My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 681: The Saint Appears, The Divine Guiding The Stars

Chapter 681: The Saint Appears, The Divine Guiding The Stars

The reputation of being the strongest in Great Qian, how could it be unfounded?

Even though he couldn’t leave the thousand-mile radius of the Imperial City, the Divine Guardian was still able to unleash such immense power!

At Zhenling Pass, Ghost Buddha was astonished at this scene. “What… what exactly is this?”

The second number ghost faced man seemed to realize something, and his face darkened. “The Divine Guardian.”

He had thought that their previous encounter with the Divine Guardian in the Imperial City had revealed their opponent’s limitations. But now, it seemed that the Divine Guardian hadn’t even used his full strength to deal with them back then!

Gong Du looked ahead. The vitality of the Candle Dragon had not disappeared. With a grave expression, he said, “If the Divine Guardian can still intervene, then the Candle Dragon is definitely doomed.”

As one of the Twelve Divine Generals of the Demon Slaying Department, he had never doubted the strength of the Divine Guardian.

The blurry shadow shook his head at the words. “Divine Guardian can no longer take action. How many weapons in this world can withstand his power? Since this spear failed to hit the vertical pupil of the Candle Dragon, this battle is over. The Four Regions of Great Qian will suffer the wrath of the Candle Dragon.”

And indeed, as the blurry shadow had said.

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone, but the Candle Dragon was not killed by that world-shattering spear!

The Dragon Soul Crushing Divine Spear pierced the Candle Dragon’s forehead, just inches away from its vertical pupil!

Blood trickled down from its forehead, giving it a ferocious appearance.

And the Dragon Soul Crushing Divine Spear shattered inch by inch under the terrifying force it endured.

If it were an ordinary being from the Transcendence Realm, suffering such heavy blows from the front and the back would undoubtedly result in death.

But the Candle Dragon controlled the Yin and Yang Dao, where Yin represented death qi, the return of the deceased, the cycle of life and death.

And Yang represented infinite vitality!

As long as his vertical pupil wasn’t destroyed, he would remain an immortal existence!

The Blurry Black Shadow led a group of Ghost Masked Men to appear beside Candle Dragon, and at this time, it was their turn to make a move.

The Candle Dragon looked over and smiled grimly, “I remember your scent. It was you who gathered my remains and my divinity and allowed me to return to this world.”

The blurred shadow said respectfully, “This world needs the protection of gods and demons to face the unknown horrors and threats. Therefore, we have gone through great difficulties to resurrect you.”

The Candle Dragon’s expression darkened, its pupils contracted, and its body trembled slightly, seemingly afraid of the unknown terror.

It lightly said, “It seems that you understand some of the secrets of the Immortal and Netherworld realms. No wonder your insight is much higher than those ants’.”

“Originally, I wanted to wipe out all existence in this world, then reopen the cracks between the Immortal Realm and the Netherworld Realm, and cause the remaining gods and demons to descend.”

“But you few seem qualified to do something for me…”

“Now I’ll give you this opportunity, help me exterminate these ants!”

With the cunning and sinister nature of the Candle Dragon, if he was in the past, he would undoubtedly have swallowed the Ghost Face Group without a second thought.

However, at this moment, after being severely beaten by Father Qin and the Divine Guardian, even though it still had some vitality left, it was already on its last legs.

It needed help!

“As you wish.”

Upon seeing this scene, the expressions of both the human and dragon clans turned grim. With the addition of the Ghost Face group, the pressure on them increased significantly. After all, these people were no weaklings. Moreover, Candle Dragon was at his weakest after experiencing several battles in a row, just like them.

In addition, Lord of Marsh had only come to fulfill his karma. After losing an arm, it was unlikely that he would engage in the upcoming battle with full force. In fact, there was a high possibility that he would take advantage of the situation to escape!

“Could it be that our time has truly run out…” Old Man Baili’s expression became extremely solemn.


At that moment, a crisp sound rang out. It sounded like a bell swinging in the wind, but also like a drop of water falling into a clear spring.

Everyone looked around, not knowing where the sound came from. Only Cang Mu, who had been at Qin Feng’s side the whole time, had a look of surprise in her light blue eyes.

Qin Feng stood up, still with silver hair and amber eyes, but two iridescent antlers had grown on his head, emitting a holy aura!

His demeanor was completely different from before, and as he looked at the battlefield, his expression remained calm.

“Qin Feng, you…” Cang Mu exclaimed in surprise.

Qin Feng replied with a light laugh, “Leave the rest to me.”

As his words fell, Qin Feng’s toe tapped on the void, causing ripples to appear as if it were the surface of water.

