Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 168: Reinforcement

Chapter 168: Reinforcement

"Little brother, thank you so much. You are our savior. I apologize for my previous behavior. I would like to apologize to you here and hope you don't take it to heart. I will definitely treat you to a meal when we meet again."

Qin Zong stood at the entrance of the residential area, holding Yang Jian's hands gratefully.

"I doubted you before and I feel ashamed. This is my personal compensation. I hope you can accept it. The password is written on the card."

Qian Zong was even more direct. He stuffed a card into Yang Jian's pocket as a token of gratitude.

After escaping from death, the previous losses in business were already forgotten. There was only joy and gratitude.

Yang Jian, a remarkable person.

This was the only thought in their hearts.

Yang Jian looked at their grateful expressions and his face looked strange.

Fortunately, they didn't know the truth. If they did, they would probably jump up and try to harm themselves.

After a while, the two bosses left their business cards, and Yang Jian couldn't resist their enthusiastic gratitude, so he also left his phone number before bidding them farewell.

"It's better to keep them in the dark." Yang Jian looked at the card in his pocket.

There should be at least a few million in it.

Bosses like them wouldn't be stingy.

Thinking about it, he happily returned to the sales office.

"Everything is settled." Yang Jian placed the contract on the table. "Now this residential area belongs entirely to Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Xiangu, who was waiting for a response at the sales office, showed a happy expression. He never expected that something he thought was impossible could be easily accomplished by Yang Jian. He smoothly obtained the transfer contract.

"I will draft another transfer contract immediately and transfer some properties to your name," Zhang Xiangu said.

Yang Jian smiled and shook his head. "Uncle Zhang, you understand the business better than me. I only want the final profit. The properties can remain in your hands. There's no need to make it complicated. Just leave me a few buildings and villas, and the rest can still be under your control."

"That's not a problem. We can still split the profits afterwards," Zhang Xiangu nodded.

"But Uncle Zhang, can you pay me in the form of gold for the money I receive?" Yang Jian said.

Zhang Xiangu laughed. "You seem to be interested in gold. The recent gold prices have been rising sharply. If you convert the money into gold, you will suffer losses. If the gold price drops one day, you will suffer heavy losses."

"It's okay. I don't need that much money anyway. Gold is very useful to me," Yang Jian said. "And I believe that gold will appreciate in value. Uncle Zhang, why don't you also convert the excess funds into gold and keep them? You won't lose out in the future."

"I am a businessman. Funds need to circulate. It's the most loss-making investment to convert them into gold and leave them there," Zhang Xiangu rejected with a shake of his head.

Yang Jian didn't say much more. After all, Zhang Xiangu had a big family business and not buying gold wouldn't affect him much. He just considered it as earning a little less.

"Now that the contract is settled, what about Zhang Wei? How do you plan to solve his situation, Brother Tui?" Zhang Xiangu changed his address and affectionately called Yang Jian Brother Tui.

"Dad, you still remember me? I thought I was picked up by you. After talking about business for the whole afternoon, don't you see what situation I'm in now? I'm still being haunted by ghosts. I might die at any moment. Are you thinking of having a child with that Aunt Huang after I die?" Zhang Wei put down his phone and complained.

"What are you thinking? How could I not care about you?" Zhang Xiangu coughed.

He had indeed been too busy and forgot about it.

"It's getting late now. I need to investigate the source of the ghost's appearance in the entire residential area. This little time might not be enough. Let's start tomorrow. Before that, keep Zhang Wei away from any mirrors and reflective objects. There won't be any danger for now. The same goes for everyone else," Yang Jian said.

"Will there really be no trouble?" Zhang Xiangu asked.

"It's been over a week without any trouble. Today won't be an exception. Don't worry, I will solve this matter. After all, I will be living here in the future," Yang Jian said.

"By the way, deduct the 50 million for buying the sales office from my profit. I hope Uncle Zhang can arrange for the sales staff and some things to be moved out of here today. After all, this will be my home in the future."Zhang Xiangu laughed, "That's not a problem. Although the price is a bit high, this sales department is indeed a good place. We've put a lot of effort into decorating it. Since it's your first time here, let me give you a brief introduction. The first floor is the lobby, which used to be the office for the staff. After they move out, you can use it as a living room. The second floor is a rest area with a gym, a billiard room, and a swimming pool. The third floor has a living room, a tea area, and a small bar. The fourth floor is my office and rest area, and the fifth floor is currently vacant, so you can arrange it as you wish."

"Considering that we would be staying at the construction site for a long time, the sales department has everything you need. You can just move in. The only downside is that there are not many rooms, only five guest rooms on the fourth floor and my master bedroom."

He enthusiastically explained the situation to Yang Jian.

"The rooms are enough," Yang Jian nodded, "But I feel a bit guilty for Uncle Zhang's generosity."

Zhang Xiangu obviously loved the place very much.

"What does it matter? You've helped me make such a big deal. A sales department is nothing. Besides, you're buying it with your own money. And with so many houses in the community, I can set up a new sales department in no time. I just hope you can help more with Zhang Wei's situation," Zhang Xiangu said without any hesitation, then added with a serious tone.

Yang Jian said, "Don't worry, Uncle Zhang. I will handle Zhang Wei's situation."

"But I have something to do now. I need to go to the city. Let Zhang Wei wait for me here tomorrow, and we'll take action then."

"Alright, no problem. Thank you for your hard work, Brother Jian," Zhang Xiangu said.

"You're the one who's working hard, Uncle Zhang."

Yang Jian smiled, then glanced at Zhang Wei, "Be careful."

Zhang Wei asked, "Careful of what? I'm not planning to leave. I'll stay here tonight. Why don't I wait for you to come back and we can sleep together?"

"...You might as well die. But I can't be sure what unexpected changes might occur if that ghost succeeds. But I think you're the root of it, so the best scenario is that you don't get messed up by that ghost," Yang Jian said.

"Alright, I understand," Zhang Wei nodded seriously.

"Then I'll go first."

Without lingering, Yang Jian quickly drove out of the community and returned to the city.

He still had to move his gold from Jiang Yan's apartment and check on the paranormal event at the Rose Bar.

Even if he didn't get involved, he needed to understand the situation.

Driving his Mercedes at high speed on the highway, he soon entered the city. At this time, he saw a helicopter hovering over Dachang City, ready to take action at any time.

"A helicopter? Could it be that Zhao Jianguo has called for reinforcements from other ghost tamers?"

Yang Jian frowned and thought to himself.

It was very likely, because there was no other possibility.

Zhao Kai was trapped in the "Ghost Knocking" incident. Under his refusal to support, Zhao Jianguo's only method was to transfer manpower from other places.

And the fastest support tool was naturally a helicopter.

"Even if they come, they will die. I've tamed two ghosts and I don't dare to face the knocking ghost. Other ghost tamers won't be much better," Yang Jian took his eyes back, turned the steering wheel, and bypassed the direction of the hovering helicopter.

He didn't want to get involved.

Moreover, compared to the death of others, he would rather see Zhao Kai die in this incident.

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