Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 174: Ghost under the streetlight

Chapter 174: Ghost under the streetlight

"Where are you going now?" Tong Qian asked Yang Jian after he hung up the phone and found a confident-looking bicycle on the side of the road.

She couldn't help but ask, as she scanned the QR code to unlock it and prepared to ride.

"I'm looking for someone," Yang Jian said.

"Is it important?" Tong Qian asked.

"For me, it's more important than anything else," Yang Jian replied.

"What about these survivors? Aren't you going to take care of them?" Tong Qian asked.

"You should be able to take care of these survivors," Yang Jian said.

"But I'm not confident in dealing with that ghost. If you leave and the ghost comes, these people will definitely die," Tong Qian said.

"I suggest you take them with you. If we need to take action, we should do it together. With our abilities, we should be able to save these survivors," Tong Qian said.

"No, I plan to act alone for now. Don't worry too much about that ghost. Since you have already avoided one attack, the next attack should be some time away, so you are safe for now," Yang Jian said.

"But..." Tong Qian frowned.

"There are no 'buts.' If you want to leave here, you can only listen to my arrangements," Yang Jian cut her off directly. "Wait for me nearby."

"What if you don't come back?" Tong Qian asked.

"Then it can be announced that all of you are dead," Yang Jian said.

"That's not acceptable. You can't sacrifice so many people just to save one person. I hope you can find a way to get them out of here immediately," Tong Qian grabbed Yang Jian's bicycle and stopped him.

Yang Jian stared at her for a moment, then suddenly grabbed her neck and pressed her down to the ground.

"You..." Tong Qian's face changed drastically. She never expected Yang Jian to suddenly attack her.

But before she could say anything, a gun was pointed at her head.

"That's enough. I don't need you to command me when I'm doing things. If you want to save people, I won't stop you, but don't stop me when I'm trying to accomplish something. If you dare to say another word, I'll blow your head off with a single shot. I want to see if the ghost face behind you can protect your beautiful head," Yang Jian's face turned cold. The golden gun in his hand was already loaded and the safety was off.

His finger was on the trigger, and with just one pull, Tong Qian's head would explode.

"You're crazy," Tong Qian widened her eyes.

"This world easily drives people crazy," Yang Jian stared at her intently. "So, are you going to stop me or not?"

As he spoke, his finger slowly began to bend.

Tong Qian could even see the signs of the trigger being pulled.

This Yang Jian really dared to shoot himself.

Zhao Jianguo, what kind of person did you bring to support us?

Are all the ghost tamers like this?

Or is it just this guy?

Tong Qian rarely interacted with other ghost tamers. The city she was responsible for was just a small city, not even considered a fourth-tier city. Moreover, supernatural events in the city were extremely rare. Apart from her contact with the higher-ups, she had little contact with others in this circle.

Yang Jian's actions and behavior shocked her inexplicably.

It was as if he had revealed a cruel side of this world.

"This person is like a wolf struggling to survive in the darkness. Although he occasionally shows a bit of kindness, it can't hide his true nature," Tong Qian silently thought to herself. "This person is very dangerous. I must keep my distance from him in the future."

However, she had not yet realized that the world was undergoing changes, and a certain order was collapsing.

Zhou Zheng's way of doing things would no longer work.

People like Yang Jian were more suitable for the future survival environment.

"What kind of detective are you? You've driven away others. When he leaves, who will protect us? We don't have the ability to protect ourselves. From the beginning, I felt that your attitude was wrong. You started lecturing us with all these principles. If it were me, I wouldn't feel comfortable either," one of the survivors, an older woman, accused with a squint.

"At critical moments, women are unreliable. I don't know what's going on in their minds," another survivor said.

"We're done for. That capable guy rode away on his bicycle, and all of us will die in this ghost place," hearing these words from the survivors, Tong Qian's expression changed, but she couldn't refute them.

She really couldn't handle the current situation.

