Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 248: Motionless corpse

Chapter 248: Motionless corpse

After the withered fingers pierced the neck of the ghost, Yang Jian didn't even have time to wait for the result. He had to seize the last bit of time that the ghost candle was burning to deal with what was to come. Otherwise, even if he succeeded, he and his companions would still die, and it would be completely meaningless.

He felt the restlessness of his body's recovery stop.

The ghost candle not only suppressed the other ghosts, but also suppressed the recovery of his own ghost eyes.

The last eye still didn't grow back.

As long as it didn't fully recover, he still had a chance to recover. After all, he had previously controlled two ghosts and could barely maintain balance.

Rushing to Zhang Han's side, Yang Jian didn't try to save him first. With his strength, he definitely couldn't open that bloody hand. Instead, he looked directly at the dark shadow beneath him.

The last flicker of the ghost candle was still burning.

Taking advantage of this suppressed time, Yang Jian proactively made contact between the ghost eye in his hand and the ghost shadow.

He felt one eye being stripped away from his body and entering the ghost shadow.

This kind of stripping was very brief.

After one ghost eye was stripped away, Yang Jian felt a lot lighter, and at the same time, the last flicker of the ghost candle was completely extinguished.

The suppression disappeared.

The ghost shadow lost control again, but it was too late. One ghost eye had already entered the ghost shadow's body. Without having its own body, the ghost shadow couldn't possess the ghost eye, unless it took over Zhang Han's body. Then, the ghost eye wouldn't be suppressed, but rather given as a body part.

It could be said that this was a very dangerous moment.

If Zhang Han died, the ghost shadow would lose control, possess Zhang Han's body, take the ghost from his body, and then take away his own ghost eye.

An unknown horror would appear once again.

This horror would definitely be no less than what Ye Feng had just experienced, and might even surpass it.

At that moment, Yang Jian could proudly declare before his death: "Did you see this ghost? It's powerful, right? Yes, I raised it."

Then, when other ghost tamers made contact, they would not hesitate to curse Yang Jian's ancestors.

At this moment, a strange eye on the dark ghost shadow emitted a red light, somewhat restraining the out-of-control ghost shadow.

But it wasn't enough.

At least five ghost eyes were needed to restrain this thing.

Yang Jian didn't care about the extinguished ghost candle. He quickly transferred the ghost eyes to the ghost shadow, using each eye to tightly restrain it, while also reducing his own burden. This way, he could barely recover to his previous state.

The process was somewhat perilous, but fortunately, the ghost shadow was brainless and attacked Zhang Han.

And Zhang Han was also a person who controlled two ghosts. He wasn't so easily controlled and could still struggle and resist. If it turned to attack him instead, Yang Jian would probably die in this state.

When Yang Jian's fifth ghost eye successfully transferred to the ghost shadow, everything was settled.

The open eyes were like five nails, pressing the ghost shadow to the ground and preventing it from moving.

At the same time, the black shadow gradually peeled away from Zhang Han's body, preventing it from obtaining a body.

Zhang Han felt the thing controlling him disappear, and he immediately let go of his arm, gasping for air and coughing violently.

Just now, he had almost strangled himself.

If he had died like that, he would definitely be laughed at by his peers.

"Did it work?" Zhang Han rubbed his neck, in extreme pain, his voice hoarse.

"I don't know, I can only say that the situation is temporarily stable. As for the rest, we'll have to see how it goes," Yang Jian said, feeling his body recovering at this moment.

But he still had four eyes on his body.

He didn't know how many times the power of the fierce ghost could be used. Once the ghost eyes recovered, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand it with the ghost shadow.

This time, Yang Jian had almost pushed himself to the limit.

Zhang Han glanced at the motionless Ye Feng and breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems to have worked. Otherwise, it would have started attacking you by now. How did this ghost thing come about? Why did it turn into Ye Feng's appearance and control the two ghosts that originally belonged to Ye Feng?"

"Who knows, but I feel like this matter is not over yet," Yang Jian said, seeing something under his ghost eyes that Zhang Han couldn't see.

