My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 57: Don't panic, we still have Mr. Lin

Chapter 57: Don't panic, we still have Mr. Lin

Chapter 57 Dont panic, we still have Mr. Lin

Chamber competition is not only popular on Canglan Star.

It is one of the most popular activities and attracts the most public attention in the entire universe of the Human Alliance.

After all, those who can participate in the arena competition are all evolvers, and they are young evolvers under a hundred years old.

These evolvers are the future of the Human Alliance in the universe.

It itself has a certain star effect.

In the interstellar era, the majority of citizens have long ceased to pursue those powerless little fresh meat.

Evolutionaries with great power are the objects of attention of all citizens.

Virtual world Canglan Star.

The arena area.

A huge arena similar to an ancient Roman arena, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of densely packed seats ranging from low to high.

At the top of the ring.

A high platform.

President Liao, Lin Yuan and others appeared.

This is the arena in Dongning City. If the next arena match is drawn to Dongning City, it will be held here.

President Liao said.

Actually, I was mainly talking to Lin Yuan. Zong Bai, Cao Rong and others have participated in more than one arena competition and know this aspect well.


Lin Yuan looked down at the ring, nodded and said.

You dont have to be nervous, just perform normally, dont be under so much pressure.

President Liao comforted him.

The arena competition is about to begin, and putting more pressure will be counterproductive. It is better to offer some comfort and make people relax.

President Liao, I dont know who my opponent in Dongning City will be this time. Have you asked someone to make a prediction?

Lv Xiguang suddenly asked in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out.

Cao Rong and Zong Bais eyes suddenly lit up.

Knowing your opponent in advance will give you a great advantage.

After all, most evolutionary pathways have advantages and disadvantages. If we can know them in advance and target them accordingly, we can at least have a lot of initiative.

In situations of similar strength, the battle is about who knows the other side better.

There are so many cities in the Eastern Continent, how can we predict them?

President Liao rolled his eyes.

If it is the later stage of the arena competition and the number of participating city players drops to a certain number, it can be predicted based on past rules.

But now that the arena competition has just begun, there are nearly 10,000 cities in the Eastern Continent, which is impossible to predict.

Of course, it is impossible to predict which opponent will be precise, but the general range can be determined.

The initial opponents for the arena competition are determined and selected based on past results.

To put it simply, Dongning Citys opponents cannot be much stronger than Dongning City.


You all go and get ready.

In two hours, the arena competition will begin, and the opponent will be announced at that time.

President Liao said.

The start of the arena competition is a grand event throughout Canglan Star.

Although the vast majority of citizens cannot enter the virtual world.

But you can watch the game process in real time through broadcasting.

Wow wow wow, mom and dad, hurry up and watch the arena match.

Lin Yi was sitting on the sofa, surrounded by four illusory screens, which was the arena scene.

Okay, okay, come on, come on.

Lin Shoucheng and Lu Qiong walked over with smiles on their faces.

They are already evolved and have the right to enter the virtual world, but Lin Yi is not. Lin Yi cannot be abandoned to enjoy the virtual world on his own.

Originally, the couple and Lin Yuan were both evolvers, but Lin Yi was not an evolver in the family, which made her very unhappy. If they were treated differently, the whole family would be upset by Lin Yi.

Where is my brother?

Lin Yi kept looking around.

Lin Yuan also participated in the group competition, and also participated as a representative of Dongning City, so Lin Shoucheng and his wife naturally knew about it.

It wont appear until it starts.

Lu Qiong smiled."I hope you can come on, brother."

Lin Yi clenched his fists and said.

In this arena competition, I must show it to my father and let him know that I am not much weaker than Lin Yuan.

In the virtual world, in the arena area, Lin Yan appeared and secretly made a decision.

A year ago, at the Lin family dinner, his father Lin Hao planned to give Lin Yuan his place for further study.

As a result, because he said a few more words, the atmosphere on the court was not right.

Finally, every big shot came to pay homage to Lin Yuan, which indirectly embarrassed his father Lin Hao.

Lin Hao hates him even more. Now that Lin Yan can become an evolver, can this quota be given away?

Isnt it Lin Yans failure to live up to his expectations and his inability to become an evolver that led Lin Hao to have this idea?

After returning from the family dinner.

Lin Hao scolded Lin Yan well all night, and even beat him up himself.

Lin Yan had this experience and finally joined the ranks of evolvers a few months later.

To this day, although I have not yet entered the level, I am still qualified to participate in the group competition.

The arena competition is open to all evolvers.

The evolver opponents of city representatives are other city representatives.

The opponents of idle evolvers are other idle evolvers.

Although Lin Hao knows this, his strength is still far inferior to Lin Yuan.

After all, his father Lin Hao also found out the reason why President Liao came in person at the family dinner.

But now Lin Yan at least has the possibility to look up to Lin Yuan.

Since you can look up, you can transcend in the future.

The arena competition has started?

Hurry and see.

I dont know what results I, Dongning City, can achieve in this competition.

Hahahaha, just dont be at the bottom like last time.

Citizens of Dongning City turned on the real-time broadcast and watched attentively.

Virtual world Canglan Star, arena area.

Its over, its over, my opponent in Dongning City this time is actually Zijing City.

As the arena competition officially began, Cao Rong suddenly panicked when he learned about his opponent.

The same goes for Lu Xiguang next to him. Zijing City is the one they least want to face among their expected opponents.

In the last arena competition, Dongning Citys ranking was 9985.

In Zijing City, there are 7,652.

The difference between the two is more than 2,000 names.

It is said that the strongest evolver in Bauhinia City took the 'giant' evolutionary path.

Once it takes action with all its strength, its body can soar up to five meters.

Although its strength is still at level 1 and level 12, its true combat power is already infinitely close to level 2.

It is not easy for an ordinary second-level evolver to deal with this giant.

Facing such an evolved person, if they were in the wild, Cao Rong and Lu Xiguang would have some confidence.

After all, if you can't fight, you can still run.

Evolvers of the Giant Evolution Path have always had a weak point in terms of speed.

But how to run in the ring? The arena is so big, where can you run?

And the virtual world official, in order to prevent the evolvers from deliberately delaying the time, will reduce the arena area when the game progresses to a certain extent.


Lv Xiguang sighed.

This path of evolution requires evolvers with natural divine power and stronger physiques than ordinary people to be able to practice it.

There is indeed some trouble.

Zong Bai, who had been silent for a long time, frowned.

Obviously, its difficult too.

Zong Bai seemed to have thought of something, and his brows relaxed slightly, "But don't panic, we still have Mr. Lin."

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