"Tong Qian's character is good, but she is too idealistic and hasn't recognized the cruelty of reality. Such a detective doesn't even have the qualifications to be a teammate. Teaming up with her would only be a burden. In my opinion, she won't be able to survive more than two supernatural events alone, unless she relies on others," Yang Jian rode his bicycle on the road, his eyes scanning the surroundings, thinking to himself.

Because Tong Qian had a fatal flaw - the inability to make rational judgments.

This might not be a problem for ordinary people, especially for a woman with good looks.

But it was unacceptable for a ghost tamer.

When dealing with fierce ghosts, the most important thing was to have a calm mind and judge the situation, knowing when one could handle it and when one couldn't.Because one wrong step meant death, there was no second chance.

In this regard, he felt that the one who did it best was Zhao Kaiming.

Although he was an enemy, Yang Jian had to admire Zhao Kaiming's meticulous approach. If it weren't for the phone spreading the curse of the "Ghost Knocking on the Door", which caught him off guard and dragged him into this incident, his life or death would be unknown.

Otherwise, Yang Jian would have been constantly on the defensive.

Most importantly, he couldn't find an opportunity to fight back.

Because Zhao Kaiming knew very well that he couldn't deal with Yang Jian, who was now controlling two ghosts. Even as a criminal police officer in Dachang City, he had to hide.

"But this time he's also in this ghost domain, and the incident happened because of him. If everything went smoothly, Zhao Kaiming should have died somewhere... If Zhao Kaiming really died, then there shouldn't be just one ghost here, there should be two."

"I should be more vigilant."

Thinking of this.

Yang Jian became even more cautious.

He decided to take a look around here. If he couldn't find Jiang Yan, he would save a few people and leave. Just to show some effort, he would give Zhao Jianguo an explanation.

Jiang Yan's life had to be given up.

Although this woman did help him a lot, he didn't owe her anything. He did lend a hand when encountering supernatural incidents, but if her luck was really that bad, there was nothing he could do.

If he continued to stay here, Yang Jian would only lose more.

With that in mind.

He rode his bicycle, walking on the dark streets.

No matter how dark the surroundings were, how he couldn't see his hand in front of his face, his ghost eye could see clearly.

If everyone here was going to die, Yang Jian believed, he definitely wouldn't be included.

"There seems to be something wrong with this ghost domain."

After riding his bicycle for a while, Yang Jian suddenly saw a street lamp by the roadside again.

All the other street lamps were off, only that one was on.

Under the street lamp, there was a stiff person standing there, still with his back to Yang Jian, exactly the same as the scene he had seen before.

Without a doubt, the person standing in the light under the street lamp was a ghost.



Yang Jian stopped his bicycle, frowning.

But the ghost eye on his forehead told him that this was not an illusion, nor was he lost.

Because he didn't rely on his own eyes to see the road, but on the ghost eye, some things in the ghost domain couldn't confuse him.

Unless... this ghost had changed its position, and he had just encountered it again.

"I can go and see, to confirm whether I'm lost, or if there's something wrong with this ghost." Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, not wanting to continue wasting time going around in circles, and decided to ride past.

If it was a ghost slave, then it was just a false alarm.

But to be on the safe side, he lit the ghost candle again.

The eerie ghost fire emitted a strange glow.

This glow enveloped Yang Jian, giving him a sense of security.

The ghost candle fire, which could even repel the door-knocking ghost, had no reason to fear a ghost slave.

But when he was riding his bicycle, with the ghost candle lit, slowly passing by.

Something unexpected happened.

The fire of the ghost candle suddenly flared up as if gasoline had been poured on it.

The candlelight flickered violently without any wind.

At the same time, the speed at which the candle was burning increased dramatically.

In just a few seconds, the ghost candle had burned five centimeters in length.

"This is impossible." Yang Jian abruptly stopped his bicycle, his pupils contracted, and he quickly retreated.

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