Outside the ghost domain, the third-stage ghost infants that had gathered were still not dispersing. Although they were all motionless, it was only because there were no targets around, not because Ye Feng was restricted.

The horror was still continuing...

"Hurry up and pack up this ghost thing, then leave this place," Yang Jian said. "What about the container?"

Glancing around, he saw the golden box on the cart.

Without hesitation, he pushed the cart into the ghost domain, then went to the dead Ye Feng.

"I'll help you," Zhang Han, feeling a little better at this point, immediately stood up and helped Yang Jian move Ye Feng's body.

Even though the body was motionless, it still made people feel fearful.

Because if this body moved, it would be to eat people.

"Yang Jian, should we take off the shroud? It's too dangerous to put it on this ghost thing. I suggest storing it separately, at least not letting the fierce ghost wear it. Otherwise, we won't be able to deal with it next time," Zhang Han said.Zhang Han felt a headache upon seeing the shroud.

Yang Jian's gaze shifted slightly: "That makes sense."

"Don't handle it yourself; this shroud is very strange. We can't afford any more trouble now. I'll use the Ghost Shadow to take it off."

This shroud had brought him too much trouble.

It was a hidden danger whether worn by a person or a ghost.

Controlling the Ghost Shadow to condense into a pair of hands, he attempted to untie the shroud and remove it from the fierce ghost.

However, as soon as he had undone one button of the shroud, the deceased Ye Feng's hand moved slightly, and a pair of pupil-less eyes began to shift, looking towards Yang Jian.

"Damn." Zhang Han was startled and quickly retreated several steps.

Yang Jian's expression became grave: "It seems we can't touch this shroud. I suspect it maintains a balance with the ghost teeth. Once it's removed, the remaining ghost teeth will be completely controlled by the fierce ghost. A ghost controlled by another ghost is equivalent to being fully revived. I'm afraid this finger won't be able to suppress it."

"Then let's pack it up for now and study it later," Zhang Han said.

"That's the only way," Yang Jian replied.

Although it was a pity they couldn't remove the shroud, for safety's sake, they had to give up.

They rebuttoned the shroud on the deceased Ye Feng to minimize the risk of revival and then stuffed the cold, stiff corpse into the coffin together.

The coffin, crafted from gold, was sufficiently large, having been prepared for a fierce ghost, so fitting a corpse inside was not an issue.

After placing the body inside, they closed the coffin and sealed it temporarily. If conditions allowed, it would be best to weld it shut completely.

But there should be no problem.

The fierce ghost had been suppressed, and placing it in the coffin was just an extra precaution, ensuring that even if the finger became ineffective, it would still be contained.

"Phew, finally dealt with it. This thing is too terrifying."

Zhang Han wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "By the way, how's the situation with the professor? He's not in trouble, is he? If he dies, the mission assigned to us would be botched."

Yang Jian said, "Isn't protecting Wang Xiaoming the task of me and Zhao Kaiming? You're not a criminal investigator, so how come you have this mission?"

"There's a dirty deal," Zhang Han whispered.

"..." Yang Jian said, "Let me check."

He didn't know whether Wang Xiaoming was dead or not, as the situation had been extremely dangerous just now, and there was no time to care about so much.

With four Ghost Eyes on his body, the gloom couldn't block his vision.

He could see everything around him clearly.

Soon, he saw Wang Xiaoming in the restroom.

He was unharmed.

He was just sitting next to Sun Yi's corpse with his eyes closed, waiting for fate's arrangement.

But Zhao Kaiming had disappeared at some point.

"When did Zhao Kaiming leave here? How could he have left under those circumstances?" Yang Jian's expression changed.

At the same time, he faintly felt that Zhao Kaiming seemed to be plotting something in secret.

Otherwise, why would he participate in every operation and do nothing after joining, just like an invisible man?

"Can't worry about that now. My Ghost Domain can't be maintained for too long. If I keep draining it and the Ghost Eyes revive, I'll be done for. Since Wang Xiaoming is not dead, let's take him and leave this place."

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