Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 242: First attack

Chapter 242: First attack

The surroundings are very wrong."

At the front, Zhang Han suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Listening to the footsteps coming from the corridor, it seemed that a group of people were walking down the stairs, and at the same time, there were footsteps coming up from the lower floors.

The sound was dull, completely lacking the agility of a normal person, and instead, it was mechanical and stiff.

Everyone present had dealt with supernatural events before, and upon hearing these footsteps, they were all keenly aware of what was happening around them.

"It's more than just wrong, we're practically surrounded. Could it be that the ghosts from earlier have already woken up?" Sun Yi started to panic.

"We can't move forward, and we can't go back. What do we do now? This is a dead end. Are these things going to force us to jump from this high-rise building?"

"I don't mind jumping, but Professor Wang might not be able to handle it." Wang Xiaoming's expression changed, but he remained calm. "Don't panic. It's only a matter of time before we have a direct confrontation. As long as you can withstand this wave of attacks, the situation will reverse, and everything will change. If we can't hold on, then we should be prepared to die here together."

It seemed like he didn't intend to escape, but rather to resist.

"Professor Wang, are you kidding? Judging by the sound of the footsteps, it's not just one or two simple ghosts. Can this number be sustained?" Someone was dumbfounded.

"No, you're wrong. There is only one real ghost. What we are about to face are just the ghosts that have been born later. I believe that these derived ghosts are just an incomplete form of a ghost and cannot possess all the characteristics of a ghost. The ghost child that passed by earlier is the best evidence."

"Besides, Yang Jian has already gone to get what I need. If the ghosts attack us, it means that his side is safe. As long as his actions are not compromised, the plan will proceed as normal."

Zhao Kaiming said with a serious face, "What if he doesn't come? Won't we die here in vain? Professor, isn't it a bit reckless to pin all our hopes on him? I don't trust Yang Jian."

"It's not that I want to pin all our hopes on him, but that's the only thing we can do. We have no choice." Wang Xiaoming said calmly. "And he will come. He's a smart person. There's no benefit for him if we die. If there's only one ghost handler left in Dachang City, his chances of survival are not great."

"It's decided. This is not the place for a direct confrontation. Follow me. I remember there should be a ward on this floor. We can enter the lower floor through a small platform with an air conditioner. It may not have a big effect, but at least it can leave us a way out, better than being surrounded here."

After Wang Xiaoming finished speaking, he immediately took action.

"Damn, it looks like we have no choice but to fight. If I had known, I should have followed Yang Jian." Zhang Han cursed under his breath, hurried back, and then followed the others to a ward on this floor.

Just as the group had not gone far, on the dim staircase below, the footsteps turned the corner, and through the dark haze, one could clearly see people slowly walking up, and stopping on this floor.

At the same time, the footsteps from upstairs also arrived on this floor.

Two dark figures converged at the stairwell, blocking the entire staircase.

From the faint silhouette, it could be discerned that the number of people who appeared was not just a few, but at least twenty or thirty.

But that's not all.


The sound of the elevator stopped, and two large elevators in the hospital arrived on this floor at the same time.

The doors of the two elevators opened automatically, and they were also filled with people.

People from upstairs, downstairs, and the elevators, all converged at this moment. These people were all silent, walking stiffly in the dim hospital, and their direction was surprisingly consistent, all heading towards the direction Wang Xiaoming was leaving.

This floor became even darker, and in this darkness, it seemed that everything around was gradually disappearing.

As if it had been swallowed up, leaving only a vague outline, and eventually, even that outline was gone.

"This is it."

Wang Xiaoming led the others to a relatively spacious ward. There were no patients here, as they had all been evacuated earlier, leaving only empty beds.

"Close the door first, then pull up the bed sheets, make a rope. If we really can't hold on, we'll retreat first. But in my opinion, this kind of retreat is just delaying the inevitable. If the situation can't be reversed, then all the delay is futile."

