My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 46: three goddesses

Chapter 46: three goddesses

Chapter 46 Three Goddesses

Canglanxing, Shuiyue Community.

Residence No. 32.

In a nutrition warehouse, Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

Compared to the first shuttle,

This shuttle time is much longer.

Stayed in the world of dragons and tigers for a full eighty years.

You know, before the second shuttle.

Including the first shuttle,

Life in the main world,

And life on Earth.

In total, there are not eighty years.

However, its all worth it.

Because Lin Yuan created the way of Tai Chi.

You should know that they are both at the level of Heavenly Master.

The Celestial Master who takes the path of Taiyin Wuji or Sun Wuji to achieve breakthrough.

It is completely different from the Celestial Master who breaks through through Tai Chi.

Even, even if it does not rely on either Taiyin Wuji or Sun Wuji.

With Lin Yuan's heaven-defying understanding, he is completely able to forcibly open up a new path and break through to the realm of the Heavenly Master.

This is what Lin Yuan did in the first ten years of Dragon Tiger World.

But in the end, it was discovered that both in terms of potential and combat power, it was not as good as Taiyin Wuji and Taiyang Wuji.

The Taiyin Wuji and the Sun Wuji are far inferior to Taiji.

The way of Tai Chi is by far the most suitable path for Lin Yuan, and it is also the most perfect and powerful path that Lin Yuan can achieve.

Perhaps among the many evolutionary paths of the Universal Human Alliance, there is a path more powerful than the Tai Chi Way.

But there is definitely no way of Tai Chi that is as suitable for Lin Yuan.

How can the evolutionary path opened up by others be as satisfying as the evolutionary path opened up by oneself?

My current strength should be the limit of the second level and twelve levels, infinitely approaching the third level realm.

Lin Yuan speculated in his mind.

It only took Lin Yuan 40 years to practice in the Dragon and Tiger World Jiazi Dangmo from the second level nine to the second level twelve.

The remaining twenty years are spent exploring the subsequent third-level path.

Forty years, spanning three stages, looking at Canglan Star, it may be considered the top.

But in the entire universe alliance, it can only be regarded as average.

But dont forget, every step Lin Yuan takes is creating a path.

Create a new evolutionary path from scratch.

The difficulty is hundreds and thousands of times higher than those of the evolvers who have pioneered the path before them.

Thoughts slowly gathered together, Lin Yuan stood up and left the nutrition warehouse.

Eighty years in the world of dragons and tigers, Lin Yuan is invincible in the world.

But there are still many secrets that have not been clarified.

For example, it is a Zhenwu Sword, or it is a primitive demon spirit.

Why do these things from the upper realm fall into the lower realm?

Are those powerful people in the "upper realm" making plans or something?

But now that he has returned, he has nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

Two hours.

Lin Yuan glanced at the time.

Confirm that you start the shuttle when you lie down and end the shuttle when you get up.

Two hours have passed in total.

To be precise, two hours and three minutes have passed.

It seems that the level of the dragon and tiger world is indeed higher than that of the martial arts world.

Lin Yuan made a judgment in his mind.

Twenty years have passed in the world of martial arts, but only ten minutes have passed in the main world.

If it rises to eighty years, it will be forty minutes.

In terms of time flow rate, the time flow rate in the Dragon and Tiger world is less than half of that in the martial arts world.

There is also the power of the lunar sun on Canglan Star.

Lin Yuan walked to the rooftop.

It was night at this time, and Lin Yuan could clearly feel the power of the lunar sun dispersed in the sky and the earth.

Since it is night, the power of the lunar sky is more than that of the sun.

Absorbing a little bit is too slow, you still need to purchase the corresponding spiritual items.

Lin Yuan sighed.

He now has a state of mind, the only difference is the accumulation of energy.

In the main world, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of energy.

If Lin Yuan has the conditions, he can go to the surface of the star to practice.

The power of the sun there was so rich that it turned into a liquid. When Lin Yuan took one breath, the power of the sun he absorbed was probably equivalent to several years of hard training.

Of course, if you want to do this, you need to spend a lot of money.

As for Lin Yuan, what he lacks most is money.

With money, Lin Yuan can not only buy various spiritual objects.

You can even purchase the many evolutionary paths of the Universal Human Alliance to deduce and improve your own cultivation system.

Continue to upload the Tao of Tai Chi.

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

The Universal Human Alliance encourages citizens to develop new evolutionary pathways, and the three goddesses even have a certain resource bias towards this.

At the end of the first shuttle, Lin Yuan exchanged the martial arts evolution path for 5,000 merit points.

With one thousand merit points, his citizen level was upgraded to Level 2, and he gained many privileges, becoming the undisputed privileged class of Canglan Star.

The Tao of Tai Chi is the follow-up path to the martial arts training system founded by Lin Yuan. If it is uploaded, it will definitely cause the goddess of wisdom to re-evaluate it, and then obtain subsequent merit points.

In the Universal Human Alliance, merit points are everything.

The prerequisite for obtaining merit points is to contribute to humanity, and there are certainly many other ways to do this.

But for Lin Yuan, there is only one that is the fastest and easiest.

That is the way to upload Tai Chi.

The three goddesses of the Universal Human Alliance are absolutely selfless and will not suppress or enslave citizens.

As long as the Tai Chi method uploaded by Lin Yuan is of sufficient value, it will be protected by the three goddesses. As for after uploading the Tao of Tai Chi, will other citizens catch up with Lin Yuan in their practice?

Even if the cultivation environment of the Universal Human Alliance is far superior to that of the Dragon and Tiger World, it will still take decades for others to reach the level of Heavenly Master on the path of martial arts evolution.

