Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 189: Mysterious mirror

Chapter 189: Mysterious mirror

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An abandoned house from the Republican era that has been deserted for decades, with walls made of three-meter-thick green bricks, and three special doors... These seemingly ordinary pieces of information have actually revealed a lot of crucial things.

Yang Jian can be sure that the person who built this house never intended to permanently hide what is inside, but rather wanted to release the things inside the house at some point in the future.

It's simple.

If they really wanted to protect it so carefully and hide it forever, they wouldn't have built a house and exposed it so obviously.

Because even the most solid house will eventually collapse.

And the things inside the house will also see the light of day when that day comes.

So he can assert that the things in the three rooms are definitely not simple.

They are definitely important but also very dangerous.

If they weren't important, they wouldn't have been left for future generations, and if they weren't dangerous, the rooms wouldn't have been built so securely.

"If that's the case, I want to see what's inside these three rooms." Yang Jian narrowed his eyes, feeling a bit interested.

A curiosity to explore unknown and mysterious things surged within him.

He opened his Ghost Eyes, and the darkness in front of him instantly disappeared without a trace, revealing a world of crimson in his mind.

Even without the light from his phone, Yang Jian could clearly see what was behind the wooden door that had been opened.

At first glance, all he saw was a thick wall inside the room.

Covered in dust, with a damp and decaying smell.

"But someone has been here before. The lock has been cut with tools, and there are footprints on the ground. I'm not the first one to enter this room." Yang Jian glanced at it and cautiously walked in.

After walking through a thick stone passage, he arrived in a nearly sealed small room.

There were no windows or ceilings, and all sides were made of green bricks. There was no light inside.

As Yang Jian entered, the light from his phone illuminated the surroundings.

There were some wooden furniture scattered on the ground, such as stools and tables. They had been there for a long time and seemed to have been left behind by the previous owner of the house. However, they were ordinary objects and nothing strange. They were almost completely decayed now.

Apart from these inconspicuous things, Yang Jian suddenly saw a mirror in a corner of the room.

It was a Republic-style dressing mirror, taller than a person.

The mirror stand was made of copper, but it was covered in rust, while the mirror surface was as new as ever, shining brightly. It looked like it had just been bought. If it weren't for the old stand revealing that this item had a history of at least a hundred years, one couldn't tell from the mirror alone.

Next to the mirror, there was an old oilcloth scattered, which seemed to have been used to cover the mirror.

There were also some construction helmets and tools used on construction sites in other places, such as pliers and hammers.

These things were new and did not belong to this room itself.

"It's obvious that these tools belong to the workers on the construction site," Yang Jian frowned. "Zhang Xiangu said that some workers went missing on the construction site. Could it be that they disappeared here?"

"In that case..."

He suddenly looked at the mirror that looked as good as new.

With some caution, Yang Jian walked up to the mirror and suddenly found that there was no reflection of himself in the mirror.

A mirror that couldn't reflect a person's appearance.

"Indeed, the problem lies with this mirror. The missing worker must be related to this mirror... And the ghost that can't be seen following Zhang Wei is wearing the clothes of a worker. Everything points to this mirror."

Many of Yang Jian's doubts were resolved.

But there were still questions.

Although this mirror is eerie, what is its real purpose?

It's unclear, and it requires some dangerous experimentation.

"The mirror is placed facing the door, which means that anyone who enters will see the mirror. This is what the original owner wanted to see. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been designed and placed like this. But the mirror is covered with oilcloth, so the original owner didn't want the mirror to suddenly reflect a person... It's a very contradictory design."

After thinking for a moment, Yang Jian decided to test it himself.

To avoid taking unnecessary risks, he even directly lit a Ghost Candle.He reached out to touch the mirror that reflected no one.

Something eerie happened.

His hand actually went through it.

Darkness, coldness, as if he had plunged his hand into an ice cellar.


Yang Jian's face changed drastically, feeling several hands grabbing his arm from inside the mirror, pulling him in relentlessly.

Trying to drag him entirely into the mirror.

"Damn it."

Yang Jian quickly withdrew his hand.

Perhaps it was due to the ghost candle, or some other reason, his hand was successfully pulled back from the mirror.

However, there were several greenish handprints on his arm.

The handprints varied in size, some belonged to children, some to the elderly, some to women, all different.

"Ghosts! It's full of ghosts."

Yang Jian shivered, feeling a chill.

There were many ghosts in this mirror.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but step back a few steps.

This mirror was too dangerous, too terrifying.

If all the ghosts in the mirror were to escape, the consequences would be unimaginable. Perhaps the entire Da Chang City could fall due to this mirror.

"Was the original owner of this dangerous thing insane? He put it in a wooden door. If it were me, I would definitely box this thing up and throw it into the sea, never to see the light of day again." Yang Jian's face was full of uncertainty.

"Wait, this thing is definitely not as simple as I thought. If it was just a ghost mirror, the original owner wouldn't have placed it like this."

"If the original owner really wanted to destroy the world, he wouldn't have built a house specifically to preserve this thing."

"I think, the original owner's real intention was not to let this ghost mirror destroy the world, but to leave it to future generations, hoping they could make use of it."

Use such a terrifying thing?

Yang Jian felt it was somewhat illogical.

But this was the only reasonable deduction. Otherwise, whether it was the layout of this building, the placement of the mirror, or the choice of the three room doors, they were all carefully considered.

The person who built this place must have been very intelligent and undoubtedly a ghost controller. It was a pity that such a person was probably dead. Otherwise, it would be great to meet him and learn about certain things.

But were there ghost controllers a hundred years ago?

What about two hundred years ago?

How far back can the existence of ghost controllers be traced?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian couldn't help but have another question.

But thinking about this now was meaningless. One thing was certain, this house was hiding a very big secret.

The mirror was just one of the secrets.

The bigger secrets were hidden in the first and second rooms.

Behind the golden door and the copper door.

"Brother Leg, come save me, come save me, I can't beat them..." At this moment, Zhang Wei's cry for help came from downstairs.

Yang Jian's face darkened.

He almost forgot, this guy was still downstairs fighting with Tiger Brother.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Jian blew out the ghost candle, left the room, closed the wooden door, and went downstairs.

He would deal with these two outdoor live-streamers first, and then he would have plenty of time to study this... ghost mirror.

That's what Yang Jian named this mirror in his mind.

As for the things in the room, they were temporarily safe.

As long as he didn't mess with them, nothing would happen.

It had been over a hundred years and everything had been fine, so it wouldn't be a problem now.

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Zhang Wei and Tiger Brother lying on the ground, rolling around, their faces red and ears hot, hugging each other tightly, cursing each other's parents, and their hands and feet greeting each other.

They looked like they were in a love-hate relationship, just short of kissing.

The scene was too beautiful, he could hardly bear to look directly at it.

"Seeing you guys like this, I'm afraid you'll accidentally start making out on the spot." Yang Jian walked down slowly.

He had seen Zhang Wei's fighting skills before, he was a weakling, otherwise he wouldn't have called for his help directly.

He didn't expect Tiger Brother to be a weakling too.

Weaklings pecking at each other.

What he couldn't accept the most was that Tiger Brother's little follower was actually live-streaming the whole scene with his phone.

"Brothers, no problem, how's Tiger Brother's fighting skills? If you're enjoying it, double tap 666, reward a little red flower and I'll let Tiger Brother spank him." The little follower shouted while filming.

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