My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 665: Luo Yu and the Silver-haired Man

Chapter 665: Luo Yu and the Silver-haired Man

In the luxurious room, Luo Yu sat at the table, shaking the teacup gently in his hand. 

In an instant, Xiao Bai, the book boy, entered the room and closed the door behind him.

“Young master, has everyone in the Military War Duke Army settled down?” Xiao Bai asked crisply. 

“There is no one else here. There’s no need for you to talk to me like this,” Luo Yu said slowly, putting down the teacup with a cold expression.

“You’re right,” Xiao Bai chuckled as his face began to distort, his features and body flattening out as if he were a paper figure.

The paper figure wobbled and fell to the ground, and then a puff of yellow smoke rose.

The yellow smoke transformed in the air and soon took the form of a man with silver hair wearing a yellow shirt.

“Every time I see this scene, I feel like you’re performing a magic trick, Sun Qi,” Luo Yu remarked.

The man smiled, “The technique of turning paper into a person is just a little trick of the Yin Four Gates, nothing to write home about. If the young master wants to learn, I can teach you. Just use a living soul as a guide, and then your own blood…”

Before he could finish, Luo Yu interrupted, “I don’t want to hear about your morbid interests. I just want to know how effective divine medicine is now?”

Sun Qi smiled and replied, “Of course, it far exceeds expectations. Regardless of your realm, as long as you take divine medicine, you will be able to strengthen your flesh, spirit, and soul, and raise yourself by one great realm.” 

“However, in the course of testing, we have discovered some minor shortcomings. For example, those who take divine medicine may find that their bodies are unable to withstand the power, causing them to disintegrate.”

Luo Yu furrowed his brow, “You call that a minor flaw?”

“Anyway, for you and Prince Luo, those who take the divine medicine are just consumables, aren’t they? This minor flaw is insignificant,” Sun Qi retorted.

Luo Yu didn’t react, but calmly asked, “How long can the effects of the divine medicine last?”

“It varies from person to person. The stronger and more solid the physical body is, the longer the effects will last. The longest period I’ve recorded is half an hour of maintaining the strength of the second stage. You know who I’m talking about,” Sun Qi replied.

“Bing Mian of the Prison Department…” Luo Yu murmured.

“Yes, even after ingesting the divine medicine, Bing Mian held out for a long time when confronted with the highest combat power of two other members of the Prison Department, and even cut off Yi Mian’s arm.” 

“Unfortunately, this forced power increase did not lead him to understand the principle or the Dao, otherwise it would have been more perfect,” Sun Qi shook his head regretfully.

“That’s enough,” Luo Yu said.

The conversation about Divine Medicine went on for a while. Suddenly, Sun Qi remembered something and recalled, “By the way, there’s someone formidable who has infiltrated the Duke’s Military War Army this time – the former Northern Domain Commander, Ghost Head.” 

“With him around, you’d better be careful not to reveal any mistakes. I want to tell you the true identity of Ghost Head so that you can be careful, but every time he appears, he wears a mask, so I can’t help you.”

Sun Qi shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

“You don’t need to worry. I’ve already guessed his identity.”

“Oh? Who is it?” Sun Qi had a fox-like smile on his face, obviously very interested. 

“Qin Jian’an of the Qin family. This time, both he and his son came, and I arranged for them to stay at the same inn,” Luo Yu replied casually.

Sun Qi blinked, realizing that this meant that Qin Feng was also here?

His narrowed eyes opened slightly, and his eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling: “I see.” 

In Imperial City, the taste of the Qin Feng’s blood infused with Primordial Immortal Qi had lingered in his memory, making him deeply nostalgic. After all, Primordial Immortal Qi was crucial to advancing in the Dao of Immortality!

“I have a plan. First, it can test the properties and power of Divine Medicine. Second, it can divert everyone’s attention away from Prince Luo City. Third, it can significantly weaken the strength of the Military War Duke Army.”

Luo Yu turned his head and looked at him, “Let’s hear it.”

On the other side, in the inn, a veteran soldier spoke loudly, “Although Prince Luo City is relatively safe, it’s not completely foolproof, especially considering that two Heavenly Cities in the Southern Domain have already been destroyed.” 

“As a precaution, except for the soldiers who need to go out on patrol, those who are resting in the city must share a room with at least two people so that they can take care of each other.” 

The soldiers all agreed in unison.

As the room assignments were nearing completion, Qin Feng and his two companions approached the veteran soldier and exchanged a few words.

“You three want to share a room?” The veteran soldier’s expression was somewhat strange. If he remembered correctly, these three had left their posts during the night watch, claiming that they were going to relieve themselves together.

Whether it was using the outdoor latrine or going to a tavern, it inevitably raised suspicion that they had some kind of secret relationship.

The veteran soldier’s gaze lingered on Qin An for a bit longer, even though his face was covered in mud, his features were still noticeably handsome.

Could it be that these few also had such a preference?

At this thought, the veteran soldier couldn’t help but shiver.

Qin Feng explained, “The three of us have known each other since the Imperial City. We’re quite familiar with each other’s backgrounds, so we thought it would be better to stay together and take care of each other.”

“Familiar with each other’s backgrounds…” The veteran soldier’s expression stiffened, and he kept some distance as he said, “You can handle it yourselves, but I must remind you, in order to preserve your strength and prevent an untimely death on the battlefield, you should be careful.”


Qin Feng was confused, not quite understanding the meaning behind his words. Did he mean that they shouldn’t forget to rest while standing guard?

“Elder, rest assured, we will take turns resting,” Qin Feng reassured.

Taking turns… The veteran soldier’s figure trembled, and after a few more reminders, he hurriedly left as if he was fleeing.

“Brother, why do I feel like he looked at us strangely?” Qin An asked curiously.

“It’s a bit strange. Could he have recognized our identities?”

After the three of them entered the room, Qin Feng began to organize the information he already had.

He spread out a map of the southern regions on the table and circled three locations where Heavenly City had been destroyed.

After comparing for a long time, Qin Feng sighed and said, “Could it be that these people randomly selected Heavenly Cities with the sole purpose of obtaining the Dragon Vein essence? I can’t find any similarities among these Heavenly Cities.”

Father Qin seemed to have a thought of something and furrowed his brow, “Perhaps their purpose isn’t to obtain the Dragon Vein essence, but to disrupt the Dragon Veins in the Southern Domain.”

“What do you mean, father?” Qin Feng raised his head.

“Do you know why the Imperial City and the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower established the Huarong Road in the Southern Domain?” 

“Isn’t it to connect various Heavenly Cities?” Qin An replied immediately.

Father Qin shook his head, “Connecting different Heavenly Cities is just an external statement. The real purpose of the Heavenly Tower’sNational Teacher is to use the Dragon Vein Essences from various Heavenly Cities to suppress the abnormal Yin Qi in the Southern Domain.”

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, realizing that the reason for the establishment of the Huarong Road was similar to his initial speculation, “So, Father, you mean they are disrupting the Dragon Vein to release the Yin Qi in the Southern Domain?”

“Yes, but their ultimate goal is unknown. Maybe it’s to revive their Garuda King, or maybe it’s to allow the Drum to absorb a large amount of Yin Qi to repair the injuries the Divine Guardian had inflicted in the past. Regardless of the reason, it’s not good news for us.”

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