Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 171: Tong Qian

Chapter 171: Tong Qian

At this moment.

The second floor of a hot pot restaurant by the roadside.

The place was dimly lit, with all the lights turned off. Only a few scattered beams of light from mobile phones gathered in a corner, faintly accompanied by suppressed sobbing and murmured conversations.

Dozens of people gathered here.

They were the survivors involved in this incident. After experiencing some things, they began to understand what they were facing.

Fear was almost destroying their sanity.

The reason they hadn't completely collapsed was because of one person.

An international criminal police officer.

On a chair outside the crowd, sat a tall woman. She was dressed in the uniform of an international criminal police officer, with her hair tied up in a ponytail, giving her a very capable appearance.

Her mature and cold face was filled with seriousness and unease.

Her name was Tong Qian, an international criminal police officer from another city. She was also responsible for handling supernatural incidents in a city. Because the city she was in charge of had a small population and very few supernatural incidents occurred, her daily responsibilities were not heavy. However, when the "Ghost Knocking on the Door" incident occurred in Da Chang City, she was assigned by the Asian division to provide support.

However, the situation here was worse than she had imagined.

As soon as she entered the Ghost Domain, Tong Qian felt that something was wrong.

She hadn't encountered the door-knocking ghost mentioned in the files, but just the number of ghost slaves here made her feel creepy.

This was no longer just facing one ghost, but a group of ghosts.

Coupled with being trapped in the Ghost Domain.

Tong Qian no longer had the confidence to lead these survivors out of here alive. All she could do was hold on for as long as possible, wait for the situation to change, and wait for support from above.

So she gathered dozens of survivors and hid in this hot pot restaurant.

However, at this moment, a woman's scream immediately changed her expression.

"Who is making noise? Didn't I tell you all not to shout, no matter what happens? If you want to survive, listen to my commands." Tong Qian stood up in annoyance and turned around to scold.

"She, she was the one who screamed." A person next to her pointed at a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman had a very ugly expression and stammered, "No, it wasn't me, it wasn't me."

"If it was you, then it was you. Why deny it? Tell me, what was the reason?" Tong Qian said.

"I already said it wasn't me. You can't blame me." The middle-aged woman refused to admit it.

Tong Qian raised an eyebrow. "If there is any situation, speak up immediately. This is a special time. Any abnormality must be reported to me. The place we are in is very special, and the situation is more complicated than you can imagine. There won't be another chance for such chaos. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, I can't guarantee the safety of all of you."

"Aren't you a police officer? How can you say such things?" The middle-aged woman blamed her.

Tong Qian's face sank, and she was about to speak, but a voice immediately made her tense up and couldn't help but turn around to look.

"Step, step~!"

The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs came clearly from the darkness ahead. Each step was heavy, stiff, and not as light and agile as a normal person's footsteps.

As soon as Tong Qian heard this kind of footsteps, she could tell.

It was a walking corpse.

"Everyone, be quiet." Tong Qian whispered.

She quickly approached the glass door of the hot pot restaurant and shone her military flashlight towards the front of the staircase, trying to use the strong light here to see clearly what was walking up the stairs.

If it was a ghost slave, Tong Qian was confident in dealing with it.

The footsteps gradually approached the second floor from the bottom.

Although the light from the military flashlight was bright, after passing through the darkness, only a layer of hazy light covered the stairs. Although it was not bright enough, it was still possible to see the situation ahead.

The stiff and heavy footsteps were getting closer.

Tong Qian's heart tightened.

She understood that the ghost had arrived.

Sure enough, it was too naive to hope to avoid all dangers by hiding in the hot pot restaurant.

But hiding here was also a helpless move. There were too many survivors, and with their psychological state, each one was a burden. It would be more dangerous for them to wander outside individually. It was better to gather together and hide in a certain place.

After a moment.

The staircase, covered in a hazy light, suddenly revealed a head.

Tong Qian's beautiful eyes suddenly contracted.

It was an old man, with a withered face full of wrinkles, empty and lifeless eyes, and a dead gray color. The skin on his emaciated body was covered in corpse spots, as if he had been dead for several days. He was wearing an old-fashioned black one-piece gown, and his stiff feet made heavy footsteps on the steps.

And as this old man approached, the strong light from the flashlight seemed to be forced back.

A darkness gradually encroached.

The surrounding objects were affected, the ground was decaying, and the walls were crumbling.

"This ghost... is extraordinary." Tong Qian's heart instantly turned cold.She had been a detective for so long and had never seen such a terrifying ghost.

Just a glance made her feel like she was having a nightmare.

