

It's just that the invasion of the Ancestral Demonic Tree made the Azure World extremely vigilant, and they did not hesitate to let the stone long sword come into being, and work with the strong men of the Azure World to resist the evil god's invasion.

A great battle ended.

The Ancestral Demonic Tree retreated on its own initiative.

The leader of the Azure Alliance and the twelve deputy leaders had no choice but to give up.

Beside the Azure World, they can compete with the Ancestral Demonic Tree, but if they stay away from the Azure World, they are seeking death.

The stone sword in the hands of the leader of the Azure Alliance becomes more powerful the closer it is to the Azure world.

In the same way, the further away from the azure world, the smaller the power will be, and in the end it will be no different from an ordinary long sword.

Leader, have you noticed that the evil **** from outside the realm seems to be much weaker this time?

One of the deputy alliance leaders pondered for a while and then spoke.


The leader of the Azure Alliance nodded.

Since the invasion of the Ancestral Demonic Tree, they will fight against the Ancestral Demonic Tree every forty or fifty years.

With the protection of the long stone sword, they can fight back and forth with the ancestor demon tree.

But this time, the ancestral demon tree did not fight them.

And from the only confrontations, they were vaguely aware of the weakness of the ancestor demon tree.

Whats going on? Did the evil **** do this on purpose to seduce us?

The leader of the Azure Alliance was a little confused.

The decline in the strength of the ancestral demon tree is completely inexplicable. I and others have never hurt the opponent at all.

Why has the strength declined inexplicably?


The leader of the Azure Alliance's first reaction was whether the ancestral demon tree was deliberately revealed to lure them into taking the bait?

The deepest part of the Black Mist Mountains.

Lin Yuan felt every detail of the journey thousands of miles away.

Huan even continued to comprehend.

Your understanding is against the heavens, you have understood the demon's seed, and you are improving its parasitic nature.

Your understanding is against the heavens, you have understood the demon's seed, and you are improving its parasitic nature.

Your understanding is against the heavens, you have understood the demon's seed, and you are improving its parasitic nature.

In front of Lin Yuan, dusty seeds were suspended one after another.

As the innate means of the demon tree, the demon seed has many effects, among which the 'parasitism' ability is quite valued by Lin Yuan.

No more than that.

The original parasitic ability of the demon seed is too rough, and the parasitized lives are all like zombies, which is too obvious.

So in recent decades, Lin Yuan has dedicated some time every day to perfect the flaws of the demon seed.

It has been initially improved.

Lets see how it works.

Lin Yuan glanced at the Monster King next to him, who was entangled in black vines.

The reason why Lin Yuan kept these monster kings alive was because they were useful, and now it was time to test the 'parasitism' ability of the monster seeds.

As for why we didnt parasitize those low-level monsters first, parasitizing low-level monsters would be a complete waste of Lin Yuans seeds.

The ability of the demon seed to parasitize depends entirely on the strength of the person being parasitized.

If the parasitized person possesses fifth-level strength, he can almost still retain fifth-level strength after being parasitized.

If the parasitized person only has the first level of strength, after being parasitized, he will still be at the first level, and what use is the first level to Lin Yuan?

In Lin Yuan's eyes, in the entire Black Mist Mountain Range, only the few monster kings who have reached the sixth level can barely have parasitic value.


A black vine untied.

A monster king fell down.

This monster king quickly grew in size as it fell, and by the time it landed on the ground, it had become a huge monster.

Where is this

This monster king is the divine ape king. His consciousness has been in coma for such a long time. Now that he wakes up, he has not recovered for a while.



Just a few breaths later, the Ape King reacted and his expression immediately became tense.

As soon as it turned its head, it saw that it was under the terrifying ancient tree, and its heart suddenly felt cold.

The Ape King subconsciously wanted to run, but he found that at this moment, his body was filled with an evil force. Under such suppression, it was extremely difficult for him to even move, let alone run?

Just when the Ape King was thinking about whether to say a few words.

A dusty seed fell from a branch and quickly headed towards it.

"what is that?"

Although the Ape King couldn't move, he instinctively felt a sense of danger.


This dusty seed landed directly on the forehead of the Divine Ape King. Then, the surface of the seed quickly grew and renewed, and took root in the forehead of the Divine Ape King.


The Ape King roared in pain. At this moment, it just felt like its head was exploding, and its consciousness even began to become blurred.

This seed. This seed wants to replace me?

A great fear suddenly emerged in the heart of the Ape King.

That dusty seed is currently taking root in his brain consciousness, slowly expelling his original consciousness, trying to occupy the magpie's nest.


"I do not want"

The Ape King struggled violently.

Compared with being replaced, total death is a relief.

The Ape King resisted wildly, gathered the remaining power in his consciousness, and charged towards the demon seed.



At this time, he was the Ape King. His whole body was suppressed by Lin Yuan's power. He only had a little consciousness left, so how could he resist the demon seed.

Only half a day has passed.

The Ape King's consciousness completely collapsed.

The demon seed parasitizes successfully.

The outside world.

Lin Yuan is paying attention to the changes in the Ape King.


At this moment, King Shenyuan slowly got up from the ground and bowed slightly towards Lin Yuan.

The parasitism went smoothly.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel the aura coming from the demon seed deep in the mind of the Ape King.

Master, I now have all the memories of the Ape King, as well as all the abilities and means.

The Ape King began to report.

After half an hour.

Lin Yuan sent the Ape King away.

Today's Ape King has been replaced by the demon seed, so there is no need to worry about loyalty.


Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

By observing the reaction of the Ape King after being replaced, as long as you pay more attention, there is basically no difference from the original Ape King.

At least it is much better than the life that was parasitized by the demon seed in the beginning, with dull eyes and stiff movements.

Today's demon seed is not only perfectly integrated into the body of the parasite, but also has acquired all the other person's memories.

Its almost possible to look fake and real.

But there are still some flaws.

Continue to improve.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and planned to make up for it with his incredible understanding in the next time.

The reason why Lin Yuan devoted so much energy to parasitism was to prepare for the subsequent spread of martial arts.

There is no way, the image of the Demonic Tree is not very good. In this case, Lin Yuan needs to find some spokesmen.

These spokespersons must be absolutely loyal to Lin Yuan, which is in line with the parasitic ability of the demon seed.

Martial arts.

Lin Yuan's thoughts swirled. The shuttle here was limited by the demon tree itself, and Lin Yuan did not embark on the path of martial arts.

But everything done so far is paving the way for martial arts and spreading the evolutionary path of martial arts, which is the main plan for the next few hundred years.

Keep practicing.

Lin Yuan's mind fell into cultivation, and the aura in his body became more and more terrifying, as vast as an invisible ocean.

No one knows, including the invincible leader of the Azure Alliance and the ancestor of the demon tree.

In the seemingly "absolutely safe" backside of the Azure World, changes have occurred that are enough to overturn the current situation.

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