Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 196: Invisible hat

Chapter 196: Invisible hat

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several consecutive gunshots echoed in the residential area, brief and urgent.

The sound was loud, even Yang Jian in the room could hear it.

Is this the sound of a gun?

Immediately, Yang Jian frowned and became alert.

How could there be gunshots in a peaceful residential area?

"Could it be Zhang Wei testing the gun? No, the sound is not right. The gunshots are urgent, as if someone is in danger."

While he was thinking, his peripheral vision caught something.

Yang Jian suddenly saw the black cloth covering the ghost mirror in the room suddenly bulge up, revealing the outline of a palm.

It was as if a hand suddenly reached out from the ghost mirror.

"What's going on?" Yang Jian tensed up.

The ghost mirror had been quiet for several days, so why did it suddenly make a move today?

Could it be related to the gunshots earlier?

Or perhaps, one of the balances inside the mirror was broken, and a ghost was about to come out?

But before he could think further.

As the black cloth covering the mirror fell off with the hand, the ghost mirror appeared in front of him again.

Inside the mirror, a person who looked exactly like Zhang Wei was reaching out of the mirror, with a terrified expression on his face. He struggled to escape from the mirror. However, from all directions, pale, decaying hands reached out and grabbed his body and legs, pulling him into the mirror.

It seemed that the ghost inside the mirror didn't want to let go of Zhang Wei.

"This is different from before." Yang Jian's expression remained unchanged.

Previously, the ghost that looked exactly like Zhang Wei had been standing in the mirror for three days without any movement or initiative to come out.

"Brother Tui, help me!" Zhang Wei struggled to stick half of his head out of the mirror, as if a drowning person gasping for air.

Soon, the hands inside the mirror pulled Zhang Wei back into the mirror again.

This time, Zhang Wei had no strength to resist and was pulled further away.

"Could it be..." Yang Jian recalled the words of the human skin paper.

If the information revealed by the human skin paper was true...

The next moment.

Yang Jian suddenly appeared in front of the ghost mirror. At the moment when Zhang Wei's hand entered the mirror, he immediately reached in and grabbed his arm.

The warmth of a living person transmitted through his arm. This touch confirmed that Zhang Wei was alive, not a ghost.

"Just as I suspected."

Yang Jian exerted force, trying to pull Zhang Wei out.

But countless hands behind Zhang Wei provided endless resistance. Before he could pull him out, this force instantly pressed him against the mirror, and half of his body was pulled into it. He couldn't resist.

The power coming from the mirror was not something a human should possess. If he hadn't been stuck outside the mirror, he would have been pulled into the ghost mirror in an instant.

"You want to snatch someone from me? Get lost." Yang Jian opened his ghost eyes.

Red light penetrated into the mirror and enveloped Zhang Wei.

He hoped to save Zhang Wei using the same method he had used to save his cousin.


When he tried to transfer, he failed.

A hand without skin, dripping with blood, firmly grabbed his ankle. The ghost domain couldn't affect that hand, and instead, even the ghost domain felt a bit restricted.

"What kind of thing can grab a person even in the ghost domain?" Yang Jian was shocked.

He could influence other hands, but not that one.

There was no other way. Since the power of one ghost was not enough, the power of two ghosts should be enough.

The black ghost shadow under Yang Jian's feet also entered the mirror.

This was a dangerous move.

Once the ghost shadow was pulled into the mirror and merged with a ghost's body, it was uncertain whether it would instantly counterattack after leaving the mirror. After all, the warning from the human skin paper was still in his mind.

But as the ghost shadow entered.

Yang Jian felt the tremendous pulling force disappear.

The hand grabbing Zhang Wei's ankle seemed to have chosen to let go.


Yang Jian fell backward, pulling Zhang Wei out of the mirror.

"That scared me. I was just doing my business in the toilet, and suddenly it turned dark. Then, in the blink of an eye, I encountered ghosts, not just one." Zhang Wei sat on the ground, still in shock, and then looked around. "What is this place?"

"Tui-ge, is it really you? I thought I was seeing things earlier, but I didn't expect you to be here too."

Yang Jian ignored him and looked at the mirror.

Zhang Wei inside the mirror had disappeared, and the hands had also disappeared. The mirror had once again become a smooth surface.

"Are you really Zhang Wei?" Yang Jian couldn't be sure. He used his ghost eyes to examine him but didn't find anything unusual.

He touched Zhang Wei's chest.

He felt the heartbeat and body temperature.


It was truly unbelievable. How did Zhang Wei end up inside the ghost mirror?

"Why are you touching my chest?" Zhang Wei said.

"Is it not allowed?"Zhang Weidao said, "It's not impossible, but it feels a bit too intimate. If someone saw us, they would definitely suspect we're gay."

"Stop talking for a moment, let me think." Yang Jian picked up the Human Skin Paper again.

At this moment, a sentence was displayed on the Human Skin Paper:

"Zhang Wei died and then came back to life, resurrected from the Ghost Mirror. The information I received before was true. However, the resurrected Zhang Wei doesn't seem to remember what just happened. His memory is frozen at the moment he first saw the Ghost Mirror. The Ghost Mirror resurrected the past Zhang Wei, not the current one. Is the past him and the current him really the same person? I don't know."

"As a price for resurrection, a ghost was released. I can't be sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Yang Jian looked at these lines of text, his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

It seemed that Zhang Wei's death and resurrection were real.

Everything the Human Skin Paper had said before was correct. It really could resurrect the dead.

But there was a prerequisite: one must leave their shadow on the Ghost Mirror.

Something like saving a game?

"Let's put this aside for now. Zhang Wei's death must be related to the gunshot we heard earlier. In other words, something has happened in the community." Yang Jian squinted his eyes and quickly put away the Human Skin Paper.

A gunshot had been fired, this was no ordinary matter.

He had a vague premonition that this was aimed at him.

"Go downstairs and find a place to hide. It's dangerous here. Don't go out until I come back." Yang Jian said, "Also, don't touch that mirror, and don't enter this room. Be careful not to be pulled back by the mirror again."

"No problem, Brother Leg." Zhang Wei nodded.

After saying this, Yang Jian immediately left.

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