Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 187: Old house

Chapter 187: Old house

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Two community patrol cars were driving on the clean and tidy oil-stained road in Guanjiang Community.

"We are now at Building A. On our left is the villa area, on our right is also the villa area, and in front is also the villa area... There are a total of, um, I don't know how many villas in Area A, but there are definitely a lot. Currently, they are not yet available for sale. What? A few units have already been sold? Okay, a few units have already been sold, but it seems that no one is living there yet."

A manager stood in front of the patrol car and introduced to Yang Jian and Zhang Xiangu in the car.

"As a manager, isn't this introduction too amateurish? Our friends are watching, please be more professional."

Zhang Wei looked at the manager and said, "Dad, can we fire him? I feel embarrassed to have such an amateurish manager."

Zhang Xiangu pondered for a moment and said, "I'm afraid we can't."

"Why? Aren't you in charge here? How come you can't even fire someone?" Zhang Wei said, "If you don't say it, it's just embarrassing for our uncle. If you say it, it's embarrassing for our whole family."

"... " Zhang Xiangu's face was a bit awkward.

Yang Jian sat in the car, observing his surroundings, trying to find something unusual.

But everything seemed calm.

"Let's continue forward. No need for introductions. Just go around that way and try to pass by every building. I will try to find something unusual here," he said.

"Okay, understood," Zhang Wei's uncle said awkwardly.

The community was large.

It exceeded Yang Jian's estimate a bit. If they continued at this speed, it would probably take one or two hours to complete a round.

But the thought of owning forty percent of such a large area still made him a little excited, giving him a feeling of becoming a landlord.

"Tui Ge, have you found anything?" Zhang Xiangu couldn't help but ask after a while.

Yang Jian shook his head. "Everything seems normal for now. There doesn't seem to be any paranormal events here. But if there were, I would have some sense of it."

His ghost eyes could perceive the presence of ghosts in the surroundings.

Even without relying on his ghost eyes, any place where paranormal events occurred would always have something abnormal.

"We are heading towards Area D. It's a building under construction. I hope nothing happens there," Zhang Xiangu said.

"Why?" Yang Jian asked.

Zhang Xiangu replied, "Those buildings are all high-rise buildings being sold as regular commercial housing. If there are any problems and the entire building has to be abandoned, the losses would be significant."

Yang Jian looked up and saw a row of densely packed high-rise buildings in front of them. Most of them had already been completed, but there was one construction site that was still ongoing. However, it had been temporarily suspended, and only a few workers were maintaining the site.

When the car entered this area.


He felt something and couldn't help but look towards the abandoned wasteland at the back of the community.

In that abandoned place, there were some old buildings, dilapidated wooden houses, and some newly built mud houses. But one of the buildings, made of green bricks and with a Republic of China-style architecture, caught his attention.

"Zhang, what is that area?" Yang Jian asked.

"That should be owned by Mr. Qin. But I remember it used to be a small village with only a dozen households. Later, Mr. Qin demolished it and relocated the residents to other places. This should be the remaining part that hasn't been demolished yet," Zhang Xiangu said.

"Drive the car over and take a look," Yang Jian said.

Zhang Xiangu frowned immediately. "Could there be a problem in that area?"

"There is no problem with that area. I feel that something is not right with that building," Yang Jian said.

He was referring to the old Republic of China-style house covered in climbing plants.

The house had two floors, all built with green bricks. The wooden beams supporting the tiles on the roof had rotted, causing a large area to collapse. The top was covered in weeds and moss. On the walls of the house, there were dense layers of ivy, with lush leaves. However, due to the lack of inhabitants for a long time, the desolation and dilapidation of the surroundings added a touch of gloom to this old Republic of China-style house.

"There is something wrong with this house," Yang Jian closed his eyes and vaguely felt the restlessness and unease beneath his skin.

And the closer he got, the stronger this feeling of unease became.

At this moment, Zhang Xiangu said, "I just asked the foreman under Mr. Qin about it. He said that the reason this piece of land is left here is because they haven't found the original owner of that house yet. Because of the ownership issue, the land has been abandoned there and they haven't started construction."

"Yes, it's that house," he also pointed to the old house covered in ivy.

"Stop the car," Yang Jian suddenly said.

The car immediately stopped.

"Don't drive forward anymore?" Zhang Xiangu asked.

"No need. I'm afraid something unexpected might happen if we continue," Yang Jian said. "I want to know some information about this house, anything will do."

At this moment, he was completely certain.

This house was very unusual.

The restlessness of his ghost eyes became more apparent.

"Okay, I'll have someone inquire about it," Zhang Xiangu said.

He immediately asked his subordinates to find the foreman and workers responsible for the demolition of this area.

Meanwhile, Yang Jian got out of the car, frowned, and looked at the building from a distance.

He observed carefully.

Soon, he noticed something very strange.

This house didn't have any windows.

That's right.

There were no windows on the first or second floor.


Not that there were none, but they were never built in the first place.Yang Jian even circled around, but he didn't see a single window on the side of the house.

An old house without any windows.

This was clearly against common sense.

Every house would have windows, it was a traditional architectural style since ancient times.

Unless... the original owner of the house had no intention of staying when he built it. But the specific reason for doing so, probably only the first owner of the house would know.

But that was something from the Republican era.

It was over a hundred years ago, and Yang Jian couldn't possibly ask about it.

"Staring for so long? Is that house haunted?" At this time, Jiang Yan came over, curiously looked at it, and then asked in a low voice.

"Most likely." Yang Jian squinted his eyes, "But to be sure, we have to go and see for ourselves."

"Don't look at me, I'm not going with you." Jiang Yan shivered and immediately took several steps back.

Yang Jian said, "I didn't ask you to go. Zhang Wei, you have to come with me later."

Zhang Wei was the source, always accompanied by a ghost. If he wanted to solve the problem, he had to be present.

"No problem." Zhang Wei gave a thumbs up.

At this time, Zhang Xiangu said, "I had someone inquire about the situation of this building. The information we got was not much. We contacted several local residents who were relocated. They only knew that an old man lived there more than forty years ago. The old man died of illness one winter, and the villagers helped with the funeral. After that, the house was locked up and abandoned."

"People used to live there?" Yang Jian was surprised.

"Indeed, that's what the relocated residents said, it should be correct." Zhang Xiangu said.

Yang Jian asked, "Didn't the old man have any relatives, children or something?"

"It's been a long time, the old people who knew about it have passed away, and the relocated residents didn't mention the details." Zhang Xiangu shook his head.

Many people still remembered things from more than forty years ago, and they were not forgotten.

But the information that could be traced back was just that little.

"I see, it seems I have to go there myself." Yang Jian's gaze once again fell on the old house from the Republican era.

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