In the past few decades, according to Lin Yuan's shuttle frequency of once every eight months, he has already experienced dozens of shuttles.

To Lin Yuan who will be a few decades from now, the current Celestial Master is almost nothing more than an ant.

Since I have decided to upload the Tao of Tai Chi.

Lin Yuan then began to translate it into the main world text and make adjustments in subtle aspects.

A few days later.

Lin Yuan organized his gains in the world of dragon and tiger into two parts.

Celestial phenomena and Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang chapter is the name given by Lin Yuan to the level of Heavenly Master.

Master the lunar sun and integrate the lunar sun.

Finish these.

Soon, the consciousness connected with the goddess of wisdom.

If you are an ordinary citizen, even if it is just an insignificant sub-body connected to the goddess of wisdom.

You need to wait patiently for a few minutes.

But Lin Yuan is a second-level citizen who contributes to the Human Alliance.

Just a moment passed.

The solemn and cold voice of the goddess of wisdom came.

Dear second-level citizen Lin Yuan, please state your appeal.

I want to continue to upload the evolution path of martial arts. Lin Yuan said directly.

After notifying the goddess of wisdom, Lin Yuan uploaded the compiled "Celestial Phenomenon" and "Yin Yang Chapter".

At the moment when the goddess of wisdom received the "Celestial Phenomenon" and "Yin and Yang Chapter".

In a mysterious space an unknown number of light years away from Canglan Star.

Huge light curtains flashed rapidly, and huge computing power frantically evaluated the value of deducing the "Celestial Phenomenon" and "Yin and Yang" chapters.

The detection of the Celestial Phenomenon involves the dual attribute power of Yin and Yang, and the detection of the Yin and Yang Chapter involves the fusion of the dual attributes of Yin and Yang. Extreme power fusion, this evolutionary path, the theoretical limit is judged to be Level Six.

Discovered that the potential upper limit reached the sixth level evolutionary path, triggered Article 9 of the Charter, and started contacting the Goddess of Justice. Started contacting the Goddess of Liberty.

It has been confirmed by the three goddesses that this evolutionary path does have the potential to reach the sixth level.

Relevant plans are generated, and we begin to contact the person with the highest authority on this planet, the planets governor Song Wuyang

The highest point of Canglan Star.

Archon Song Wuyang ended his phone calls with important officials from other planets.

The planet arena battle is about to begin. I hope that in this arena battle, there will be a few seedlings with third-level and fourth-level potential.

Song Wuyang sighed.

As the governor of the planet, he also has the pressure of "performance".

Every ten years, the goddess of wisdom will judge everything he did during his reign in every detail.

Some of the criteria are how many evolvers of various levels were born on Canglan Planet during this period, as well as the happiness index of all citizens, etc.

The higher the Goddess of Wisdoms evaluation of him, the greater his gains will be. The most specific thing is that he will get corresponding merit points.

Of course, if the goddess of wisdom thinks too low of him,

Not only will he not be able to obtain merit points, but he will be "impeached".

Severe cases will directly lose the status of consul and be sent to the Supreme Court for trial.

I dont know, what is happening to the founder of the evolutionary path of martial arts?

Thinking of the ring battle, Song Wuyang naturally thought of Lin Yuan.

After all, the martial arts evolution system has entered the top 100 of the Canglan Star evolution list as soon as it appeared.

This is the first time the evolution list has changed during Song Wuyang's tenure.

The Goddess of Wisdom protects these founders of evolutionary paths so tightly that even I, the Archon, cannot access their information.

Song Wuyang glanced at his mouth.

As an ordinary second-level citizen, Song Wuyang can check as many as he wants. After all, he is a fourth-level citizen.

Its just that Lin Yuan is not only a second-class citizen, but also the founder of the evolutionary path. He is a special person and is specially protected by the goddess of wisdom.

But Song Wuyang also understood the behavior of the goddess of wisdom.

In the history of the Universal Human Alliance, there have been many situations where the seeds of genius were killed in advance.

These strangleholds come from enemies, competitors, or alien races.

In this way, the three goddesses decided that as long as the human race is judged as a 'genius', they will be protected by specific encrypted information.

Outsiders cannot obtain relevant information at all, and the so-called killing of nature is difficult to achieve.

Its just a martial arts evolution system, and the upper limit of potential is only level three. If it werent so popular, the goddess wouldnt attach so much importance to it.

Song Wuyang shook his head slightly.

To determine the value of a certain evolutionary path, potential is one aspect, and popularity is also another aspect.


at this time.

An electronic synthesized sound came.

Arch Wuyang of Song Dynasty, the goddess of wisdom asks for connection.

The goddess of wisdom is looking for me? Song Wuyang was slightly startled.

I had thought of the goddess of wisdom just now, but unexpectedly the other party came to him.


Song Wuyang nodded.

By the way, he straightened his back, trying to make himself more pleasing to the goddess of wisdom.

After all, Song Wuyang himself could not see the Goddess of Wisdom, but through many monitoring devices, the Goddess of Wisdom could keep track of all Song Wuyang's movements at any time.

With Song Wuyang choosing to connect with the goddess of wisdom.

The goddess of wisdom has been connected.

Statue Liberty is connected.

The goddess of justice has been connected.

In an instant, the three ultimate intelligent goddesses of the Universal Human Alliance arrived.

This made Song Wuyang's scalp numb, as he was originally thinking about how to communicate with the goddess of wisdom.

Didnt the goddess of wisdom want to talk to him?

Why are the three goddesses here?

Oh my God?

What happened that suddenly alarmed the three goddesses?

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