My Werewolf System

Chapter 858  Calvin The North Leader

Chapter 858  Calvin The North Leader

Blackjack was on the move to the North side. He was quickly going past the Altereds that were trying to attack him, ducking and weaving through them all at a fast speed. At one point, he leaned back, and one of the prisoners accidentally attacked another.

‘It’s a good lucky day today, I knew it would all go well today.’ Blackjack smiled as he progressed further and deeper inside. As he finally got near the end, he threw out the last of his cards.

They came out sharp, hitting four of his opponents on the head, causing them to fall to the floor, and that’s when he could see Calvin sitting on the floor, healing one of the prisoners.

“Calvin, it has been a while, right?” Blackjack asked. “I’m surprised to see that you teamed up with the South Group. After going against them for so long, it resorted to this.”

“I had invited you several times to join my side,” Calvin stated. “I had even healed your body after the fight with the Warden, and yet you still refused. So what else was I supposed to do?”

“Ah, yes,” Blackjack said, touching his arm, remembering the pain he had suffered from back then. “But my body is a little more special compared to others; I could have healed on my own without your help.”

“You said the same thing back then, I remember, which is why I am even more curious about your body,” Calvin said as he finally started to stand up from the floor, stretching out both of his hands from the side.

“You know, there is one thing about you that I never understood, and it’s the fact that I have never seen your Altered form. No matter how hard you struggle,” Calvin stated.

“You know, for me, it’s the same. I’ve never seen yours either. What type of Altered has healing capabilities? It doesn’t make much sense. And that’s when I figured it out; your healing capabilities have nothing to do with your Altered self, right? It must just be something that you could do,” Blackjack asked.

A smirk appeared on Calvin’s face.

“You’re the first person to have ever noticed it, but my Altered form did enhance my powers beyond what I could imagine. I’m different from others, a family line that has told me to keep the knowledge I know a secret.”

“Before all of these Altereds were about, people would have called me a miracle worker, and now look at them all everywhere thinking they’re so special.”

“I always wondered. Why would someone like you care about the struggle in this prison so much?” Blackjack said. “Now I know, you hate Altereds, don’t you? This place is perfect for you to take them down.”

“Some higher being. You’re really making my head hurt as you sound like some people I know, and as for keeping a secret, trust me, I know all about that.”

Blackjack launched himself from where he was; Calvin tried to react by slicing his hand, but it had gone through nothing but the air. His body and arm were transforming, but before it could finish transforming, Blackjack already had grabbed Calvin by the throat and bashed him up against the wall.

Blackjack looked deep into the other’s eyes as his started to glow red.

“You said you had never seen me transform before, right?” The intensity of Blackjack’s eyes turned redder; meanwhile, as he had his mouth open, his two canine-like teeth were extending out and growing.

They were turning sharp and elongated.

“Then before you die, I guess I can show you what I am… I’m a vampire,” Blackjack said in a hushed voice so the others wouldn’t hear.

He opened his mouth wide and chomped down at the side of his neck. Blood was being drawn from Calvin, and he felt like he could do next to nothing.

He looked at his special healing hands; he had done next to nothing with his powers as his family had told him to keep it a secret. His powers were meant for healing, but when those that needed him most, his family, he was unable to help them.

He was unable to heal the dead, so he did what was needed. Calvin went to the local gangs and took them out one by one. It was a long tiresome process as he would heal himself with his own powers so he could fight again.

He would get better at fighting, and any wounds he did receive, he would heal himself, and after taking out the gang in question, he had finally received a special serum that they had been hiding.

Taking the serum, he had become an Altered himself. With his newfound power, he went on the search for his family’s killer and gave them ten times the payback that he had received; by the time White Rose were called to the scene, they were already too late.

They could just see Calvin in a field of dead. They had taken him and locked him away, placing him where he was currently with a sentence for life. He had gotten his payback but felt so empty.

When he had joined the prison, a fight had broken out as it always had done; one was far more injured than the other. It was the first time he had used his powers in a way to heal the other.

The person he had saved was thankful, to the point that they were willing to do anything for him. It was a nice feeling to have, so using this power Calvin had created his family surrounding him.

It was a new family he had created with his powers, but just like in the past, he was so afraid of losing it again. So rather than lose his family, he would team up with his enemy and try to take out those that might disturb it, but this was the result.

As Calvin’s body fell to the floor, he could see Blackjack going to each one of them, taking them out there and then.


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