There was almost no need to guess, Tong Qian could already be completely sure that this was the culprit of this supernatural event, codenamed: the old ghost knocking on the door.

"What should we do? What should we do now? Should we escape?" Tong Qian forced herself to calm down and quickly started thinking.

She could still leave on her own.

But the dozens of survivors behind her would probably be left behind.

But the old man in front of her wouldn't give her that time to think.

At this moment, the old man had already walked up to the second floor and was heading straight towards the store.

Although Tong Qian and the old man were less than three meters apart, separated only by a glass door, she didn't dare to act rashly. She didn't have the confidence to deal with this ghost, and she didn't come here to solve the supernatural event, but to save people and minimize the damage.

She didn't act impulsively, but slowly retreated.

The old man didn't walk in as she had imagined. Instead, he stopped mysteriously at the door, then slowly raised his stiff and skinny hand and knocked on the glass door.

"Thud, thud~!"

Dull, oppressive, almost suffocating.

Tong Qian had read the file on the ghost knocking on the door event, and her face suddenly changed. She shouted, "Leave this place, all of you leave."

The others were stunned, not understanding what was going on.

"Quick, go through the side door," Tong Qian shouted again.

Only then did the others wake up, and several screams rang out as they panicked and fled towards the side door.

But when the first person ran to the side door, they crashed into the wall with a loud bang, and even their nose started bleeding.

The previous door had disappeared.

There was only a wall covered in moss, emitting a rotten smell.

"What's going on?" Tong Qian turned her head and saw that the door had disappeared, her face suddenly changed.

She looked at the glass window facing the street.

It had also disappeared, turning into an unbreakable wall.

Even the hotpot tables inside the store began to disappear.

"This place is not a hotpot restaurant at all," Tong Qian suddenly realized.

"Thud, thud~!"

The knocking sound came again.

With chaos and screams in the crowd, someone fell to the ground with a thud, lifeless and cold.


Tong Qian understood that this was the ghost knocking on the door's way of killing. Knocking on the door to kill, almost impossible to solve, as stated in the file.

"There's no other way." She gritted her teeth and untied her ponytail.

Her hair fell loose, falling in front of Tong Qian.

Without the cover of her hair, a pale and eerie face appeared behind Tong Qian.

This face had a nose and a mouth, neither male nor female, with closed eyes and a smile that curled upwards, revealing a pale and eerie smile.

Ghost-faced Tong Qian.

That's how she was called in the detective file.

With her back to the old man outside the door, Tong Qian turned her head to face the face growing on the back of her head.

"Giggle, giggle~!"

In the next moment, the mouth of the face cracked open, emitting a chilling and eerie laughter. The laughter couldn't be described in words, sharp... eerie? Just hearing it made people instinctively understand that it was a ghost laughing, definitely not a human.

The laughter of the ghost-faced Tong Qian echoed.

The old man at the door suddenly stopped knocking.

His stiff and skinny hand froze in mid-air.

The knocking sound of death was stopped.

But the restless revival of the ghost inside Tong Qian's mind couldn't last forever.

And to restrain this old man, she needed a ghost's power that exceeded her imagination.


Tong Qian felt the face on the back of her head moving forward while laughing.

She knew that once this ghost face moved to her face, it would completely cover her own face.

By then, she would no longer be human, but a ghost.

"I can't go on like this." Tong Qian realized that this was not good. She immediately turned around, combing her hair over her head to cover the ghost face.

The laughter stopped.

The movement of the ghost face also stopped.

But as soon as the laughter of the ghost face stopped, the terrifying knocking sound followed.

"Thud, thud~!"

Wearing a black robe, covered in corpse spots, the old man raised his hand again and knocked on the door.

Like a headless fly, another survivor among the chaos fell to the ground with a thud.

Killing by a fierce ghost, it was that simple.

As the survivors saw three people die beside them, their panic grew, screams and cries for help echoed non-stop.

Tong Qian bit her lip and finally made up her mind. She turned around and shouted, "Stop screaming and shouting, think of a way to leave this place. You can leave from anywhere. I'll temporarily hold off this... ghost."After speaking, she once again brushed back her hair.

"Is it worth it? If you continue like this, you'll soon die from the revival of the fierce ghost. When that happens, with two more ghosts here, these survivors will only die faster." However, at this moment, a calm male voice suddenly echoed from a corner.


Tong Qian was startled and immediately turned to look.

In an inconspicuous corner of the wall, a young man in a short-sleeved shirt had appeared at some point. At this moment, a ghastly gash had opened on his forehead, and a crimson eye was staring in this direction.

In the man's hand, he held a crimson candle.

The candle was lit.

It emitted a greenish glow, eerie and gloomy.

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