My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 618: Mo Siye's Plan

Chapter 618: Mo Siye's Plan

“What is this?” Inside the National Academy, Mo Siye looked at the letter in front of him with curiosity.

“Master Siye, could it be that you’ve forgotten? Every year at this time, the Flying Sky Courtyard holds a literature gathering to promote friendship through literature.” 

“In the past, we used to go there to drink and compose poems to give the owner of the Star Seizing Tower a face. Do you think we should go this year?” A man asked respectfully.

When Mo Siye heard this, he remembered the matter and furrowed his brow, “The Imperial Examinations are approaching. Where would we find the time for such elegant activities?” 

“This time, I want the students of the National Academy to take the top ten spots, proving to the world that scholars from poor backgrounds are just a joke!”

“In that case, the students will refuse the invitation. I also heard that students from the Peace Academy will be attending the literature meeting this time. If we were to be in the same place as them, wouldn’t that lower our status?” The man scoffed.

“Wait, did you say that students from poor backgrounds will also attend?” Mo Siye asked suddenly.

“Yes, that news has spread quite far. I don’t know what the owner of the Star Seizing Tower is thinking by allowing commoners to attend the literature gathering. Isn’t that a little too generous?” 

“Besides, there are rumours that members of the imperial family will attend this time. However, most people are sceptical about this claim. Even though the Star Seizing Tower has a good reputation in the Imperial City, it’s quite fanciful to think that they could invite such figures,” the man explained.

Mo Siye fell silent for a moment, then paced back and forth in the room.

The advent of the Imperial Examinations could potentially disrupt the monopoly of power held by the elite in the capital. Of course, he needed to ensure that the National Academy was fully prepared and couldn’t afford to be distracted elsewhere.

This literature gathering, however, presented some difficulties.

Inviting students from the Peace Academy, inviting members of the imperial family, and all this just before the imperial examinations…

Although the man didn’t believe in inviting the imperial family, Mo Siye did.

The person who could control the Star Seizing Tower in the Imperial Capital, how could he be ordinary?

He even heard people mention that the true mastermind behind the Star Seizing Tower might have a terrifying identity.

And this time, the literature gathering will be open to those from poor backgrounds who never had the qualifications to attend before. It’s very likely that someone in the Imperial Palace is making a statement – the situation where the powerful monopolise the court may no longer exist.

If that’s the case, the position of the National Academy in the Imperial City will also be greatly diminished.

At this thought, Mo Siye gritted his teeth and harboured a deep hatred for Qin Feng. If it weren’t for the fact that the other party had established the Peaceful Academy and trained so many students from poor backgrounds, even if Emperor Ming had proposed the Imperial Examination System, it would only have provided another channel for the National Academy to supply officials!

Moreover, the other party repeatedly slapped the National Academy in the face, even shouting the arrogant words, ‘When the sea reaches the shore, the sky becomes the peak; when literature reaches its zenith, I am the peak’, which really did not show the National Academy any respect!

When he saw Mo Siye’s face turn ugly, the man asked cautiously, “Master Siye, what’s wrong?”

“This time, our National Academy will be attending the literature meeting!”

“Ah? But those students from poor backgrounds will also go. Are we really going to be in the same place as them?” The man showed a contemptuous expression.

For them, the ingrained belief in the hierarchy of life has long been deeply rooted. Being with commoners will only make them feel uncomfortable.

“It’s precisely because of this that we must go.” 

“A chicken is still a chicken, even if it has colourful feathers, it can’t become a phoenix. I want to prove this to the world at this literature gathering, before the imperial examination, let those lowly people lose face!” Mo Ji Jiu sneered.

This is not only to promote the strength of the National Academy, but also to retaliate fiercely against Qin Feng for repeatedly insulting him!

“Is Master Siye planning to use the Poetry Banquet?” The man suddenly realised as his face lit up with excitement.

It is well known that poetry is the easiest to pass down from generation to generation because of its concise language, rhyme and vivid expression of ideas and thoughts.

That is why the highlight of the Flaying Sky Courtyard literature gathering every year is the Poetry Banquet.

If they were to defeat the people from the Peaceful Academy at the Poetry Banquet, wouldn’t they become the laughing stock of the world?

“Exactly!” Mo Siye laughed out loud.

He seemed to have already imagined the appearance of those inferior students at the literature gathering, looking like defeated dogs, and felt delighted.

At that moment, the man suddenly thought of something and asked worriedly, “But what about that Qin fellow? His talent in poetry is indeed hard for ordinary people to match.”

Many of the poems circulating in the Imperial City today were written by Qin Feng.

The man was really afraid that the scene where Qin Feng fought several people from the National Academy without losing would happen again.

Upon hearing this, Mo Siye also frowned, “It doesn’t matter. The Poetry Banquet is not just about one person. Even if he’s quite talented in poetry, it’s impossible for one poem to impress everyone.”

“Besides, excellent phrases and sentences often come about by accident. I don’t think his mind can produce poems all the time.”

“After all, everyone’s thoughts will eventually run dry.”

The man believed it to be true and agreed, “Master Siye’s words are very true. I will go and inform the Star Seizing Tower that the National Academy will be attending the literature gathering!”


“Ah, is it a cold spring?” Qin Feng rubbed his nose, muttered, and then continued to infuse Righteous Qi into the little fox in his arms, cleansing his entire body.

The little fox was no longer as reserved as she was when she first arrived. Every time she sees him, she naturally jumps into his arms and curls up into a ball with a look of joy on her face.

Qin Feng also asked Su Tianyue if this little fox could be considered her avatar, only to receive a negative answer.

The other party explicitly stated that this little fox was merely formed from her fur and feathers, containing a trace of her soul, capable only of returning the Ancient Divine Breath that was left after the baptism of Righteous Qi to her body, and nothing more.

Seeing that her appearance didn’t seem to be a lie, Qin Feng didn’t dwell on the matter any further.

After all, just think about it, if one’s avatar was held in the arms of someone of the opposite sex and even touched by their hands, any normal person would feel uncomfortable, right?


A figure suddenly descended, and the newcomer was Cang Feilan.

Her eyebrows furrowed involuntarily as she glanced at the little fox in Qin Feng’s arms.

Even though she had long been accustomed to the other’s presence, seeing her intimate with her husband, she couldn’t help but feel a primal resistance.

As for the little fox, when she saw Cang Feilan’s appearance, her joyful expression suddenly turned serious. Her small body trembled slightly, as if she had been caught red-handed by the head woman.

No sooner said than done, Cang Feilan suddenly pulled out a short dagger from her waist and stabbed the little fox in the eyes.

This sudden turn of events stunned Qin Feng as well, but fortunately, the dagger landed within an inch of the little fox’s body without plunging any further.


The little fox bristled, its small face showing a frightened expression.

“What were you doing?” Qin Feng asked in astonishment.

“Just an illusion,” Cang Feilan muttered to herself as she quietly withdrew the dagger.

Her purpose in doing so was nothing more than to test whether this little fox was the incarnation of Su Tianyue.

From the looks of it, she had indeed overthought it.

Inside the room of the Fox Whispering Pavilion, Su Tianyue was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She just thought that she must be more careful in the future…

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