My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1439: Blood sucking ghouls

Chapter 1439: Blood sucking ghouls

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


***********\Liu Yunsheng suppressed the tumultuous waves in

his heart while struggling to behave normally. He turned to look at Shao Li Jun and said to him, "Brother Jun, can you help me with the assignment? There is something that I wanted to ask you."

Yi Qiu turned to look at Liu Yunsheng with a frown, originally she wanted to ask Shao Li Jun to help her but with Liu Yunsheng asking Shao Li Jun to help him, she was a bit nervous to speak up.

"What did you say?" Shao Li Jun hadn't forgiven this man yet. He was the one who

disrespected his sister-in-law and caused her to leave, if he hadn't done that then Song Yan would have certainly helped their dormitory.

Of course, Liu Yunsheng understood that Shao Li Jun was angry with him. He smiled at him politely and said to him, "Brother Jun, there is no need to act so cold. We are friends in the end, so please help me out a little."

As he spoke, he rushed to Shao Li Jun and started massaging his shoulders. He would rather stick to this man than put his life in danger. However, as soon as Liu Yunsheng touched Shao Li Jun's neck, he felt something burn his fingertips.

Startled, he peered at Shao Li Jun's neck and found that it was a talisman and this talisman around Shao Li Jun's neck was getting hotter and hotter with each passing second.

Liu Yunsheng's heart turned cold as he turned to look at Bai Chonglin.

The poor boy was clinging to Kong Kun for dear life and was not letting go, even though Kong Kun was not showing a good face to him.

The rest of the boys in the dormitory were filled with shock when they saw Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin sucking up to Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun. These two came from wealthy and prestigious families, usually it was the other way around. So why were they sucking up to Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun?

However, no one cared about their weird antics, as they soon forgot about everything and started working on the assignments. Lai Peifeng and Zhang Liu sat next to the two girls from Mei Xing's dormitory and started talking with them.

While He Biya and Wen Shen sat close to one another, the two of them were whispering as if they were really discussing something but whenever Liu Yunsheng raised his head and looked at the two, there was a creepy smile on their faces which scared the living day out of him.

Liu Yunsheng did not like this feeling at all!

He now hoped that the assignments would be finished soon and He Biya would return to her dormitory but Lai Penfeng and Zhang Liu, these two pig teammates!

They continued to chatter and flirt with the girls instead of working on their projects which gave He Biya the excuse to stay in their dormitory longer.

"Alright, how long are you going to joke around?" Liu Yunsheng couldn't help but say to the two boys. "You should focus on your work instead of playing around. The girls also need to go back or are you thinking of keeping them all night?"

Liu Yunsheng was smiling outwardly but inwardly he was tearing a new one for both Zhang Liu and Lai Peifeng. How desperate were these two that they could not even see that there was something wrong with He Biya and Wen Shen?

If not for the fact that these two idiots were with him for months and he was a tiny bit just a tiny bit worried about them, he would have left these two men to die all for the sake of thinking through their middle leg instead of their heads.

Liu Yunsheng was also young and had never seen any brutal scene in his life. He wanted to keep the status quo.

"Master Yunsheng, it is not as if we are keeping them here on purpose. It's just that their assignments need rather a deep study, very deep," Lai Peifeng snickered as he teased the girl next to him who blushed in embarrassment.

Liu Yunsheng almost gagged at his pathetic joke before muttering, "I wonder if you have what it takes to go that deep."

Bai Chonglin on the other hand, gritted his teeth. If he made out of this night alive, he would cripple these two boys until they could no longer hold it up.

The entire dorm didn't sleep that night, however, around one in the morning, Liu Yunsheng and the rest suddenly started feeling sleepy. Mei Xing and Shao Li Jun tried their best to stay awake but they were used to sleeping around twelve or eleven.

Their body clock was set and even if they wanted they could not keep their eyes open for long and ended up closing them.

They did not even know when they fell asleep while sitting on the floor.

However, even when they fell asleep they did not fall in a deep sleep, instead, they were only half asleep.

Every small movement caused them to open their eyes before they fell back asleep. Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin were not any better, they also jumped at the smallest noise and looked around before going back to sleep.

This went around till three in the morning when Liu Yunsheng screamed in terror.

"Master Li Jun! Master Li Jun wake up!" His voice was shrill and ghastly as he woke Shao Li Jun


And Shao Li Jun woke up thinking that something was strangling Liu Yunsheng.

He immediately opened his eyes and realised that his body was being dragged. "What happened.." his words came to a sudden halt when his gaze fell on Wen Shen and He Biya. The two of them had gotten hold of the girls from Mei Xing dormitory.

They were suckling on the necks of the girls until their bodies dried up. The eyes of those girls have long turned white and their bodies were on the verge of becoming bloodless corpses! "Jiangshi," Mei Xing spoke up as she looked at the white pupils of the two girls who were now dead. "They suck the soul as well as the blood of their victims. Once they kill someone, the soul of their victim will be completely absorbed by them and they will never be born again." Her words were terrifying enough but there was something even more terrifying. It was He Biya and Wen Shen themselves!

They no longer resembled their old selves. Their skin was paler than a corpse, there was an ugly grey hue to their skin which was strapped to their bones. Large fangs with sharpened edges were sticking out of their mouths which was larger and wider than any human.

It was dyed red as blood dripped from their mouths, and their eyes were red. Redder than the blood dripping on the floor!

Even though Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin were prepared to see such aching, the terrifying appearance of these two Jiangshis made their legs tremble in fright. What was more, these two things could absorb their souls and they would never reincarnate!

Such a death, who would want it!?

Because of Liu Yunsheng's scream, Lai Peifeng and Zhang Liu also woke up. Yi Qiu who stood next to Mei Xing and Fan Ehuang was yet to recover from the scene that she had just watched.

"What's wrong? Why are you screaming so late at night?" Lai Peifeng said as he was impatient about being woken up so rudely.

However, that did not stop Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin from screaming as they saw He Biya and Wen Shen tear apart the two girls. They were eating their flesh and bones! The sound of bones cracking echoed in the dormitory and sent a chill up everyone's spine. "Fourth grade Jiangshis! They cultivate by swallowing everything," Mei Xing could feel cold sweat covering her forehead. This was difficult, if these were just second-grade ghouls then she would have been able to deal with them but they were fourth-grade, and she was not as skilled as to deal with them!

" that the girls?" Lai Peifeng hurriedly put on his underpants as he had rolled around in the bed with one of the girls after winning her over with his family name and wits. Who would have thought that the girl with whom he slept suddenly turned into a corpse?

"It is because of you!" Fan Ehuang was long disgusted by Lai Peifeng and Zhang Liu. She did not hold back as she scolded them, "A woman's yin energy would turn stronger after she sleeps with a man, which is why they attract ghosts much more strongly than the others. Why couldn't you have kept that thing of yours in your pants? Now look at this!"

There were only two hours before dawn broke, if Lai Peifeng and Zhang Liu had controlled themselves maybe things would not have escalated to this point! ***********Thank you for supporting the story with golden tickets and power stones. Please continue showing your support through golden tickets and powerstones.

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