The remaining people were silent, quickly locking the door and blocking it with some unused items.

But everyone knew very well that these measures would not affect the overall situation. The ghosts would find you no matter what.

At a critical moment, they still had to rely on the ghosts they controlled.

Only with the power of the ghosts could they deal with the ghosts.

However... even so, they still felt very uncertain.

They had limitations when using the power of the fierce ghosts, while the real ghosts had no limitations.

Just as the group was making ropes with the bed sheets and leaving a retreat route, heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor outside. The footsteps were dense, and even through the walls, the number of those things outside could be felt.

"They're here," Zhao Kaiming said in a low voice.

The hearts of the people trembled, and their movements involuntarily stopped.

The ghosts had arrived.

Just outside the door, separated by a wall.

Wang Xiaoming stopped talking and just stood at the back, shining a flashlight in front to maintain the surrounding light, while also maintaining absolute calm.

He was just an ordinary person, and in this situation, he had no means of counterattack. Because he had come to Dachang City in a hurry, he hadn't brought many life-saving items, and even Li Jun, who was supposed to protect him, was left in the laboratory.So all he could do now was to remain silent and not cause any trouble for these ghost controllers.

Everyone stared intently at the sealed door, their hearts in their throats.

They were terrified that the door would be pushed open by the ghosts in an instant, and they would surge in and kill them on the spot.

However, the situation was not as they had imagined.

The footsteps outside the door suddenly disappeared.

No, not disappeared, but the ghosts outside had stopped their steps, standing outside the ward.

The dense footsteps began to gradually fade away.

This disappearance did not bring any relief; on the contrary, it was incredibly oppressive, because the disappearance of each step meant that a ghost had taken its position outside the door.

"Why haven't they attacked directly? What are they waiting for?" Zhang Han's palms were already sweating with cold.

He felt that this incident was far more terrifying than the Huanggang Village incident.

"Look, the wall is changing," Sun Yi suddenly exclaimed, pointing ahead.

The wall that had been blocking the ghosts outside was now rapidly dimming, its color blending with the surrounding environment, turning into a dark, greenish-black haze.

But this dark greenish-black was even more intense, like darkness itself.

Even flashlights could no longer illuminate this wall.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but retreat, no longer daring to approach this pitch-black wall.

But then, something terrifying happened.

A protruding outline suddenly appeared on the pitch-black wall. At first, the outline was only slightly raised, but it quickly became clearer, and the outline on the dark wall rapidly transformed into the pattern of a human face.

It had eyes, a nose, and all the facial features.

Soon, as the face became clearer, the darkness began to recede, and a greenish-black face of a dead person appeared before everyone.

At first glance, it looked as if a dead person had been embedded alive into the wall.

The eyes on this dead face were empty sockets, with eyes inside, but pitch-black, devoid of pupils, exuding a strange color. Yet, when those pitch-black eyes saw the people, they slightly moved, revealing a sinister ferocity amidst the eeriness.

It was as if everyone had been targeted, sending shivers down their spines.

Below this face on the wall, another area began to bulge slightly, and the outline of a body gradually emerged.

A greenish-black arm, like a corpse's livor mortis, stretched out from the wall.

This ghost was actually forcing its way through the wall, ignoring all barriers.

And it wasn't just this one face; other faces began to appear one after another on the wall.

One, two, three... dozens of faces imprinted on the pitch-black wall, quickly passing through it, attempting to enter the ward.

Although they knew a wall couldn't stop these ghosts, the way they entered the ward chilled everyone to the bone.

"Even matter can be changed? This is no longer something a mere ghost domain can achieve," Wang Xiaoming frowned deeply, feeling for some reason that this operation seemed doomed to end in a terrible defeat.

"Let's stop them together," a ghost controller let out a cry of terror and despair.

At this time, there was no need to be stingy with the power of the fierce ghosts; if they couldn't withstand this wave of attacks, everyone would die.

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