In a few moments, he traversed thousands of meters and returned to stand in front of the Candle Dragon.

Everyone was stunned by Qin Feng’s current appearance, but Old Man Baili caught a glimpse of something. Qin Feng’s current aura had reached the transcendence realm, and even he couldn’t fathom the depth of his power!

The Candle Dragon looked at Qin Feng, its greed for Primordial Qi rekindling. However, a fear from the depths of its soul silenced it.

It suddenly remembered the day thousands of years ago when the gods and demons descended. That figure in the sky had thrown them into the abyss with a single blow!

‘It’s him… it’s him!’ The Candle Dragon was filled with shock and fear in his heart, but on the outside he said, “Kill him, kill him for me!”

The ghost-faced people did not recognize the fear in its tone and looked at Qin Feng.

Ghost Buddha, who had dealt with Qin Feng before, sneered, “Don’t think that changing your appearance and entering the third-level realm qualifies you for such a battle. Die!”

Ghost Buddha moved first, his six arms suddenly coming together. He wanted to unleash the powerful innate divine ability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to kill Qin Feng instantly!

However, before he could activate his qi, a figure appeared beside him and gently patted his shoulder.

Ghost Buddha’s three heads stiffened as he turned around, his eyes filled with incomparable horror. “You…”

Before he could finish speaking, his body was shattered into pieces under the astonished gazes of the ghost-faced people!

Qin Feng glanced around, causing the Ghost-Faced People to quickly move away from him.

Everything had happened too fast for them to react. In other words, the same thing could happen to them!

Gong Du took down his treasure bow and pulled the string like a full moon.


An arrow ignored the distance between them and shot straight at Qin Feng’s head!

With the understanding of the Arrow Path reaching the Realm of Myriad Gods, the Ghost Faced figures were certain that this arrow would severely injure Qin Feng!

However, what happened next far exceeded everyone’s expectations. Qin Feng effortlessly intercepted the arrow with his two fingers.

Then, with a flick of his hand, he sent the arrow back at Gong Du even faster than it had come!

Gong Du’s eyes widened, and he wanted to say something, but not a single word came out, and the light in his eyes kept dimming. 

A blood hole had pierced his forehead!

The blurry shadow reacted and shouted, “Jinyun!

As a Literary Saint, he felt a strong sense of danger. If he didn’t escape now, he would undoubtedly die!

A gaping mouth appeared in the void, and all the Ghost Faced fihures rushed towards it.

Qin Feng clenched his right hand and formed a miniature world in his palm. When the Ghost Faced figures emerged from the gaping mouth, they were astonished to find themselves still in the same place!

What kind of terrifying means was this?

The Ghost Faced figures were like turtles in a jar, but Qin Feng decided not to deal with them.

As Candle Dragon sensed the danger, it began to swing its massive body and flew towards the horizon!

In the Transcendence Realm, Candle Dragon had a strong premonition of life and death. There was a voice in its mind constantly urging it to flee!

But how could he escape from Qin Feng now?

With a wave of his right hand, moonlight cascaded down, and Candle Dragon’s huge body seemed to be frozen in midair, unable to move!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng appeared in front of the Candle Dragon.

Its face was filled with fear, and in its huge pupils, the image of Qin Feng in front of it overlapped with the image it held in its mind.

“N-No… please don’t kill me. I’m useful to you. I can tell you about the anomalies in the Immortal Realm. They… they will also come to this world. You need me!” The Candle Dragon trembled.

“Zhu Jiuyin, if I don’t kill you, how can I comfort the departed soul?” Qin Feng said softly. 

Zhu Jiuyin was the true name of the Candle Dragon!

The divinity of the transcendence realm was tied to one’s name, and Qin Feng intended to erase the Candle Dragon’s existence from the world!

He raised his right hand, and a golden light converged on his index finger.

Behind him, countless white dots appeared, and each of them turned into a phantom.

These phantoms slowly placed their hands on Qin Feng’s right hand.

Among them were the unjustly deceased commoners, the fallen soldiers, and even the deceased Father Qin!

Father Qin looked at Qin Feng, smiled with satisfaction, and then nodded slightly.

Tears welled up in Qin Feng’s eyes. He exhaled slightly and tapped the vertical pupil of the Candle Dragon with his index finger.

This was the Divine Guiding The Stars



The Candle Dragon’s vertical pupils began to disintegrate, and with them, his massive dragon body shattered inch by inch!

Then came a deafening roar.

That terrifying being, the god that had descended in ancient times, finally vanished from the world at that moment!

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