My Werewolf System

Chapter 825 Why We Exist

Chapter 825 Why We Exist

Kai had been doing research into Sin's teams, so he knew who the main people were that he needed to worry about. Apart from just Sin himself, there were the three who were always by his side: Glutton, Greed, and Garbo. Regularly, Sin would use these three to do the majority of the large dirty work for him—dealing with uncompromising local gangs and even when having trouble with neighboring Tier 1 cities, the other kings.

Of course, Sin himself would regularly appear as well, showing off a flashy display of his powers, which was why he had come to be known as the most active of the kings. Now, he had received news that all of them had arrived.

"Crap!" Kai shouted at himself. He had moved from the Wolf's Pool Club and had returned to Cipen. He was at one of the largest areas of open road, where they had set up a barrier of cars.

He had learned this small trick from Harry Cardenez when they had dealt with their problems. With the large buildings in the way, the easiest way for them to come to the place was through the roads, and now the roads would be heavily guarded and funneled in.

"The reports I've gotten, they've lost sight of Sin and the rest of his group," Kai said.

"Do you want me to go check it out?" Crowley asked. "I can survey the whole area from above."

Crowley's Altered powers were like that of a dark black crow. Kai knew that it would be helpful in their situation, but there was something he was worried about.

"I'm not sure that's for the best. I have reports that the actual members of the Phoenix Gang are coming towards here and Burnham. Although we don't have track of their leaders, it's best we deal with this situation right now," Kai answered.

"You mean, you aren't planning on just defending here?" Crowley replied.

"No, we need to attack. We really need to attack. Get the Altered that you trained ready; they'll be here in about ten minutes, and we need to meet them head-on!" Kai ordered.

Crowley nodded. He wasn't sure it was the best idea, but he wasn't so sure he knew better either. He was a teacher that taught one of the best ways to defend oneself and use their Altered abilities to the fullest. He wasn't a strategist when it came to fights like this. The uneasy feeling, the way they were trapped in the city, it felt somewhat like a war to him.

Kai moved along and positioned several men in the alleyways between the streets just ahead of the main road. Crowley was on watch, having flown on top of one of the buildings, looking down below.

Then standing in front of the cars was Kai himself, and several men stood just behind it.

"No one is allowed to get into Cipen. We have people to protect, those who can't fight. Our family members, school teachers, doctors, and the ones that cook the food and feed us every day!" Kai shouted.

"I know sometimes we can feel distant in this world. Everything comes to us as is. We manage to go to the shops every day and pick out what we like. We can drive on the streets with no bumps in the road and enjoy a drink here and there with each other.”

"That's all because of the hardworking people in Slough. It's because of everything they do that we can do this. But what about us? Those of you who joined the Howlers Gang. You joined because you knew there was nothing for you to do.”

"Maybe you were bad in school, got kicked out, or had one too many fights on the street. Maybe you're quick to lose your temper and just can't take being ordered around, so you joined the Howlers!”

"Well, now it's time for us to do something for all the people that helped us in this city. We are the protectors; we know how to fight, so use it and don't let them in!"

After Kai's resounding speech, everyone behind him cheered. He needed to get them ready; just before battle, he could feel that some of them were nervous and intense. There was a reason why Kai needed to meet the attackers head-on.

From his observation, the Phoenix Gang used plenty of other gangs to do their work for them, but it wasn't as if the Phoenix Gang didn't have low-ranking members. So why not use them? Was it just a case of what was easier for them? No, the reason was that nearly all of those in the Phoenix Gang had some fire-

based Altered abilities, and fire was very destructive.

It could ruin entire buildings, burn up the products they needed, and destroy evidence to be used against them. If fighting started in Cipen and Burnham, then they could say goodbye to the town of Slough as they knew it.

Right there and then, Kai could see it; he could see the crowd of people coming towards him. There were at least thirty of them dressed in the Phoenix Gang clothing, and they were charging right ahead.

Kai took off his Howlers uniform, revealing his body above. He then tied it around his waist. It was something he had gotten used to doing. Right after, he started to run, and in the middle of his run, his body started to transform. His hands touched the ground, and he was in his Wolf form.

He dashed ahead and leaped right in, aiming to bite at the neck of one of the others. But the attacker had lifted up his arm, and Kai's fangs sank deep into his arm instead.

"Everyone!" Crowley ordered, lifting his hand. "Move in!"

From the alleyways behind the Phoenix Gang, those in the black and gold uniforms came rushing in. It was an all-out war between the Howlers and the Phoenix Gang.


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